Role of Diet and Regimen in Diabetes and Spondylolisthesis Diabetes Mellitus - homeopathy360

Role of Diet and Regimen in Diabetes and Spondylolisthesis Diabetes Mellitus

Spondylolisthesis: (Stress fracture)

Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition that causes pain mostly at lower back.

To understand the condition, we have to know few structures as vertebrae, nervous system passing through them and the discs in between; in simple terms it’s a layer of cream biscuits piled one over the other. Biscuits – vertebrae, cream-disc respectively. Imagine what will happens when the biscuit is pressed the cream gets out same happens at vertebrae with discs in between causing pressure to the nerves which runs in and around it.

So the posture, shape of the spine which is curved, injuries, and genetic abnormalities plays a role in the spondylolisthesis. This typically develops over time, not suddenly except in case of injuries.

Pain may be felt like muscle strain, increased with activity, some pains go down along the legs; tightness between hip to knee.

Diabetes Mellitus:

The uncommon disease which became casual, Diabetes mellitus is caused by slow / lack function of a cluster of beta cells islets of langerhans of an endocrine gland (one of the first gland to develop during embryo logical development) called pancreas.

Let’s think about what really is the role of insulin in our food and drinks which we ingest.

Food we eat is converted in mostly 3 parts carbohydrates, fats, proteins along with vitamins, minerals. Your pancreas makes a digestive juice that has enzymes those carbohydrates, fats, proteins. Carbohydrates into simple sugars, fat break down in to fatty acids glycerol; proteins into amino acids.

Your blood carries simple sugars, amino acids; glycerol, vitamins and salts, minerals into the liver for use and storage purpose. The fatty acids and vitamins are absorbed by lymphatic system which are a circulatory network that carry white blood cells and lymph fluid throughout your body to fight infection.

Insulin is a protein composed of a chain with 21 amino acids; B chain 30 amino acids linked together by sulphur atoms. its role in body is seen in carbohydrate metabolism ; glucose metabolism; fat metabolism; breakdown of glucose; hunger ; PCOS – poly cystic ovarian syndrome or disease.

If so why we test diabetes in blood only, insulin works as a key to the door of cell called glucose channel, unless there is a key we can’t enter we stay outside likewise the glucose in the blood can’t enter the cells to provide energy because your receptors aren’t absorbing properly, your body might not be getting all the nutrients from the foods you eat. So the glucose excess remains in the Blood turning to body fat.

Here comes the name we hear insulin sensitivity and resistance. Sensitivity is the amount of insulin in your body releases to deal with a spike in blood sugar. What’s a “spike”, layman terms it’s the time when you eat more on a weekend with biryani / pastries / cakes/ all kinds of drinks.  The Insulin resistance leads to fat deposition or obesity, Male central obesity and Female more deposition at hip, thighs and shoulders.

What happens if you spike more often in a week the more frequently you eat your body has to deal with this spikes, the efficient your receptors become at taking glucose out your blood. To reduce the sugar levels pancreas will release more and more insulin.

If your insist on spiking blood glucose all the time, your insulin receptors become resistant leading to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

So if we are able to make our body utilise the remaining glucose, we have to open the gate of the cell, when or why would a cell/tissue/muscle need that only when it requires to build itself. In the end it’s all about how much we eat and how much we utilise.  In case your diet is spiked throughout the week, then you are slowly becoming insulin resistant.

So Diet and regimen have a crucial role in Diabetes, cervical, lumbar spondylolisthesis.

Diet which benefited my patients and which helped them:

1: Ragi porridge – with water, 3 spoons of milk, jaggery, if wanted for taste leaching can be added.

2: Jawar roti

3: Barley water 1 glass weekly once

4: Sabudhana – Sago – boiled simply with water daily 1 tea cup

5: Drum sticks leaves can be taken according to patient convenience 

6: Fenugreek 1 spoon water 1 glass soaked overnight

7: Neem 5 new sprouts leaves in the morning time

8: Fix your meal to a small bowl or a katori with a gap of 4 – 5 hours

9: Walk 30 mins only; do a Shavasana for 10 mins before u go to work and come back from work.

10: Sit erect, avoid bus to travel because of the seating posture it drags u forward making lack of posture in the back.

11: Any food item with Low salt / boiled food / steamed food must be a part in every day meal

In the end it’s all about Mind, Body, Spirit meaning what you think, how long you drag things, what you eat and drink, Spirit – How good you breathe in accordance with your abdomen.

About Author:

Dr Sasanka Vardhan

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