Homeopathic remedies, medicine or treatments for sciatica causes, diagnosis and disease

Sciatica Cured By Homeopathic Remedy

We  must reckon with a great number of symptoms in sciatica  (painful conditions along the sciatic nerve radiations being possible from the buttock to the heel)

The homeopathic remedies for sciatica are equally numerous although with more careful examination they shrink to a relatively small  number .in order to  simplify the choice of remedies for the beginner  in homeopathy I have characterized the forms of sciatica in question briefly with one name  which either includes the leading symptoms or contains the cause of the pain as the case  may be according the  chief remedy for sciatica is Colocynthis, whose  bright yellow  tincture  tastes  very bitter  and produces  severe  diarrhea , the  homeopathic physician  makes use of the potency of about 6x to 30x with especially   sensitive  patients  .the  remedy  has  a       affinity  for the following  organs .

1. the small intestine  
2. the colon
3. the trigeminal nerve  by way of simple  out line  cite  rolls  scheme of guiding symptoms   

Like an attack  sudden like a flash  starting  as cramp , tearing  cutting  the patient  has a  feeling  as though  his leg were in a vise , Time  of occurrence  at night .

Modalities, aggravation   
1. through a light   touch, reason  over sensitive area  of the skin 
2. through slightest   motion   , 3 through cold 4   through anger   reason, colocynthis  is a gall remedy 

1. through heavy pressure 
2. through rest 
3. through heat 
4. through drawing  the let  up or bending  the upper  part of the body  for ward  reason 

It is a regulatory  measure  in order to  relieve  the cramp 

With respect  to the constitution  it is a question  of choleric  , gouty – rheumatic  patients  whose disposition is for the most part irritable  and nervous .For the  treatment of sciatica  with colocynthis  we are dealing  above  all     with sciatica  which accompanies enteritis.   

To illustrative the curative  action  in this form  of sciatica, I should  like to mention a case reported .

A strong 31 year old woman suffered for two years from ischialogy(pain in the sciatic nerve without any reason for being present ,for instance inflammation with severe cramp- like pains in the  left leg, as if the hip-joint and upper thigh were enclosed in cramps .At the same time she

Homeopathy for sciatica – Suffered   from periodic diarrhea with colic and facial neuralgia besides.Colocynthis200 improved the  suffering  years duration and after 14 days  the patient could be dismissed  as cured .beyond  any doubt there was  here a real simillimum     in colocynthis . the patient presented to a certain extent  a complete proving of the medicinal picture of colocynths  . the pinching pains in the lower thigh and hip joint . the trigeminal  neuralgia  with the characteristic  intestinal catarrh and colic relieved by pressure could not leave any doubt as to whether some other remedy might be considered.It was as schiier writes  a direct hit.  A      very popular remedy is GNAPHALIUM polycphalum from the yellow tincture  for merly used for dysentery a 30x is prepared . the guiding symptom for this remedy is the feeling numbness and as of ants crawling in the branches of the sciatic  nerve  especially in the area of the calf      muscles alternating with  pains


The disturbing sensation of are actually more unpleasant Than     the pain in the course of the sciatica nerve itself .  the patient feels better when sitting and worse  when standing or walking .

The Remedy is indicated   especially in the old cases in which inflammation of the nerves exist with loss of reflexes and shrinkage of the muscles .


The poisonous so much from the red , peculiar smelling , some  what astringent  tincture  a 6x or 30x is prepared  according to professor hoft , rhustox 30x is indicated  when a route sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic in the vicinity of its route  , greater hence as it exist  from the spine)

Occurs with simultaneous lumbago like pains .

1.aggravation at rest and on beginning movement  (as often in cases of inflammation  or degeneration of the joints) at night , especially  in a change to cold , wet weather .

! . through continued movement 
2. Through heat and by warm weather . that sciatica patient on  reception into a hospital the first night  after taking Rhus tox declared they had not  slept so well for a long time . Obviously, it is a question here of a rheumatic sciatica  . suggestion    plays no part , since  the patient  had been treated with other remedies with out success.

In this remedy, the  constitutional aspect  is important  , hence the pulsatilla type  with its gentle  tearful  character  effeminate  type with a psychotic  touch and subject to sensitivity of the venous  system . From the some what  sharp testing yellow tincture a 4x to 6x is prepared the remedy is especially  indicate d in venous swellings (bluish transparent  veins ) as well as sub normal functioning of the ovaries .

MODALITIES aggravation 1. Through rest especially in warm closed rooms , reason , further relaxation of the veins  3. At night in the warmth of the bed .

1 on motion
2. in fresh air hence in the open .
The period is mostly scanty and very late . the pains change  there location often reason cramp of the various sections of the veins .

CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA bug bane  is especially indicated in simultaneous disease  of the feminine  abdominal organs for example shifting from place  to place .it is the remedy for nervous woman  with increased depression and moodiness arising from the uterus . the character  of the pain is varied and very capricious , as well as the disposition  of the patient . quite frequently there exists asset of symptoms of the cervical spinal column  consisting systems  of the cervical spinal column  consisting in pains in the joints and muscles  the peculiar golden tincture is obtain from the root stock .                

Modalities: Aggravation;-

Through cold and dampness,2.Before and after the period. the type is generally thin.

Ammonium carbonicum; Hartshorn  salt; otherwise used for conditions of  collapse and nasal catarrh as well as  bronchitis.   The potency is 4x . It is  indicated in  varicose Sciatica ,that is  Sciatica in which the net work of veins around the Sciatica nerve is swollen.

Modalities; Aggravation with coughing and sneezing as well as in wet weather .It is  especially indicated in the  occurrence of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Ammonium  muriaticum;-    Sal-ammoniac; is recmended for the  Sciatica which accompanies muscle strain. The following    complaints are characteristic of  the remedy; 1Sitting unbearable 2 In getting  up  from lying down a feeling of stiffening and contraction occurs in the back . the patient can  only sit forward on the edge of the bed. In his book,Body structure and disease the well-known Orthopedic physician A Muller gives as a cause for  these symptoms Sever strain of the back and thigh muscles which consists in a swelling of the  connecting tissue and net work of nerves a surrounding the muscles. The effectiveness  of the remedy is supported by a massage  of the collecting tissues  .

ARNICA MONTANA  arnica belongs to the family of the composites . the bright yellow tincture  comes from the carefully dried and  pulverized root  stock . it is indicated with the sciatica that is associated with extreme  strain .

Characteristics are

  1. feeling of general weakness .
  2. Continued desire for change of position despite  the pain .

MODALITIES aggravation   through  shock , the action of the remedy upon the  when veins is also important .

ARSENICUM ALBUM   200x in case of sciatica induced by the  effect of poisoning . there are 1. Attack of pain which  recur at periodic intervals 2. Restlessness  at night  3. The pains have a  burning character . modalities aggravation 1. After midnight  2. Through  cold  3. Through rest  amelioration  through heat some times the sciatica  develops in connection with a s before evere stomach upset or basedt . he type of patient is mostly thin  emaciated

BRYONIA ALBA 200x to !M bryonia with black berries  , belongs to the family of the obtained from the root which is drug up   before the time of blossoming , tastes repellingly   sharp it is indicated in the sciatica  whose cause  according to Edinger  is to be sought in a swelling of the vein. System   surrounding  the sciatica nerve . Bryonia has an affinity  for the covering of the various organs , for example the covering of the liver  . since it is a liver remedy , the mood of the patient is often irritated , annoyed . there is a tendency to constipation on account of extreme drieng out of the membranes and a great need of rest

AGGRAVATION through motion amelioration 
1. Through rest
2. Through lying on the side effects let one think of the action of the lung is impeded  because of it .

MAGNESIA PHOSPHATE   6x  key remedy for still cramp like pain hence indicated for cramp like sciatica .

AGGRAVATION a at night
Amelioration 1. Through moist heat 2. Through pressure 3. Through curling up (compare colocynthis)

MERCURY PREPARATION 200x   for sciatica   after inflammation of the jaws  are especially  characterized by the following  guiding  symptoms 
1. Aggravation at night    
2. Abundant  sweating  with   out relief as intermittent remedies may be mentioned  in passing

MERCURIUS SULPHURICUS RUBER (cinnabar  red mercuric sulphate) 


Hahnemann consists  predominantly of ammonia this remedy is often successful in the characteristic feeling of shrinking of the muscles  (results of changes in the joints) especially in many  chronic cases  .It is other wise  a remedy in cramp like diseases which have  their  origin  in the spine

CUPRUM ACET 200X ;acetic copper-verdigris 

CUPRUM ARSENIC 200x Aresenate of copper both   joint remedies  which represent above all the principal cramp remedies  . cramp   symptoms  are present . the Copper  aresenate  combines  the effect  of copper  and arsenic  the pains  appear like  an attack like  lightening 

MODALITIES     AGGRAVATION 1. At night 2. Wet weather  . amelioration through pressure . some     times  a nerve pain which occurs  in a surface  nerve at the side of the upper thigh , is confused with the picture of sciatica  . the chief remedy is  phytolacca decandra  200 kermes  berry ( a shrub  with red fruit ) from the phytolacca  ceac family . the y ellow tincture  obtained from the fresh roots  , smells peculiar and tastes some what bitter according to saller there    a condition of inflammation . with predominant  affinity for the glandular  system and in the case of a rheumatic constitution has all the  systems  of the this remedy it is also indicated in sciatica following  syphilis .

MODALITIES   AGGRAVATION  1. At night  2. In wet weather  3. On motion  4. With pressure  the remedies just mentioned should make it possible for the non homeopathic treatment . one who wants to work his way into this difficult , but highly successful art of healing  must study every single remedy thoroughly .

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About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India