General Coordinator of the 77th LMHI World Congress National
Vice President of the LMHI for Spain
“To the entire International Homeopathic Community, my greatest wishes for understanding, collaboration, participation, and fraternity.”
As the national representative of Spanish homeopathy for the International Homeopathic Medical League LMHI, I want to convey to the attendees of this important World Congress of Homeopathy the joy, the pleasant effort, and the desire for success developed by the organizing, scientific, and management committees, which have been demonstrating their work over the past two years, as well as all those who have timely intervened with their active support to achieve the proposed objectives: to teach Homeopathy in the world and for the world with all its scientific, cultural, and educational level, in the field of health. I convey to all the congress attendees the collective desire that you find the greatest satisfaction during its development and feel at home. And we wish that the motto of this congress “United to keep moving forward” becomes a perpetuated reality in the future.
Spain and Seville feel honored and are greatly thankful to the LMHI for the trust placed in Spanish Homeopathy for the organization of this global event, and we hope and wish that all attendees are satisfied and see their expectations fulfilled.
Sociologically, being this year’s global showcase of Homeopathy represents the wonderful challenge of showing the world everything it is doing and can do for the health of the Planet with the participation of the various involved sectors.
If 100 years ago the LMHI was born and grew to what it now represents, the union of 76 countries defending and spreading the science and art of Homeopathy, let’s continue working together so that the entire Planet can know and enjoy the benefits of Homeopathy.
We know historically of the successive obstacles that since its birth have been opposing the development and dissemination of Homeopathy in the World, but despite all this, it has continued to survive and expand thanks to the dissemination of its truth by those who have fully accepted its principles translated into positive results for health. Precisely for this reason, the LMHI was born and has been growing since the proposal of its foundation.
Let’s continue as our congress motto says “United to keep moving forward” in the certainty that the Truth that encompasses the Science and Art of Homeopathy will prevail for the good of the Global Community.
Welcome to all those who come to participate and enjoy this congress and thanks to all those who, not being able to be present, contribute to spreading to society the social importance of this most dignified scientific, recreational, and cultural event.
With the best wishes of fraternity. Come to Seville, we await you eagerly!