A case report of big nasal wart and multiple small warts on face. Dr.Sonia Tuteja PhD(M.M),P.G...
Category - Contemporary
A Case Of Palmoplantar Psoriasis
A CASE OF PALMOPLANTAR PSORIASIS Author: Dr.Madona Joseph BHMS MD PGDBEME Professor, Head of the...
Homeopathy Remedies and Treatment for...
Specific homeopathic remedy used in cases of skin illnesses. For Itching- chrysorbinum For Rash...
Treatment Of Acute Cases And Chronic...
As homoeopaths we properly give our chief consideration to the selection of the correct remedy...
Clinical Cases Cured By Homeopathic...
Natrum muriaticum—7th septemberof 1996 mrs. X had been sick over a week with intermittent fever...
Homoeopathy In Insomnia
Homoeopathy in Insomnia : Dr Monimala Pramanick (Sen) M.D.(Hom.) Lecturer of Homoeopathy...