Skin Diseases And Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Skin Diseases And Homoeopathy

PYODERMA  (bacterial infection of skin) boils , impetigo , contagiosa , carbuncle etc., –new lesions over other parts of the body ; spreading old lesions , cellulites appearance of systemic reactions such as fever eczematous reaction .

Folliculitis , increase in discharge with reduction in erythem and no further spread with improvement in cullulites and systemic symptoms i.e., fever eczematous reaction

DERMATO PHYTOSIS (fungal infection)

Peripheral spread with central healing ; increase in erythema , increase in itvhing with reduction in erythema and no further peripheral spread

MOLLUSCUM COTAGIOSUM (viral infection)

Increase in number and size , redness and inflammatory response in and around lesion .

HERPES ZOSTER (viral infection )

Increase in erythema , ulceration and pus in the lesions , crusting with disappearance of erythema and pain

WART (viral infection)

Increase in number and size , pain and inflammatory reaction in and around the wart

SCABIES (parasitic infection)

Papules are converting into over other parts of body . no new lesions ; all the lesions and itching subsides


Increase in depigmented lesions with peripheral spread of old lesions , erythematous reaction with no peripheral spread and new lesions ; perifollicular repigmentation


Depends upon the stage of illness


Increase in erythematosquamous plaques in size and number usually during winter , pustular lesion over scaly plaques , nail and joint invdvement . non itchy lesion starts itching with central clearing with out peripheral spread and decrease in number of lesions in winter


Thickening of skin , erythematosquamous lesions over thick lichenified lesions , increase in scalling with subsiding erythema


Increase in erythema ; pustular lesion over erythema


Involvement of joints with or after disappearance of skin lesion . inflammatory reaction in deformed joints or subsiding inflammatory reaction of recently involved joints with temporary increase in skin lesions


Increase in populos quamous lesions , after appearance of herald patch , this is to complete the self limiting course of 8-10 weeks , no aggravation observed


Involvement of mucus membranes and nails , involvement of skin with recovery of mucus membrane and nail lesions


Inflammatory reaction over the thickened lesion followed by recovery , increase in thickening and itching .

CASES NOT YET TREATED BY IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE DRUGS (steroids , local as well as systemic )

Increase in eczematous reaction frequency ,duration and intensity of disease in subsequent episodes . no aggravation as a rule is observed , erythema and discharge subside with temporary increase in itching


Increase of old suppressed lesion with no recovery and poor general condition , new lesions over other parts of the body , increase of old suppressed lesion with self limiting course and reduction in frequency duration and intensity of disease in subsequent exacerbations .


Increase in falling of hair from other parts of body and scalp

A proper understanding of the nature of aggravation observed after the administration of an indicated remedy as to whether it is the disease aggravation or homoeopathic aggravation will help a great deal in the judicious management of the case and an early recovery . As the homoeopathic aggravation does not need any further medication and the prescriber shall be confident of the recovery phase , where as the disease aggravation will tell the prescriber to select alternative indicated medicine for the timely recovery of the ailment .

Dermatology or the branch of medicine dealing with skin disease has undergone a rapid and significant change over the past few years it was once regarded that skin diseases can not be treated and that skin problems are all chronic and once a patient gets a skin disease he remains a patient forever . from this none too satisfactory scenario dermatology has emerged as a separate speciality with new drugs , new approaches , new treatments etc., with increasing emphasis on how a person looks and changing attitudes . dermatopathology is a highly specialized branch of medicine for microscopic study of skin diseases , it is a subspeciality of dermatology and pathology and is highly valuable for diagnosis of skin diseases particularly those challenging cases in whom routine clinical examination is not adequate to reach a diagnosis .

Superficial scars , pigmentation acne (pimples ) , wrinkles sretch marks can all be treated easily by the homoeopathic treatment . baldness is extremely common and causes much stress for young men , it is due to twin factors of heredity and hormones

Acne is a common skin condition which consists of black heads , red spots and some times deeper boil like lesions called nodules or cysts , if afflicts most people during the teenage years , however the disease may affect women in their thirties . homoeopathic medicine is available for the treatment of severe cystic acne , this has proved a significant advance and can treat even the most severe cases . it can also induce a long remission and often a cure of pimples

Skin infection can occur at any age , and particularly when the skin becomes broken . The more serious skin infections are listed here , generally medical help is required if the condition is extensive and spreading , if the regional lymph glands become swollen and painful , if the person becomes toxic ( poisoned by the infection ) and feverish , or if the face or scalp is involved , simple skin infections , however respond well to homoeopathic treatment .

Cellulites is a diffuse inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue of the skin , it appears as redness swelling , pain and a raised temperature . Erysipelas is very similar , but is an inflammation caused by a bacteria called the “ streptococcus “ and spreads through the skin and “subcutaneous “ tissues .

Impetigo is an inflammatory , postular skin disease usually caused by another bacteria called the staphylococcus , honey colored crusts which form on the skin are typical .


  1. bluish –red pustular eruptions –antimonium tartaricum
  2. starts as a light-red discoloration but affected skin soon becomes livid , purple and swollen and feels bruised and sore swelling appears early in the development of the condition –apis mellifica
  3. skin appears bright red and swollen , skin is smooth and tense pain is sharp and throbbing , may also be head ache , fever and swollen glands –belladonna
  4. infection starts on nose and spreads to right cheek , large blisters form which                      when they burst discharge a stinging fluid –cantharis
  5. large yellow blisters, a high temperature pain extends from gum to ear –euphorbium
  6. for recurring and chronic cases that involve nose and face , slightest irritation to skin brings on the condition –graphities   
  7. Mainly left sided , the area becomes bright red but soon , becomes dark blue/purple , feels drowsy and weak ––lachesis  
  8. infection of the skin around the joints , useful in the early stages of cellulites

——-manganum aceticum

9.infected skin looks dark , red and swollen and itches and tingles . small skin blisters appears at the start of the infection , scalp face and genitilia are the most common areas involved –rhus tox


 Skin ulcers usually occur on the legs when the circulation is poor , often as a result of varicose veins ., any injury to skin with poor blood supply is likely to become an ulcer and is normally treated with antiseptic dressings and support bandages . Self help included raising the legs above the level of the heart when resting , taking a daily walk eating nutritious diet and avoiding standing . If you are applying your own dressings you can use “ hypericum and calendula ointment “.  A number of homoeopathic medicines can be used to aid healing , but medical advise is often needed


Burning pain that is helped by warmth and is worse between midnight and 2 am –Arsenicum album

Poor circulation and the leg is cold , area feels sore and bruised . ulcer is surrounded by a deep bluish –red area –hamamelis

Edge of the ulcer looks clean cut —-kali bichromicum

Skin around the ulcer is bluish purple , ulcer is painful when walking or being tightly wrapped —–lachesis

For when there is infection with foul smelling pus –mercurius solubilis

Ulcer bleeds easily , pain as if a splinter is there —nitric acid


Skin irritation can occur without a rash and is occasionally caused by underlying disease , so if it persists consult your doctor , it can be a problem during pregnancy , when the skin temperature is slightly raised and a cool bath or shower may give relief . In older women the skin may be itchy because it is rather dry , but using moisturizing creams and lotions can help relieve the problem .


Skin is dry , itchy and is aggravated by warmth —alumina

There is itching of the vagina and vulva —-caladium saguinum

There is itching all over the body —-itchthyolum

Itching made worse by undressing —-rumex

BUNIONS :  This condition ten times more common in women than in men , is a painful enlargement at the junction of the big toe and the foot , it is probably caused by wearing badly fitting shoes .


A tearing pain in the big toe may also suffer from gout —-benzoic acid


These rashes are known by several different names , but urticaria , nettle rash, poison ivy and hives are those most frequently used . A skin eruption , some times involving the whole body , may develop quite quickly in response to eating foods such as strawberries and shellfish , the rash that appears on the skin consists of multiple , very itchy pink weals which are smooth and slightly raised , the rash is not contagious or infectious , but if the allergy response involves some swelling around the throat or mouth , if the swelling affects the breathing or if the woman has collapsed , urgent medical attention should be sought straight away .


A typical nettle rash with intense itching , very irritable —anacardium

Rash resembles measles —-antimonium crudum

Feels as if skin is burning and becomes very restless , allergy is caused by eating shellfish —-arsenicum album

Rash accompanied by diarrhoea , occurs after excitement , rash develops over night , rash is worse after bathing —-bovista

Chronic urticaria that is worse from drinking milk , feels better in the open air –calcarea carb .

Rash is often accompanied by fever and constipation —-copaiva

Chronic allergic rashes which become worse at the start of winter –dulcamara

Urticaria after eating strawberries —fragaria

Chronic and recurring urticaria —-hepar sulphur

Nerve rash from stress and anxiety —kalibromatum

Rash becomes itchier after exertion —-natrum muriaticum

Rash is red , swollen and intensely irritable , rash is better from warmth –rhus tox

Rash after milk or milk products , rash is worse in the warmth of the bed –sepia

Rash appears after eating shellfish –terebinthina

Intense intolerable itching that is often related to temperature changes , itchy swellings of the fingers , face becomes blochy –urtica urens .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )
E-MAIL: [email protected]