Role Of Antipsoric Medicines In Various Skin Disease Alongwith Utility Of Boericke Repertory - homeopathy360

Role Of Antipsoric Medicines In Various Skin Disease Alongwith Utility Of Boericke Repertory

ABSTRACT: This article emphasis the various clinical skin conditions with its aetiology and clinical features which can be cured by using the antipsoric remedies with the help of clinic repertory by W. Boerick.
KEY WORDS: Boils, Carbuncles, Folliculitis, Aetiology of skin disease, clinical features, contact dermatitis, photo dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, medicines, repertory.
The skin is the outer most part of human body which cover and protect our body from various external stimuli and from injury. There are various types of skin diseases in which careful examination of the skin lesion and detail history plays an important role in curing skin disease. In Hahnemann’s theory of miasm which broadly relates to the basic pathology of skin disease can be cure with the selection of the deep acting anti miasmatic remedies. In any types of skin disease psora, sycotic and syphitic miasm remain present at any stage of skin disease weather it is simple itch, inflammation, macules, papules to deep ulcers.
There are various skin disease are affect the human which has similar sign and symptoms some characteristic skin symptoms differentiate each other and helping in diagnosis the disease.
Boils :
Aetiology and Clinical symptoms:
Acute painful deep seated infection of hair follicle, cellulitis and suppuration by staphylococcus bacteria. Mostly develop at back of neck, axillae, face, buttocks, thighs and forearms with small red nodules spread deeply within 3-4 days, surrounding skin becomes red and painful on touch. Within 2 weeks it becomes yellow due to pus formation.(3)
Folliculitis :
Infection of the hair follicles caused by staphylococcus. Superficial and deep folliculitis mostly present on beard region, neck scalp, legs, arms, pubic region, eyelashes. It develops small pustules, ruptures and discharge is secreted, skin becomes red and swollen.(3)
It is a deep infection of a group of contiguous follicles with staphylococcal aureus with intense inflammation in surrounding connective tissues and fat. It is painful, hard, red lump which is smooth and dome shaped and tender than pus discharged from multiple follicles.(4)
Skin infections occur due to Pyogenic bacteria like staphylococcus pyogens, staphylococcus aureus, poor hygiene, poor general health, trauma, friction tight clothing etc. Skin lesion starts superficially in form of bullae contain very purulent sticky and highly contagious material and infect the surrounding skin and produces multiple skin eruptions forms golden color crust, skin becomes red. It may leads to enlargement of the lymphnodes.(3)
It is the inflammation of the epidermis and superficial layer of the dermis. There are many types of dermatitis present like atopic, contact, photo, Seborrheic occurs due to allergic or psychogenic, infected agents, different cosmetic products causes itching, burning, swelling and scratching, exposure to sunlight or photo allergic effect leads to hyperpigmentation of part.(3)
It is the infection of the skin and mucous membranes occur by streptococcus and highly contagious. Skin becomes red painful, raised margins, swollen, hot, firm and tender with loose and pale skin. (3)
Tinea Capitis:
It is the fungal skin infection of scalp occurs by Microsporum audouini devided in three types Ordinary scaly ringworm, Black dot ringworm and Pustular ringworm. The lesion starts in circular patches of hair loss with dry, thin, greyish scales. Borders of the lesion are limited and slightly raised leads to loosening of the hairs and easily break causes lustreless hair ultimately leads to alopecia.(3)

It is a chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease, due to genetic predisposition, stress, suppression of anger, physical trauma, infections etc. It starts with dry, well defined erythematous papules in coin shaped and silver colour crusts are developed without itching.(3)
Acne Rosacea:
It is the chronic inflammatory conditions of face with sebaceous gland occurs due to hormonal changes, constipation, emotional stress, excessive consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol etc. It starts with eruption, erythema, with flushing of face. Formation of papules and pustules appear.(3)
It is the condition developed suddenly and transiently due to allergic reaction from insect bite, nettles, bugs, caterpillars, some food ingestion, medicines, emotional stress etc. It starts with intense itching, burning and formation of wheals, erythmatous red macules which reduced within hour without any spots.(3)
Dr. Hahnemann after 30 years of his practice found that some disease are reappears due to miasm and discover the theory of Psora. He said “I.. After the various observation he conclude that all the skin eruptions which are suppressed by any treatment was recur in person life either with same or similar symptoms and gave a general name “ Psora” which means “ Internal Itch Disease”.(2)
There are some remedies which are highly indicated anti-psoric medicines like Sulphur, Natrum mur., Ars. Alb, Ars. Iod, Apis, Hepar., Sepia, Lyco, Psorin, Lache, Nitric Acid, Aloes, Kali. Sulph, Bella, Cal.c, Kali.c, Phos etc. (2)
Sulphur: It is the great Hahnemannian antipsoric medicine. Highly indicated and effective in all kind of skin infection where heat, itching and burning is present aggravated by heat. Dry and hard skin, dirty filthy people are prone to skin infection. Pimple like eruptions, pustules, voluptuous itching increased in warmth, washing, scratching and at evening.(1)
Arsenicum Album:Itching, burning and swellings, eruptions, papular, dry, rough, scaly aggravated by cold and scratching. Urticaria with burning and restlessness. Psoriasis. Skin cold blue and wrinkled with cold clammy perspiration like parchment. Black vesicles.(1)
Arsenicum Iodum: Large scaly skin dry with itching. Enlarged scrofulous gland. Acne hard, shotty, indurated base with pustules at apex. Marked exfoliation of skin. Eczema of the beard. Watery oozing from eruption worse by washing.(1)
Apis mellifica: Sore sensitive carbuncles. Hives with intolerable itching. Swelling after bites. Prickling over whole body, back, palms of hands, face, forehead and under eyes, chiefly in circumscribed points. Eruption of red spots, revealed numerous small vesicles exuded a moisture and forming thin or yellowish scales and crusts with intolerable stinging, burning and itching has to scratch still it bleed. eruption < by slightest breath of air and warmth of room and bed.(5)
Hepar sulph: Acne on youth. Papules and every little injury extends to suppuration very much sensitive to touch and cannot bare to be uncovered want to be wrapped up warmly. Recurring urticaria, ulcers, herpes surrounded by little pimples or pustules spread by coalescing. Burning and itching on body with white vesicles after scratching. Eruption mercurialism. Eruption very sensitive and sore to touch. (5)
Sepia: Itching and burning of skin of various parts and genitalia without relieved by scratching. Herpes circinatus in isolated upper part of body on lips, nose and mouth. Icthyosis with offensive odour of skin. Urticaria occur in open air. Ringworm eruptions at every springs.(1)
Psorinum: It is especially adapted to psoric constitution. Herpetic eruptions on scalp and bends of joints, urticaria after every exertion, eczema behind ear, crusty eruptions all over body, pustules near finger nails, with intolerable itching and driven to despair due to that. Worse from warmth of bed. Dry scaly eruptions disappear in summer but returns in winter. Skin symptoms appear after suppression of itch and emotions. Dry scaly or moist, foetid, suppurating eruptions on scalp with oozing a sticky and offensive fluid.(5)
Belladonna: Eruptions are like scarletina, suddenly spreading. Pustules on face. Skin becomes dry, hot, swollen, and sensitive and burns. Alternate redness and paleness of the skin. Induration after inflammation. Scarlet redness of skin of face and neck, followed second day by peeling off of cuticle. Redness, like scarlatina, of entire surface of body, with a white circle around mouth and nose, and great dryness in throat. Vesicular eruptions with scurf, whitish border and swelling.(5)
Kali sulph: Nettle rash, eczema discharge decidedly yellow, slimy, sometimes sticky or watery mattery. Burning, itching and popular eruptions. Psoriasis, seborrhoea. Ringworm of scalp with abundant scales. Suppressed rash of measles or other eruptive disease, with harsh and dry skin. Abundant scaling of epidermis. Burning, itching, popular eruption exuding pus like moisture. Recurring eruption of fine red pimples running together, red, swollen appearance, fluid oozes out copiously.(5)
Calcarea carb: nettle rash, warts on hand and face. Skin becomes unhealthy, readily ulcerating, small wounds do not heal readily. Petechial Eruptions. Itching on various parts of body < towards morning, in bed. Chronic form of urticaria, mostly disappearing in cold air. Erysipelas in repeated attacks. Milk-white spots on skin with dark borders. Scurfy pimples on border of free edge of lower lip. After suppressed eruptions or pimples on face produce Epilepsy, Megrim, Nervous palpitation of heart.(5)
Boerick Repertory:
Acne rosacea:,, Hydrc, Sul.i
Acne simplex: Ant.c, Ant.t,, Aster, Bell., Berb.,Bov, Cal.pic, Calc.s, Carb. An. Carb.v, Hep, Lyc, Kali.ars,, Nux.v, Sulph.
Anidrosis: Aeth, ALiu, Bella, Berb, Graph, kali ars, Kali.c, Nux.m, Petro, Psor, Sulph.
Anthrax, carbuncle, malignant pustules: Anthr, Apis, Ars.,, LAch, Led, Sil, Tarent
Blisters, small: Cantharis Vesicatoria, Rhus Toxicodendron
Burning: Aconi, Agar. Musc, Apis Mell, Arse Alb, Bell, Canth, Nux.v, Formica, Ran.b, Rhus.t, Sec, Sulph.
Chilblains: Abrot., Agar, Canth, Hep,,, Petr, Puls., Rhus. T, Sulph, Ter.
Dryness: Acon, Alum, Ars, Bell, Graph, Nux.v, Plumbg, Psor.
Ecchymosis: Arn, Crot.h, Ham, Led, Phos,
Ecthyma: Ant.t, Ars, Cic, Croto.t, Jug.r, Lach, Merc, Sec, Sil.
Eczema: Ars, Berb, Calc, Canth, Graph, Hep,, Rhus.t, Sep, Psor, Sulph, Mez.
Eruptions:Copper-colored; Carb. An
Eruptions:Dry, scaly: Ars, Kali.ars, Psor, Petro, Sulph.
Eruptions:Humid, moist: Crot.t, Clem, Dulc, Graph, Hep, Psor, Rhus.t
Eruptions:Pustular: Ant.c, Ant.t, Berb., Croto, Hep, Kali.bic, MErc, Psor, Sil.
Eruptions:Scabby:Sulph, Hep, Lyco, Cic., Mez.
Eruptions:Better in winter: Kali.bic, Sars
Eruptions:Worse in spring: Sars
Eruptions:Worse in winter: Alum, Petro, Psori
Erysipelas: Acon, Apis, Arnic, Bella, Canth, Graph, Cinch, Croto.t, Euph, Graph, Lach, R.t,
Erythema:Intertrigo: Caust, Cham, Graph, Lyc, Merc, Petr, Sulph
Erythema:Erythema nodosum: Apis, Arn, Chi.s, R.T, R.V.
Erythema:Erythema simplex: Aco, Antipy, arn, bell, Canth, Eup, MErc, Mez, Rhu.t
Furuncle: Arn, Bella, Bel.p, Cal.pic, Hep., Ichth, Med, Merc,, Phyt, Sil, Sulph, Tare.c
Herpes zoster, zona:Shingles: Ars, Canth, Cau, Dol, Mez, Prun, Rhu.t, Ran.b
Herpes zoster, zona:Neuralgia, persisting: Kalm, Mez.
Lichen planus: Ant.c, Ars, Ars.i, Kali.bich, Sul.i
Lichen simplex: Anan, Ant.c, Bell,Calad, Jug.c, Kreos, Ledu, Lyc, Phyt, Plan, Rumx, Sulph
Molluscum: Brom,, Sil
Pemphigus: Ars, Canth, Jug.c, Lach, Merc.c, Ran.b, Rhu.t
Petechiae: Arn, Phos,
Pityriasis: Ars, Colch,, Graph,, Mez, Sep,, Sulph.
Prurigo: Ambr, Ars, Ars.i, Chlol, Dol, Lyc, Merc, Mez,, Olnd, Rhust. Rhus.v, Sulph.
Pruritus: Agar, Ambra, Anac, Antipyrin,Ars, Cal.carb, Clem, Cro.t,Dol,Fago, Graph, Lyco, Merc, Mez, Morph, Rhu.t, Rhus.v, Sulph, Sep, Urt.u.
Psoriasis of: Ars., Ars.i, Bor,, Graph, Kali.ars,, Lyc, Mang, Merc, Petr, Puls, Sulph, Sep, Phos.
Purpura: Arn, Ars, Crot.h, Ham, Lach, Phos,
Scabies: Crot.ti, Hep, Psor, Sep, Sulp
Sycosis: Ant.t, Calc, Graph, Kali.bic, Lyc,, Plat, Staph, Sulp.i, Thuj.
Seborrhoea: Am.m, Ars, Bry, Calc, Iod, Kali.c, Nat.m, Phos, Plmb, Raph, Sel, Vinc.
Tinea favosa, favus: Brom, Kali.c, Lyc, Mez, Sep, Viol.
Tinea versicolor: Nat.ars, Sep.
Trichophytosis:Ringworm:Ars, Baci, Chrys,Graph, Sep, Tell
Unhealthy skin, every scratch festers, or heals with difficulty: Borx, Graph, Hep, Merc, Petro, Pyre-o, Sil, Sulph.
Urticaria: Ant.c, Antipy, Apis, Ars, Bovi, Camph, Cimi, Cop, Dulc, Frag, Puls, Rhus.t, Sulph, Trio, Urti.u
Verucca (warts): Ant.c, Calc. Caust, Dulc, Ferr.pic, Mag.s, Nat.c,, Thuj, Sil.
CONCLUSION: Hence there are various clinical skin conditions which can be treating with the help of homeopathic medicines. Various skin diseases can be cured with the help of antipsoric remedies like sulphur, arsenicum album, kali sulph by using clinical repertory of Boerick. It embraces rubrics of clinical conditions and various common antipsoric remedies which can help in treating patient.
1) Boerick W., Pocket manual of Homeopathic Materia medica & Repertory, 9th Edition, 79 – 918.
2) Chaoudhury Harimohan, Indications of Miasm, reprint edition 2002&2003, B. Jain Publisher, 17-35.
3) Chauhan V. K. & Gupta Meeta, Homeopathic principles and practice of medicine, 1st edition, B. Jain Publisher, 2007, pg. No. 805-853.
4) Farokh J Master, skin homeopathic approach to dermatology, 2nd revised edition, B. Jain Publisher, 2016. 340.
5) Hering C., Guiding symptoms of our material medica, 12th impression, B. Jain Publisher, 2018. 39 – 475.

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