Dr.Satyajit Kuchar - How to Study Allens Keynotes in Practice in Homeopathic Materia Medica

How to Study Allens Keynotes in Practice in Homeopathic Materia Medica

Allens Keynotes is one of the most popular and widely read materia medica. The reason for its popularity being its preciseness and comprehensiveness. Dr. Allen has presented the keynote symptoms of 188 of the more commonly used remedies on a style that is very easy to read and comprehend. He has used italics and bold print to emphasise the weighting of the symptoms and has included a section on the bowel nosodes and a section on imponderables and nosodes. A classic of Homeopathic literature. Allen’s keynotes is one of the simplest books in homoeopathy, yet one of the most complicated ones as most people don’t know how to use it.

About Henry C. Allen :

Henry C. Allen (1836 – 1909) was an American homeopath. He served as a surgeon in the US army, did medical work in several places in the USA and founded the Hering Medical College and Hospital. He wrote many medical books and articles and was senior member of the American Institute of Homeopathy.

How to use or study Allen Keynotes in Practice: Dr.Satyajit Kuchar

Materia Medica Part 1:

Materia Medica Part 2:

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