Enlarged Adenoids: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment with homeopathic medicine

A Case of Adenoids

A ten year old male child came with her parents with the complaint of nose block since a few months. ENT doctor had diagnosed it with Enlarged posterior Adenoids.
Currently, he had a nose block and he had to breathe through his mouth.
He was suffering from recurrent cold and cough since 3 years. Complaint aggravates in winter and monsoon season.

Parents said the child is very reserved. He is very emotional but does not express much. Keeps things he feels to himself. He likes to be at home, though he goes down to play with his friends.
He likes to perform on stage in school. Good in academics.
Observation: puts a finger in his mouth subconsciously.
On enquiring with parents, they said he puts a finger in his mouth subconsciously in daytime time as well as when he feels emotional. He tries not to do so.

Appetite- normal
Thirst- 1-2 litres/day
Stool- satisfactory, once a day
Urine- normal
Perspiration- moderate, on exertion
Sleep and dreams- sound/ not remembered
Thermally- Hot
Craving- sweets++, chocolates, pulses
Aversion- nothing specific

Birth history:
Walking- 12 months
Talking- late after 2 and half years started talking 2 letter words but later picked up fast
Teething- first tooth at 6 months of age

• Reserved
• Child puts a finger in mouth
• Late learning to talk
• Desire sweets
• Swelling of adenoids
• Obstruction of nose has to breathe through mouth


The remedy came highest were Calcarea, Natrum mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, etc.
The final remedy chosen was Natrum Muriaticum on the basis of thermal modality- Hot patient.

Natrum Mur 200 1dose

Nose block is better by 40%. Parents said he does not keep his mouth open the entire day now.
Rx- Natrum Mur 200 1dose

Nose block completely better
No episode of cold or coryza
No breathing through mouth
Rx – SL

No Nose block
No episode of cold or coryza
No breathing through mouth
General symptoms- normal
Rx – SL

No complaints
Rx- SL

• It is extremely important to consider birth history in the child. Here late learning to talk becomes an important symptom to be considered in the totality of the case.
• Observation makes any case easy to solve. Child putting a finger in the mouth should be enquired as it can be one of the rubrics to be considered for the constitutional prescription.
• The theme of Natrum Muriaticum is a hot patient, reserved and emotional. Slow learning to talk is one of the important symptoms of Natrum Mur. With correct similimum patient was improved without much repetition of the remedy.

Searching Tags: Enlarged Adenoids Causes, Enlarged Adenoids Diagnosis, Enlarged Adenoids Treatment, Enlarged Adenoids Disease

About the author

Dr. Nishtha Bhatt

Dr. Nishtha Bhatt, MD (Hom), Mumbai, completed her BHMS from CMPH Medical College, Mumbai and MD from YMTH Medical College, Mumbai. Currently, she is operating from Dr. Nishtha’s Homeopathic Clinic in Mumbai.