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  • Dr Purnima Rani

Dr Purnima Rani, M.D. (Hom.) in Repertory from Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra and completed her B.H.M.S. from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, having clinical experience of 4+ years.


Brachial Plexus

The plexus consists of roots, trunks, divisions, cords and branches. Roots These are constituted by the anterior primary rami of spinal nerves C5, C6, C7,...

Original Works Of Dr Hahnemann

Original Writings, Books, Essays and Magazine Articles 1779 1779. Inaugural thesis. Defended august 10, 1779. Erlangen. Ellrodtianis. 1781 1781 small essays published in Kreb’s journal....

Single Remedy Mind Rubrics- Kent’s Repertory

AFFECTATION : Stram.ARDENT : Nux-v. ATTITUDES, assumes strange : Plb. BENEVOLENCE : Coff. BLINDNESS, pretended : Verat. BLOOD, cannot look at, or a knife : Alum.CHASES imaginary objects : Stram. -persons...

Hot And Cold Remedies

DR GIBSON MILLER’S HOT AND COLD REMEDIES REMEDIES PREDOMINANTLY AGGRAVATED BY COLD Abrot., Acet-ac., Acon., Agar., Agn., Alumen, Alum., Al-ph., Alum-sil., Am-c., Apoc., Arg-m., ARS., Ars-s-fl., Asar., Aur., Aur-ars., Aur-sulph., Bad., BAR-C., Bar-m., Bell., Benz-ac., Borax.,...

Trios of Homoeopathic Remedies

Trio of Restlessness: Arsenic, Aconite, Rhus tox. Trio of Delirium: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium. Trio of Flatulence: Carbo veg, China, Lycopodium. Trio of Climacteric remedies: Lachesis,...


Analogue Medicines From Allen’s Keynotes: Vegetable Analogue Chemical Analogue Allium cepa Phosphorus Cinchona Ferrum met. Chamomilla Magnesia phos. Dulcamara Kali sulph. Ignatia Natrum mur. Ipecac...

Electrocardiography (ECG)

The heart muscle possesses the property of automatic rhythmic contraction. The impulses originating in the conducting system spread throughout the myocardium resulting in excitation of...


HYDROCYANIC ACID (HCN) PropertiesIn purest form it is gas, anhydrous, colorless and highly volatile liquid. Uses Calcium and magnesium cyanide are used to fumigate ships...

Nux Vomica

Natural Order : Loganaceae AlkaloidsStrychnine and Brucine UseIP products – used as wormin paste. Medico-legal Importance Homicidal: Used as arrow poison Suicidal Accidental Fatal Dose...

Cannabis Indica

Natural order: Urticaceae Forms in which it is Consumed 1.    Bhang/SidhiContains dried leaves and stalk of the plant consumed in the form of decoction or...