Handbook of Gynaecology with Homoeopathic Management By Dr. Harsh Nigam PUBLISHER : B JAIN PUBLICATIONS
Handbook of gynaecology with homoeopathic management is a fascinating collection of the gynaecology related topics with beautifully and properly arranged various gynaecological conditions and their homoeopathic managements designed for rapid consultation.
Introduction :
A very useful book for the students preparing at U.G level and also of great importance at Clinical Level .
The book comes with very beautifully aligned golden points of each topic in a very excellent manner .
The topic starts with its basic Anatomy , Physiology , including the Pathological conditions of the related topics.
Language Used :
The language used in the book is very easy to understand even for a beginner.
Author used the commonly used terms in the book , which makes this book very easy to understand and grasp the topic .
Structure Or Skeleton Of Book :
The book starts with a dedication in which Respectable Dr. Harsh Nigam sir dedicated the book to his guru PARAM HANS BABA RAM MANGAL DAS OF AYODHYA , to his father , mother , wife and to his son
Then the book is presented with a Preface followed by “About The Author & Publisher’s Note”.
The book is broadly divided into 5 sections which are as follows :
A | Section A comprises GYNAECOLOGICAL ANATOMY ,PHYSIOLOGY OF NORMAL MENSTRUAL AND OVARIAN CYCLE , MALFORMATION OF FEMALE GENITAL TRACT . The golden point is that this section also covers COMMUNICATION & RECORD KEEPING from the very initial history taking , presenting a history , record keeping etc. |
B | This section covers the ADOLESCENT GYNAECOLOGY which covers the vaginal discharge , pruritus vulva , labial adhesions , bleeding from vagina etc. |
C | This section covers the gynaecological complaints including precocious puberty , delayed puberty , amenorrhoea , dysmenorrhoea etc. |
D | This section comes with the very important MEDICOLEGAL ISSUES including the MAJOR ACTS |
E | The very final and the last section comes with HOMOEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT IN GYNAECOLOGY . This section covers the case taking , reportorial approach , case analysis , therapeutic strategies, including the supportive measures and very important follow us assessment . |
Analysis of Book :
This is a very useful and perfectly designed book . The beauty of the Homoeopathic Management in SECTION – E is that , it covers the most important part of homeopathy which is CASE TAKING , Individualization Of Symptoms , Repertorial Analysis , Case Analysis , Therapeutic Strategies , Potency , Administration & Repetition including the Plan Of Treatment with supportive measures and follow up assessment.
Effectiveness f Book :
I personally recommend this book to grasp the gynaecological related disease , disorder or pathology including its homoeopathic management.
The most beautiful part which I personally loved in “ The Menstruation Table “ By Wm .Jefferson Guernsey .
What an amazing and informative table this book comprises .
Conclusion :
After studying and analyzing the book , I personally recommend this book to all the students including homoeopathic practitioners. I am gratefully thanks to Respected Dr. Harsh Nigam Sir for this wonderful dedicated work .
TITLE: Handbook of Gynaecology with Homoeopathic Management
AUTHOR: Dr. Harsh Nigam
ISBN: 9788131973868
PAGES: 264
FORMAT: Paperback
Mihir Shakdwipiya
4TH year B.H.M.S
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