induration of skin , causes, symptoms, disease, treatment in homeopathy

An Overview On Suppuration And Amp; Induration With Their Homoeopathic Management

Abstract : Homoeopathy in daily life is efficacious in curing indurations and suppurations

In our daily practice we commonly come across these clinical conditions i.e. suppuration & induration Suppuration is a process in which tissues and inflammatory exudates are liquefied by the action of pyogenic organisms and it is a common result of microbic inflammation. Pyogenic bacteria liquefy exudate by peptonizing it. The pyogenic organisms are very irritant when deposited cause inflammation, inflammation leads to exudation, but exudates cannot coagulate or coagulates but imperfectly, because it is peptonized by ferment of micro-organisms.
If an area of embryonic tissue is invaded by pyogenic micro-organisms, it is promptly peptonized. The peptonizing action is upon the fibrinous elements of an exudates and upon the fibrinous elements of an exudate and upon the intercellular substance of embryonic tissue is called pus. In suppurations induced by staphylococci a barrier of leukocytes is first formed around the region of irritation, this barrier is reinforced by fibroblasts, the pus is imprisoned, and rapid spreading and wide diffusion are prevented.
In inflammation induced by streptococci the peptonizing action of the organisms is so great that no barrier of white blood-cells or proliferating connective – tissue cells forms in the time to imprison the micro-organisms, hence the suppuration spreads rapidly and widely. Suppuration can be induced by infection of pyogenic bacteria, by their entry through a wound, and by rubbing them upon skin.
In some rare instances, especially when the diet has been putrid, they may enter through the blood and lodge at a point of least resistance. When a medullary canal suppurates after a chill to the surface or after a blow that does not cause a wound we know that the organisms must have arrived by means of the blood.
Organisms which reach a point of resistance through the blood come from some atrium of infection which may be discoverable or which may not be found.

The entry of pyogenic bacteria does not necessarily cause suppuration , as the healthy human body can destroy a considerable number , even if given in one “ dose” , but large number in a healthy , or even a small number in an unhealthy , organism almost certainly leads to pus-formation .
The pus of all acute abscesses contain bacteria of suppuration, but the pus of tuberculose abscesses doesnot , unless there be a mixed infection , in other words , pure tuberculous pus is not pus at all .
Suppuration is announced by the intensification of all local inflammatory signs. The heat becomes more marked, the discoloration dusky, the swelling augments, the pain becomes throbbing or pulsatile and the sense of tension is greatly increased .

The skin at the focus of the inflammation after a time becomes adherent to the parts beneath, and fluctuation soon appears.
This adhesion of the skin is a preparation for a natural opening, and is known as pointing.
An important sign of pus beneath is edema of the skin. This always observed in a superficial abscess, and is sometimes noticeable in empyema or pyothorax, in appendiceal abscess, & in perirenal suppuration. The above symptoms can reinforced and their significance proved by the introduction of an aseptic tubular exploring needle & the discovery of pus.
Irregular chills , high fever & drenching sweats are very significant of suppuration in an important structure or of a large area.

Induration is localized hardening of soft tissue of the body. The area becomes firm but not as bone .
The process of becoming extremely firm or hard, or having such physical features.
A focus or region of indurated tissue . syn .sclerosis
Induration is word originated from indurated ; Indurated means Hardened , usually used with reference to soft tissues becoming extremely firm but not as hard as bone.

An abnormally hard spot or place adj; adj indurative black induration the hardening and pigmentation of lung tissue seen in coal workers ‘Pneumoconiosis’ brown induration.
(i) A deposit of altered blood pigment in lung pneumonia
(ii) Increase of pulmonary connective tissue and excessive pigmentation , due to chronic congestion from valvular –heart disease , or to anthracosis

Gray induration – induration of lung tissue in or after pneumonia , without the pigmentation seen in brown induration .
Cyanotic indurationhardening of an organ from chronic venous congestion .
Granular induration – Cirrhosis
Red induration –red, congested lung tissue seen in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Gray induration – a condition occurring in lungs during and after pneumonic processes in which there is a conspicuous increase in fibrous connective tissue in the walls of the alveoli , and also within the alveoli (for example fibrous organization of exudate) in contrast to brown induration , there is usually not a prominent degree of pigmentation , unless chronic passive congestion is also present.
Cyanotic induration – Induration related to persistent , chronic venous congestion in an organ or tissue , frequently resulting in fibrous thickening of the walls of the veins & eventual fibrosis of adjacent tissue the affected tissue becomes firmer than normal and tends to have an unusual ,red-blue color.
Brawny induration : inflammatory hardening & thickening of tissues
Brown induration : a deposit of altered blood pigment in the lung
Marked increase of the connective tissue of lung & excessive pigmentation due to long –continued congestion from heart disease
Fibrous induration : Fibrous hardening of tissue or organ induced by diffused scarring .
Froriep’s myositis fibrosa
Laminate induration . a thin layer of round-cell infiltration of corium in chancre
Phlebitis induration ; indurated cellulits
Indurative – pertaining to marked induration

Now coming across all these in our daily practice we as homoeopaths give wonderful cures of these therefore , I am highlighting some of the medicines usually used :
Acetic acid: It is indicated in indurations in stomach
Allium sativa is indicated in suppurating pimples on vulva during menses.
Ammonium Carbonicum is indicated in suppuration & itching of ears, -Hard swelling of the glands
-Teeth, inflammatory swelling, suppuration and easy bleeding of gums
Amphisbaena it is indicated in suppuration of inguinal hernia.
Anantherum muriaticum: Painful swelling of various parts , going on to suppuration .Glandular inflammation.
Antim crud is indicated in suppurating long lasting eruptions on cheeks
Arsenic alb is indicated in ready bleeding suppurating ulcer
Aurum metallicum – Indicated in swelling & suppuration of the inguinal glands from syphilis or the use of mercury.
Baryta Carbonica – is indicated in chronic enlargement & suppuration of tonsils aggravates after every slight cold or following suppressed foot sweat.
Articum Lappa is indicated in suppuration of axillary gland.
Bromium – is indicated in suppuration of left parotid gland.
Bufo rana – is indicated in suppuration from every slight injury.

About the author

Dr Anindita Das

PG scholar Dept of Hom.Phar