President of the Association of Homeopathic Physicians of Andalusia and Extremadura (AMHAEX)
Dear professionals, friends of Homeopathy:
The Association of Homeopathic Physicians of Andalusia and Extremadura welcomes you to the 77th World Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League (L.M.H.I) to be held, God willing, from October 2 to 5, 2024, in our city of Seville.
Unanimously, our Association accepted Sevilla as the venue for the Congress and the National Assembly of Homeopathy (ANH) as its organizer. The enthusiasm among our members has led to a massive response to do whatever it takes to achieve the greatest possible success, with collaboration in everything necessary. This same enthusiasm has been reflected in the associations of users and friends of homeopathy in Andalusia and Extremadura.
Our King, Felipe VI, defines Seville and Andalusia as “land of meeting” that fosters dialogue between cultures.
With its capacity to host all kinds of events, Seville becomes a key city for organizing a congress, guaranteeing success for its promoters and enjoyment for the attendees, beyond the event itself.
Seville has the ideal conditions for hosting such events: spaces for small and large events, necessary technical resources to be effective, sufficient hotel infrastructure, a comfortable communication network, and other attractions for attendees such as excellent tourism, cultural and leisure attractions, important for participants to feel integrated in a scientific but also recreational way, together without dispersion, with attractive activities for everyone. In short, an additional incentive for the success of a world congress.
Seville is recognized as one of the cities with the best gastronomy. Therefore, we hope that the typical dishes of our city, its historical and cultural heritage, and its Andalusian folklore, will allow everyone to enjoy the city and encourage even more attendance at the congress in a climate of friendliness and hospitality, with great excitement and love. This predisposes us to make valuable contributions to homeopathic medical knowledge, to common wisdom, and to understanding between communities and people of different origins and traditions, making the Congress motto “United to Keep Advancing” a reality.
Another fundamental academic aspect has been the support always given by the Royal and Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Seville to the training of physicians in Homeopathic Medicine, where its president, Dr. Rafael Barroso, opened the doors of the college to international figures in Homeopathy to teach Sevillian physicians and others from different cities and even abroad.
Likewise, the University of Seville opened its doors to homeopathic medical training, through the distinguished Dr. Juan Ramón Zaragoza, professor of Radiology and Physical Medicine at the University of Seville, with the organization of a Master’s in Homeopathy and directing Doctoral Theses on Homeopathic Medicine and Acupuncture.
Also, through the University School of Health Sciences, the elective course “Basic Foundations of Homeopathic Medicine” was created at the University of Seville for many years.
Several presidents of the Medical Organization (OMC) supported Homeopathic Medicine and its teaching in Collegiate Institutions and Spanish Universities, to avoid medical intrusion, considering it as a Medical Act: Dr. Alberto Berguer, Dr. José Fornés, Dr. Isacio Siguero, who was president of the Royal and Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Seville, considering that every therapy, conventional or not, is in itself a health act that requires a previous diagnosis, a therapeutic indication, and an application thereof and must be carried out by a qualified and legally authorized professional.
It was also an honor for Sevillian homeopathic physicians, the words of support that the Illustrious physician D. Juan Jiménez Castellanos, when he was president of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Seville, had for Homeopathic Medicine.
In the Medical College of Seville, as in Barcelona, a commission was created to accredit the training of homeopathic physicians, awarding the diploma to physicians who met the required standard in lecture hours and years of training in Homeopathic Medicine. The main architect of this management was Dr. Carlos González Vilardell, being president of the RICOMS, work that another president of the Sevillian collegiate institution, Dr. Juan Bautista Alcañiz, continued.
The teaching of Homeopathy began at the Medical College of Seville with Dr. Proceso Sánchez Ortega, founder of Homeopatía de México A.C. and the members of his school: Dr. Antonio Sánchez, Dr. Rosario Sánchez, Dr. René Torres, Dr. E. Sánchez, Dr. F. Domínguez, Dr. Julio Palau (dermatologist), Dr. Rogelio Agüero, Dr. F. Criollo, Dr. Guillermo Sánchez, Dr. Patricia Carballo, Dr. G. Alcover, who trained many physicians in the Spanish state and culminated in the creation of the Hispano-American School of Homeopathy “Samuel Hahnemann”, based at the Medical College of Seville.
The contributions of the French physicians Dr. Jacques Baur and Dr. Jacques Lamothe, who taught several courses, were very important.
From the Argentine School came to Seville Dr. Masi Elizalde, Dr. Ángel Oscar Minotti, Dr. Marcelo Candeghabe, Dr. Luís Detinis. And many Sevillian physicians went to Barcelona to listen to the teachings of Dr. Tomás Pablo Paschero and Dr. Eugenio Candeghabe.
Dr. Edgar Godoy’s teaching contributions and participation in national and international events organized at the Medical College of Seville have been very important. For a long time, he has been an advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) in his country, Ecuador.
The Swiss physician Heiner Frei contributed in Seville his clinical experience from a country where Homeopathic Medicine is fully institutionalized and supported by the Ministry of Health. And Dr. Gheorghe Jurj, from Romania, continues to teach homeopathic clinical courses to this day.
Several physicians, who have been president of the International Homeopathic Medical League, have honored us with their presence, contributing their knowledge in the different courses and Homeopathy Symposia organized in Seville. Notable are doctors Carles Amengual, Renzo Galazzi, José Matuk, and Ulrich Fischer.
Likewise, presidents of the Homeopathic Medical Academy of Barcelona have contributed their bit in the training of Andalusian physicians. They are doctors Miguel Ángel Luqui, Juanjo Dallares, Manuel Mateu, Anna Pla, and Maite Bravo.
From the Spanish Federation of Homeopathic Physicians, Dr. Inmaculada González, Dr. Antonio Marques, and Dr. Valentín Romero, a Sevillian physician who created the Master’s in Homeopathy at the University of Seville, have contributed their knowledge. All presidents of the F.E.M.H at different stages. Being president at present Dr. Marques.
We cannot forget “in memoriam” the excellent teaching and organizational work carried out by doctors Javier Encina at the Medical College of Seville and Ricardo Bárcena at the Faculty of Medicine of Seville, both presidents of the Association of Homeopathic Physicians of Andalusia. Currently, also of Extremadura.
Many of the Homeopathy activities carried out in our city have had the support of Patrick Carton, responsible for the Radar software program.
Also in Seville has contributed to the development of Solidarity Homeopathy with the creation of “Expert Courses in Homeopathic Medicine for cooperation with the third world” at the University of Seville, which was developed in several editions, following the solidarity line marked by the L.M.H.I.
Dr. Cristóbal Ariza and Dr. Constancio Moreno Bartolomé, maintained in the city of Seville in the mid-twentieth century the spirit transmitted by Dr. Prudencio Querol, who was considered the pioneer of Homeopathy in Spain.
In the pharmaceutical aspect, we have always been greatly helped, both in teaching and in the preparation of homeopathic drugs, by doctors Emilio Romero of Seville and Joan Alegre of Catalonia, who taught courses in homeopathic pharmacy in our city. In addition, the Royal and Illustrious College of Pharmacists of Seville, in the person of its president Manuel Pérez Fernández, has always given support and consideration to
Homeopathic Medicine.
It is our wish that Seville be the meeting place for all those who have been in our city developing their academic activity in Homeopathy, and that, in these difficult times, they must be a beacon that illuminates the homeopathic world so that Spain, through the 77th Congress of the L.M.H.I. recover the place that corresponds to it in Homeopathic Medicine, by right and by the rigor of its principles and adherence to scientific methodology. And teaching is carried out, as has been the custom in our country, in medical colleges and universities to guarantee the quality of care.
The memory of the teachers and physicians, who are no longer with us, will be a force to defend the truth in Medicine, as they did. We were fortunate to enjoy their teachings to spread, now more than ever, what Homeopathic Medicine contributes, favoring the deep healing of people in all their integrity, eliminating morbid tendencies to become ill, allowing them to enjoy freedom and health and contributing to a better world.
In the certainty that they will be unforgettable days, of coexistence and exchange, accompanied by the beautiful climate of our city and the scent of orange blossom.
We are waiting for you.
With all our love and that of our city for the 77th World Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League (L.M.H.I.).
A big hug.