Abstract :. Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problem.This article deals with an overview of obesity , including
its etiological factors, pathogenesis, clinical patterns, clinical features and diagnosis along with homeopathic management of the same, covering all three aspects namely organon, repertory and materia medica.
Keywords – Obesity, obese, Homoeopathic medicines overweight, body weight, body fat, waist circumference, leptin, adipocytes, adipogenesis, adipokines, lipid metabolism, fat, metabolic syndrome, diet, dietary, dietary intake.
Introduction – The buildup of fat or adipose tissue in the body that is excessive or abnormal is known as obesity. It is linked to an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, among other health problems. It’s a serious public health crisis that has gotten worse during the last 50 years. The etiology of obesity is complicated and multifactorial. After smoking, it is the second most frequent avoidable cause of mortality. Treatment for obesity must be multifaceted and may last a lifetime. A person’s health, quality of life, and financial burden, both personally and nationally, can be greatly enhanced by losing five to ten percent of their body weight.
The body mass index (BMI), which is equal to weight (in kg) /height (in meters square), is the most extensively used method for classifying weight status and disease risk. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 or higher, and obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher.
Etiology: Genes, behavior, metabolism, and hormones all impact body weight; nonetheless, obesity is the result of consuming more calories than burning them during regular daily activities and physical activity. These extra calories are stored by your body as fat.
The majority of Americans consume diets that are too high in calories frequently from fast food and calorically dense beverages. Individuals who are obese may feel hungry earlier, consume more calories before they are satisfied, or consume more food when under stress or anxiety.
Classification Of Obesity: -A standard screening tool for obesity is the measurement of body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated using weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. Obesity can be classified according to BMI:
∙ Underweight: less than 18.5 kg/m2
∙ Normal range: 18.5 kg/m2 to 24.9 kg/m2
∙ Overweight: 25 kg/m2 to 29.9 kg/m2
∙ Obese, Class I: 30 kg/m2 to 34.9 kg/m2
∙ Obese, Class II: 35 kg/m2 to 39.9 kg/m2
∙ Obese, Class III: more than 40 kg/m2
The waist-to-hip ratio should be measured; in men, more than 1:1, and in women, more than 0:8 is considered significant.
Complication of Obesity:
-Type 2 diabetes
∙ High blood pressure
∙ Heart disease
∙ Stroke
∙ Metabolic syndrome
∙ Fatty liver diseases
∙ Some cancers
∙ Breathing problems
∙ Osteoarthritis
∙ Gout
∙ Diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas
∙ Kidney disease
∙ Pregnancy problems
∙ Fertility problems
∙ Sexual function problems
∙ Mental health problems
Clinical Features
- Body weight progressive increases.
- Alteration in the contour and configuration of the body.
- Uniformly deposition of fat throughout the body.
- Adiposity is marked in the legs and extends upto the waist.
- As the body becomes heavier, the movements are slow and due to low vital capacity, slightest exertion may give rise to Dyspnoea.
- Menstrual disturbances.
- Difficulty in sitting in a squatting position, getting up or sitting in a chair or a vehicle.
- Clothes feeling tight and needing a larger size .
Homoeopathic Approach
Homoeopathy has a great scope in the management of obesity because of its DYNAMIC, INDIVIDUAL AND
HOLISTIC concept. Homoeopathy treats psychosomatic disease more effectively and successfully than any other system. Homoeopathic treatment is more advantageous in cases of functional disturbances like obesity and effective in preventing and treating complications associated with it. Obesity and its homoeopathic treatment must be in the context of the triad (remedy, diet and exercise/sleep). Dr. Samuel Hahnemann recognized the intrinsic role of sensible eating in maintaining good health.
Homoeopathic Treatment
Constitutional medicines can help one lose weight by improving digestion, elimination and metabolism. There are a number of drugs in our materia medica which we can use therapeutically. Some of these important medicines with their characteristics symptoms are as follows:
1. Antimonium carbonicum – This remedy is found in rather stout patients who are always tired and weary, catching cold easily. Obese patients with a weak heart, wheezing, feel suffocated. Sleepiness with many conditions.
2. Antimonium Crudum – Chronic indigestion. Patient can have a big appetite, eat beyond the capacity of his digestion. Gastric derangements, with tongue coated thickly white, with different complaints. Exceedingly weak condition of the body.
3. Baryta carbonica – This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward mentally and physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop, have scrofulous ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily.
4. Calcarea carbonic – Constitution is fair, fatty, and flabby. Impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin, and bones, being in the changes wrought. Increased perspiration, swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitic condition, ravenous hunger.
5. Capsicum Annuum – Persons with light hair, blue eyes, nervous but stout and plethoric habit. Phlegmatic diathesis; lack of reactive forces, especially with fat people, easily exhausted; indolent, opposed to physical exertion, get homesick easily. Burning and smarting sensation in GIT.
6. Cinchona Officinalis – It is used specially for obesity treatment to reduce gluttonous appetite; indigestion after taking raw fruits and vegetables. Basically, it is used for those people who are internally very weak but obese. For stout, swarthy people; for systems once robust, which have become debilitated “Broken down” from exhausting discharges. Indifferent, taciturn, gloomy.
7. Ferrum Phosphoricum –Is often prescribed in a person who is oversensitive and flushes easily.
8. Fucus vesiculosus –A remedy for obesity and Non-toxic goiter; also exophthalmia. Digestion is furthered and flatulence diminished. Obstinate constipation; forehead feels as if compressed by an Iron ring. Thyroid enlargement in obese subjects.
9. Graphites -Patients who are rather stout, fair complexion with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly and costive, with delayed menstrual history. Pressure and burning in the stomach causing hunger. Tendency to obesity.
10. Ignatia Amara – Is generally prescribed in anxiety and fearful, and who feel simply like eating when tense and nervous. Easily excited nature; dark hair and skin but mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid in execution. Empty feeling in stomach not > by eating.
- Prevent weight gain and obesity by getting regular moderate exercise like walking, swimming, or biking for 20 to 30 minutes every day.
- Eating a balanced, heart-healthy diet composed of nutritious foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
- Eating high calorie foods and those high in saturated and trans fats in moderation.
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About Author:
Dr Shivani Dhoke
MD Scholar Batch 2021-22, Department of Practice of Medicine, Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.