Dr Pallavi Chaturvedi

Dr Pallavi Chaturvedi

  1. Passed out in 2007 from Yerala Medical HMC, Kharghar,
  2. Learnt the clinical nuances by my masters – Dr Milind Rao Sir, Dr Ashok Mohanty Sir and Dr Narendra Gupta Sir.
  3. Have been medical director in rotary club and initiated homoeopathic camps in nearby areas for benefit to underprivileged from 2008 to 2020.
  4. Presented pathological cases cured by Homoeopathy in national seminars of HHF multiple times,
  5. Conducted seminars in various branches of HHF like akola, Amravati, nagpur, delhi, etc.
  6. Also, conducted webinars in Batra’s Academy on PCOD and Skin diseases,
  7. Conduct regular sessions in main centre of HHF – Thane,
  8. Mentor at HHF Academy- conduct regular online lectures for the academy students.
  9. Author of the book- Going back to the roots-revisiting the fundamentals of homoeopathy

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