PHARMACY- Important Questions for BHMS Examinations

PHARMACY- Important Questions for BHMS Examinations

Short Answer Questions

1. First Hom. Pharmacopoeia of U.S.A was published in which year and by whom? 

2. Which is the year of publication of first vol. of HPI and give no. of monograms. 

3. Give two branches of Pharmacy proper. 

4. Name the two medicines prepared from diseased products of plants. 

5. Flowers are collected in which weather and when? 

6. When the roots of annuals and biennials are collected? 

7. 2 uses of Sugar of Milk. 

8. What is the chemical formula of Glycerine and give its molecular wt.? 

9. Name the two solid vehicles. 

10. What are the types of Spatula? 

11. How to clean wooden instruments? 

12. In succussion how many scales are used? 

13. What are the contents of inscription? 

14. What are the two methods of preparation of Mother Tincture according to new method? 15. How to preserve Carbo veg. and Camphor? 

16. Which is the first Hom. Pharmacopoeia? When it was published? 

17. How many volumes of Indian homoeopathic pharmacopoeia? When first volume is published? 

18. When was first edition of A.H.P published and by whom? 

19. Name the two medicines prepared from bulb of fruit. 

20. Name the two medicines prepared from diseased product of animal. 

Short-Long Answer Questions 

1. Impondribilia 

2. 10 examples of animal kingdom 

3. Difference between Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy. 

4. General rules of collection of animal kingdom. 

5. British Hom. Pharmacopoeia. 

6. Preservation of potentised medicine. 

7. Sarcode with 10 examples 

8. Collection of nosodes 

9. Microscopic evaluation 

10. Pharmacognosy and Pharmacodynamics 

11. Standardization of Mother Tincture 

12. Volumes of H.P.I 

13. 10 examples of mineral kingdom 

14. Collections of poisons 

15. Preservation of drugs 

16. Indian Hom. Pharmacopoeia 

17. Pharmacodynamics 

Long Answer Questions

1. What is prescription writing and parts of prescription writing? 

2. What is scope Hom. Pharmacy in relation to Materia Medica? 

3. What is originality and speciality of Hom. Pharmacy? 

4. Preservation of Mother Tincture. 

5. Scope of Pharmacy in relation to Organon of Medicine 

6. Types of doses 

7. Methods of dispensing Mother Tincture 

8. Drug inspector 

9. What is prescription writing and what are its parts? 

10. What are the factors responsible for selection of potency? 

11. What is originality and speciality of Hom. Pharmacy? 

12. Labelling and packing of Hom. Medicines 

13. Define posology. What are the types of doses? 

14. What is the scope of Pharmacy in relation to National Economy? 

15. Scales of Hom. Medicine 

16. Define prescription writing. What are the norms and forms of prescription writing?

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