The case for homeopathy, Case Analysis in Homeopathy

The Case Analysis or Study for Homeopathy

Homoeopathy differs from every other system of medicinal practice – excepting psychology-in that it is applied to the person with the disease itself . this is difficult to understand by the `orthodox minded , who have had “disease” and “diagnosis” saturation , but “causation starvation for so many centuries . All other systems take more account of the pathology of the person according to the dictionary of medicine , thus constituting themselves clinical and palliative systems

The case for homeopathy – Homeopathy can , nevertheless , be used with perfect confidence clinically as in domestic medical dictionary by Dr. J.H. Clatk and the prescriber by the same author . but its brilliant results , often miraculous , are to be seen by prescribing for the person and according to the person’s own modalities and personalities . really there is no comparison between the system of homoeopathy and the “no system” of allopathy . There is “reason “ and progression in the one ; but chaotic fragments in the other . but after so many years of thinking in terms of disease , we shall find it hard to keep the person before us in treatment –it is the “person who is the specific “CASE”for homeopathy and not “HIS DISEASE” people come to us about their complaints ; thus we are very apt to be more occupied with the story they have to tell and try to prescribe for the sciatica , neuralgia or other named complaint . some personalities seem to over whelm you and carry you off to their side of the consultation –but be sure of this , if we do prescribe for the “disease” we find our selves limited in our scope of service ; we must keep the person before us in homoeopathic treatment

Case Analysis in Homeopathy – Many long –standing complaints will yield to the personal touch in medical touch in medical treatment ; the person with the disease is more to us than the disease of the person . The former is uncommon , but the latter is common to us all it is what the flesh is heir to , but the person . The former is uncommon to us all . it is what the flesh is heir to , but the person is uncommon ; so that you are very seldom find two alike , though one may remind you of another , yet on investigation we find them as wide apart as the poles , so we take care to regard our remedies as persons and our patients as remedies in material medica , then we see deeper than the bad skin the distorted stomach and the pain in the leg . we know what each remedy stands for , whether for vital drains , excesses or traumas and we know what each remedy stand for persons and for all their mental and physical sufferings as well

When arnica is indicated in a patient who has no history of accidents , I enquire if an instrumental birth will produce a state of chronic traumatic debility in the child and also its mother which will last until it becomes “the case for homeopathy “ , then a case or two arnica 200 or higher will bring the disorderly case into order . I have a case on hand now , a baby was lorged by its head for four hours . so I gave a dose of arnica 200 and the report was ;baby seems different and is having better. Thuja is also a remedy which is often suggested

Many long standing complaints will yield to the personal touch in medical treatment ; the person with the disease is more to us than the disease of the person . the former is uncommon , but the latter is common to us all . it is what the flesh is heir to , but the person is uncommon ; so uncommon that you of another , yet on investigation we find them as wide apart as the poles , so we take care to regard our remedies as persons and our patients as remedies in material medica , then we see deeper than the bad skin the distorted stomach and the indicated remedy , because we know what each remedy stands for , whether for vital drains , excesses or traumas and we know that our remedies stand for persons and for all their mental and physical sufferings as well

Case Analysis in Homeopathy – When arnica is indicated in a patient who has know history accidents , I inquire if instrumental birth was incidental to the case . instrumental births will produce a of chronic state of chronic traumatic debility in the child and also its mother which will last until it becomes “the case for homoeopathy” then a dose or two arnica 200 or higher will bring the disorderly case into order . I have a case on hand now ,

Thuia is also a remedy which often suggests itself .i.e., a patient came to me suffering from chronic muscular debility –a very mysterious case , which defied all other methods of treatment . As soon as i- saw the body of the all kinds –simply plastered with them – I said “it is enough” then the mentality of thuja and also the feeling of woodeness in legs and the characteristic croacking and disorderly movements in abdomen , came to light ; vaccinosis was the cause and upkeep of the condition .

Case Analysis in Homeopathy – All this is known by the homoeopath . think what this means to a person who has suffered long and much from a disease and at the hands of many physicians , to come to one who is able to seeright through the case history – physical , mental and pathological . this is not only a possibility but a certainty . we find out about that long forgotten accident , that bad time when vaccinated , that bad time at child birth , that haemorrhage , that fright and shock long forgotten ; the results of all these and many other . we find out about that long forgotten accident , that haemorrhage, that fright and shock long forgotten ; the results of all these and many other incidents in the life we live often form the barrier between the patient and successful treatment . they must obliterated by the “like remedy “

Every person holds the secret of his or her own ill health ; it is a 90percent psychological matter and the homoeopathic physician can uncover and discover this secret to both patient and himself far better than the most precise instruments . x-ray can not discover the past in a man , at its best it can only discover what is present , and some times not even that . it is not by differentiating the symptoms of one disease from another that we discover the truth , but by precise comparison of the homoeopathic remedy with  the disease .

Miss. J.came to me suffering from fibrositis in the right shoulder and neck . she had been x-rayed and given all manner of electrical and manipulative treatment at hospital , but the ccomplaint would not yield . I observed arnica symptoms as I examined the locality and inquired about frequent discolorations as of bruises in other parts of her body . the answer to which was ‘yes” I often notice them and wonder how I got them ’so I gave her a dose of arnica 200 t.i.d for the present pain . miss j reported an accident which occurred eight years before ‘I was cycling down hill and lost control and crashed into a wall , neck and shoulder got the blow ‘ miss J reported all pain goes a week later . she was a “case for homoeopathy ‘wasn’t she ? 

Now I ‘ll tell you about an extra ordinary “case for homoeopathy “ was brought to me by her brother , Mr. H. of London , who came specially to do this service for his suffering sister . together they told

Now I will tell you about an extra ordinary “ case for homoeopathy” mrs.l was brought to me by her brother , mr,h of London , who came specially to do this service for his suffering sister. Together they told me by her brother . mr. h . of London who came specially to do this service for his suffering sister . together they told me the story about Mrs. L’s fall from a window and had been taken to hospital with a damaged spine and for twenty years she had been an in-patient and out patient at the orthopedic hospital , undergoing all manner of treatments ; plaster electrical and ray apparatus had been used on her with out any relief from the pain she suffered –she simply would not and could not be cured why? She also had a nervous heart , weak lungs , weak bladder , prolapse of the womb – in fact she seemed internally all wrong. Then there was her mind . you will be able to to imagine that, when I tell you mrs. L could not lie down at night without pain , could be seen . her only relief was to walk about , and often she could be seen walking about the house ; thus she was a very despondent and disappointed woman , and no wonder . I examined her spine and found vertebral rotations and a depressed coccyx , which were replaced and I gave her arnica 200 , tuberculinum200 (the latter because I spotted it to be regularly required by the case before me ), and some kaliphos 6 for the firfirst weeks treatment .

The next time I saw mrs. L and her brother they were on the verge of tears of joy because mrs. L had relief from the pain during rest in any position and only felt them on first movement which soon passed off after wards . so I made the necessary adjustments and prescribed rhus tox 6x for the damaged coccyx , and by the end of first month’s treatment all the spinal pains had gone , and I was invited to tacklethe heart . lungs and abdominal symptoms . this I did and was successful in removing all discomforts and strengthening mrs.L in general , so much so that at the end of three month’s treatment mrs. L came to see me and said . “Mr. P ., I have nothing to report or complainfame . yes , she was quite a subject for students at the hospital of now , so I can go on my way rejoicing “Another “case for homoeopathy ‘ is Mrs.R of of osteo orthritis fame . yes she was quite a subject for students at the hospital . many times the instructor made the remarks ‘you see , Mrs. R., has osteo –artheritis of her left hip joint , which powdered – granulated , I expect he meant – -there is of

course , , no cure for her , it is a very painful complaint for which nothing more can be done” well, a friend of Mrs R.seeing the great improvement in her friend’s health , sent for me to investigate her case.

I took down the case history which was as follows ; Afall from a loft , a motor accident and several bad falls and spinal damage . thus traumatic arthritis was possible , but then , she was very cosmopolitan , always on the go from one place to another “must go some where or do some thing different and her left hip joint was trouble , her lumber vertebra was rotated and the right leg shorter than the left , causing a drag on left and damaged hip joint . she could only move about with difficulty and could not go out of doors without help . she also complained of a very sore bruised feeling all over , especially at night in bed . she had been in the state twenty eight years , becoming more and more immobile . I gave her a dose of arnica 200 to be taken during the day , I also gave manipulative treatment and secured and secured a measure of easy mobility in the parts that had been tied up for so many years .

I saw the case a fortnight larer and she said “ I feel distinctly relieved of some thing “ she could not say what , but thought she could not say what , but she thought she could move about better and the sore bruised feeling was better at night . I then gave her more manipulation and a dose of tuberculinum 200 and a dose of arnica 200 to be taken in three days time .

When I saw her again she said “please give another tablet , I felt so much better after the one you gave me last week ‘so I gave another tablet of tubercullinum200. she had been moving about much better , the soreness was less and she could straighten up and stoop without pain .

After this every week “ with Mr.P ., I have been out in the garden alone and used only one stick to steady .

Many long standing complaints will yield to the personal touch in medical treatment ; the person with the disease is more to us than the disease of the person is uncommon ; so uncommon that you very seldom find two alike , though one may remind you of another , yet on investigation we find them as wide apart as the poles , so we take care to regard our remedies as persons and our patients as remedies in materia medica , then we see deeper than the bad skin the distorted stomach and the pain in the leg . we can often spot the cause by the excesses or traumas , and we also know that our remedies stand for persons and for all their mental and physical sufferings as well

When arnica is indicated in a patient who has no history of accidents . I enquire if an instrumental births will produce a state of chronic traumatic debility in the child and also its mother which will last until it becomes “ the case for homoeopthy”then a dose or two arnica200 or higher will bring the disorderly case into order . I have a case on hand now , a baby girl ,18 months old and not all satisfactory in health . I enquired regarding its birth and found that it was a bad birth , baby was lodged by its birth and found out that it was a bad birth , baby was lodges by its head for hours . so I gave a dose of arnica 200 and the report was “baby seems different and is having better nights”thuja is also remedy which often suggests itself , i.e., a patient which was covered with naavi , moles and warts of woodenness in legs and the characterstic  croacking and disorderly movements in abdomen came to light ; vaccines was the cause and upkeep of the condition

All this is known by the homeopath , think what this a means to a person who has suffered long and much from to disease to a person who has suffered long and much from to disease and  at the hands of many ohysians , to cure from to one who is able to see right through the case history a physical , mental and pathological . this is not only that long forgotten accident , that haemorrhage, the and many and shock long forgotten ; the results of all these the barrier other incidents in the life we live often form . they must between the patient and successful treatment be oblitered by the “like remedy’

Every person holds the secret of his or her own ill health ; it is 90 percent psychological and discover this homoeothic physician can uncover and better than the secret to both patient and himself far discover the past most precise instruments .x- ray can not or by differentiating and some times not even that . it not anotherthat we the symptoms of one disease from comparison of the discover the truth , but by precise

Homoeopathic remedy with the disease .

Miss J came to me suffering from fibrosis in the right shoulder and neck . she had been x-rayed and given all manner of electrical and manipulative treatment at hospital , but the complaint would not yield . I obsereved arnica symptoms as I examined the locality and inquired about about frequent discolorations as of bruises in other parts of her body . the answer to which was yes , I often notice them and wonder how I got them so I gave her a dose of arnica 200 t.i.d. for the present pain . miss J recalled an accident which occurred eight years before ; I was cycling downhill and lost control and crashed into a wall . I  was knocked  unconscious and was badly bruised ; my head , neck and shoulder got the blow miss j reported all pain goes a week later . she was a case for homoeopathy was not she ?

Now I will tell you about an extra ,ordinary case for homoeopathy , mrs L was brought to me by her brother , mr,H of London who came specially to do this service for his suffering sister . Together they told me the story about mrs. L’s fall from a window and had been taken to hospital with a damaged spine , and for twenty years she had been an in-patient and out patient at the orthopaedic hospital , under going all manner of treatments plaster electrical and ray apparatus had been used on her with out any relief from the pain she suffered – she simply would not and could not be cured why? , she also had a nervous heart , weak lungs , weak bladder , prolapse of the womb- in fact she seemed internally all wrong . then there was her mind . you will be able to imagine that , when I tell you mrs, L could not be seen walking about with her dogs in the early hours of the morning so that she would not disturb her family by her ceaseless walking about the house ; thus she was a very despondent and disppinted woman and no wonder . I examined her which were replaced rotations and a depressed coccyx 200(the latter based and I gave her arnica 200 , the case beforebecause I spotted it to be urgently required first week’s treatment me ) and some kali phos 6 for the first week’s treatment .

The next time I saw mrs. L and her brother they were on the verge of tears of joy because mrs. L had relief from the pain during rest in any position and only felt from the pain during rest in any position and only felt them on first movement which soon passed off afterwards . so I made the necessary adjustments and prescribed rhus tox 6x for the damaged coccyx and by the end of first month’s treatment all the spinal pains had gone and I was invited to tackle the heart , lungs and abdominal symptoms . this I did and was successful in removing all discomforts and strengthening mrs. L in general , so much so that at the end of three month’s treatment mrs. L came to see me and said mr. P ., I have nothing to report or complain of now , so I can go on my way rejoicing ‘

Another “casefor homoeoparhy “is mrs. R of osteo – arthritis fame . yes she was quite a subject for students at the hospital . many times the instructor made left hip joint , which has powdered – granulated I expect he meant – there is of course no cure for her . it is a very painful complaint for which nothing more can to done . well a friend of mrs, R seeing the a improvement in her friend’s health sent for as follows ;investigate her case .

I took  down the case history which was arthritis was a fall from a loft a motor accident and scan alwayson falls and spinal damage . thus traumatic go some where possible , but then , she was very cosmopolitiip – joint was the the go from one place to another must terbra was rotated or do some thing different and her left on the sacrum main seat of the trouble , herlumber hip joint was rotated making the right innominate was upward on the sacrum , making the right leg shorter than the left , causing her to bend over to the right when walking and causing a drag on left and damaged hip joint . she could only move about with difficulty and could not go out of doors with out help she also complained of a very sore bruised feeling all all over , especially at night in bed . she had been in the state twenty eight years

I saw the case a fortnight later and she said I feel distinctly relieved of some thing

Another group pertains to the rational mind and to the perversions of the intellectual and reasoning processes . here are noted symptoms expressing irrationalconcepts of living . with faulty reasoning that may end in harmfyl results . insane statements and actions , irresponsible conclusions and acts belong to this second group . argentum metallicum is typical of this group . in dictionary of homoeopathic material medica , Clarke lists silver as a processes as a remedy for brain fag and states that it affects the mental processes more than the affections . kent also mentions it affects on the rational mind .

The method of questioning the patient is an important procedure in order to avoid error and to obtain the true facts in every case of sickness . remember that every question answered by the patient with “yes ”or “no” has been wriggly put by the physician and is of little , if any value for prescribing purposes . every system obtained from the patient to be valid must come in answer to indirect questioning or be spontenously expressed . A direct question permits the patient to answer with out adequate thought ; it also may suggest to an impressionable person , conditions that do not exist . for instance , the physician wishing to know the patient’s temperature reaction may need to ask several indirect question , such as “ how does

The homoeopathic physician avoids suppressing local manifestations of disease especially those of mucous membranes and skin , knowing that great harm and suffering can come to the patient from such suppressions . he is a philosopher , noting the ill effects of disturbed emotions and faulty thinking  on the physiological processes of the body , producing functional disorder that in time may ultimare in pathological changes in the tissues and organs of the body . hahnemann’s recognition of the important relation ship of the mental and emotional states to disease has in more recent times been verified and substantiated by th observation and claims of the psychosomatic branch of medicine .

If we would attain the highest skill in homoeopathic prescribing , we must perfect ourselves in a knowledge of the language of symptoms which expresses the sufferings and therapeutic needs of our patients . homoeopathy more completely meets these needs than the cruder forms of healing . to the new born infant and gowing child , as well as to the mature adult and the aged , the homoeopathic remedy can be god sent boon of healing and comfort , if skilfylly selected and applied.

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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