- Passed out in 2007 from Yerala Medical HMC, Kharghar,
- Learnt the clinical nuances by my masters – Dr Milind Rao Sir, Dr Ashok Mohanty Sir and Dr Narendra Gupta Sir.
- Have been medical director in rotary club and initiated homoeopathic camps in nearby areas for benefit to underprivileged from 2008 to 2020.
- Presented pathological cases cured by Homoeopathy in national seminars of HHF multiple times,
- Conducted seminars in various branches of HHF like akola, Amravati, nagpur, delhi, etc.
- Also, conducted webinars in Batra’s Academy on PCOD and Skin diseases,
- Conduct regular sessions in main centre of HHF – Thane,
- Mentor at HHF Academy- conduct regular online lectures for the academy students.
- Author of the book- Going back to the roots-revisiting the fundamentals of homoeopathy
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