Role of Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic Disorders - Dr Bipin S. Jain

Role of Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic Disorders

Psychosomatic word is derived from the Greek word, where “Psyche” means mind and “Soma” Means Body. The World Health Organization explained the psychosomatic concept, where external or internal environmental factors trigger the neuro-endocrine systems leading to change in functional state of specific target organs and motor systems leading to dysfunction in psycho-biological functioning. So, it suggests role of “internal” causes i.e. biological factors in causation, development, progress of disease; psychologically the mental health, role of stress, adaptation, personality characteristics and “external” causes like lack of support from society, social position, various stressors; in evolution of disease.  The term “psychosomatic” first used by German Psychiatrist Heinroth in 1818 and Felix Deutsch introduced the term “Psychosomatic Medicine” in 1922. Under psychosomatic concept, its considered that, all physical illness are because of mental factors (like persons thoughts, feelings and overall mental health) which determine their evolution (onset and course), response to management and its resolution. 

One of the important components is “role of stress” in developing the psychosomatic medicine as has been experimented and postulated by Hans Selye. Selye felt his theory of stress was extension of ideas proposed by Claude Bernard’s Milieu interieur and Walter Canon’s homoeostasis and linked hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in coping and expressing the Stress. Selye proposed that stress is always present in an individual, in entire period of exposure to internal or external causes and nonspecific demands.

Hahnemann in Organon of medicine (1st edition which is published in 1810) in aphorism 5 has mentioned, to understand the chronic diseases, apart from physical constitution, inquiry should be made about the moral and intellectual character, occupation, mode of living and habits; social and domestic relations.  In aphorism 225, described those emotional disturbances like continued anxiety, worry, vexation, great fear and fright on the course of time leads to physical disease. 

Homoeopathy as a holistic medicine has already incorporated the role of constitution, biological and social factors in development of disease and also focused on treating the “individual” and not the disease. The concept of Predisposition, which we derive from the family history and past history, helps us to understand the affinity of the individual and type of disease process s/he may develop; which is nothing but the biological factors as suggested above in development of disease. The concept of disposition which evolve in the life cycle through continuous interaction of internal and external factor for better survival, incorporates the mental and physical traits; specifically, the mental disposition, which is a “internal” phenomenon interacts with “external” environment like society’s demands, norms, culture and through the action and expressions we are able to understand the evolution of personality. Diathesis gives us idea about the affinity, to which individual is prone to; so relating with predisposition and HPA axis, how the individual is going to get affected at tissue – organ – system level. The disposition strikes a balance with the environment, so that individual is adapted well, but when there is imbalance and maladaptation occurs, individual lands up in Disease. Hahnemann was far ahead of his time and he incorporated all these concepts much before even the modern concepts were unfolded.

There was a case of a married lady had a stressful childhood. Her father was alcoholic and died early due to complications. Mother needed to emotionally fragile sister. She had to take up early responsibility, had to work and do the studies simultaneously to complete her graduation in textile. Patient is very conscientious and sensitive for various inputs. she did love marriage and had very supportive and loving in-law’s family and husband. In-laws were having only expectation of grandchild and sadly there was a need of planned abortion during her first pregnancy due to congenital anomaly found on sonography. Due to grief she was not able to conceive again. She went in to profound grief and also developed allergic rhinitis with sinusitis, Costochondritis, Functional backache and Spasmodic dysmenorrhea. The lady carried a strong guilt of not able to fulfil the wish of her in-laws as DIL and kept on brooding on same. This eventually led to depression. Here we are able to see, how conscientious disposition who suffers due to profound grief as not able to reciprocate to the people who gave her love. Based on this understanding of the person Ignatia was prescribed which relieved her from chronic grief and also with all her physical suffering and she delivers a normal child after one year. Case demonstrate the application of psychosomatic concept of Homoeopathy and its correlation in HMM

In another case, there was a sensitive boy who after being reprimanded in the school by the teacher, he becomes mute, does not respond to any one, stopped eating, developed cramps. In this case, the emotional sensitivity of the boy is so heightened that the reprimand is being taken up as being humiliated, leading to the physical illness. Staph1M brings him back.

As describe in both above cases, there is role of disposition which is getting interacted with environment and leading to imbalance at mental (emotional, intellectual, behavioral) and body. At this time, traditionally the management of psychosomatic involves psychotherapy. 

But Hahnemann had already given directions in “Organon” in aphorism 212 and 213, the individualistic homoeopathic medicines which are capable of altering the state of disposition and mind, which are selected on the basis of similarity, are capable to cure mental diseases. The similarity can be seen in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, where each remedy has its own peculiar symptomatology which is full of causative modalities, emotional & intellectual states and symptoms, behaviors. These images help us to reach similimum and as Hahnemann suggested can alter the state of mind and disposition, to alter the imbalance into balance.

Predisposition, disposition and diathesis when lead to disease both at mental and physical level due to fundamental cause, maintaining cause and exciting cause, Homoeopathy at holistic level not only take care of disease but also brings stability od disposition which is vulnerable to suffer. So, homoeopathy is most suitable science to manage psychosomatic illnesses.

About the author

Dr. Bipin S. Jain

Dr. Bipin S. Jain - Principal and professor Hom Materia Medica
• Director academic services MLDMHI
• National commission of homoeopathy: Member and convener core committee CBDC HEB National commission of Homoeopathy