Dr. Richard Moskowitz – Dr. Richard Moskowitz has been practising for more than 50 years as a Family physician. He is also a member of American Institute of Homeopathy, Washington, since 1978 till date. He has completed his graduation in BA from Harvard University, in 1959, Cum Laude in General Studies (Biochemical Sciences), and obtained “Research Traineeship in Biochemistry” from R. B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, in 1958. And completed his graduation with Thesis on topic “Nuclear Weapons Tests and their Hazards to Man”.
Dr. Richard Moskowitz was born on 16 December, 1938. He is a renowned Homoeopathic physician and an inspirational role model for the young homoeopaths. He is currently practising in Passaic, in the U.S. state of New Jersey. His remarkable contributions in the field of homoeopathy, guides and inspires the budding homoeopaths.
Dr. Richard Moskowitz has completed his graduation in BA from Harvard University, in 1959, Cum Laude in General Studies (Biochemical Sciences), and obtained “Research Traineeship in Biochemistry” from R. B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, in 1958. And completed his graduation with Thesis on topic “Nuclear Weapons Tests and their Hazards to Man”.
In 1962, he served as Research Trainee in Social Psychology, under Professors Daniel Levinson and Myron Sharaf, at Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston.
Later he was awarded with U. S. Steel Graduate Fellowship in Philosophy from University of Colorado, in1965.
– Locum tenens for James Langley, M. D., Thornton, CO, 1967.
– Founder and Medical Director, Boulder Free Clinic, Boulder, CO, 1967-69.
– Volunteer Physician, Woodstock Music Festival, Fleischmanns, NY, 1969.
– Volunteer Physician, Medical Committee for Human Rights, New York, 1969-70.
– Volunteer Physician, Boulder People’s Clinic, Boulder, CO, 1972-73.
– School Physician, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, NM, 1980.
– Staff Physician, Beth Israel Hospital, Denver, 1967-68.
– Staff Physician, West Side Neighborhood Health Center, Denver, 1967-69.
– Staff Physician, Red Hook Neighborhood Health Center, Brooklyn, NY, 1969-70.
– Medical Staff, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Santa Fe, 1975-1981.
1. Intensive Courses for Physicians and Health Professionals, NCH Teaching Faculty:
– Millersville State College, Millersville, PA, 1978-82.
– Tucson and Phoenix, AZ, 1984, 1985.
– Endicott College, Beverly, MA, 1983-92.
– George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 1993-94.
– Santa Fe, 1975.
– Provincetown, Rockport, Falmouth, and Northampton, MA, 1982. 1984, 1988, 2007.
– Boston, 1983, 1987, 1992.
– Augusta, Lewiston, and Waldoboro, ME, 1983, 1984, 1985.
– Ann Arbor, 1986.
– Boulder, 1991.
– Chicago, 1994, 1998.
– Youngstown, Akron, and Cleveland, OH, 1987, 1993, 1998.
– Palm Beach and Orlando, FL, 1986, 2000.
– Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
– Midwifery Conference, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, 1992.
– Seminar for Cuban Physicians, Homeopaths Without Borders, Havana, Cuba, 2000
– Annual Meeting, California State Homeopathic Medical Society, San Diego, 1977.
– Dissent in Medicine Conference, Robert Mendelsohn, M. D., Chicago, 1984.
– Keynote Address, Cæsarean Prevention Movement Conference, Newark, NJ, 1984.
– Annual Conference, Society of Homœpaths, Manchester and Keele, UK, 1991, 2004.
– Midwifery Association of North America (MANA) Conference, Boston, 1992.
– Annual Conference, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Santa Fe, 1997.
– Annual Conference, Canadian Naturopathic Association, Toronto, 1999.
– Annual Conferences, American Institute of Homeopathy, 1978, 1983, 1994, 2000.
– Annual Conferences, National Center for Homeopathy, 1983-87, 1995, 1998, 2000.
– International League of Homeopathic Physicians, Berlin, Los Angeles, 2005, 2010.
– Home births attended approximately 600 between 1969 and 1982.
– Herbal medicine, self-study, 1971-2020.
– Radionics and radiesthesia, Hanna Kroger, R. N., Boulder, CO, 1971-74.
– Japanese acupuncture, Sensei Masahilo Nakazono, Third Civilization, Santa Fe, 1974-75.
– Homeopathic Medicine, National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) Professional Course, Millersville, PA, 1974, 1975.
– Seminars in Classical Homeopathy, Professor George Vithoulkas, M. I. H., Athens and Alonissos, Greece, and New York, NY, 1976, 1982, 1990.
– Seminar in Classical Homeopathy, Roger Morrison, M. D., Boston, 1993.
– Seminars in Classical Homeopathy, Drs. Rajan Sankaran, Nandita Shah, Jayesh Shah, et al., Boston, Mumbai, India, and Esalen, CA, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999.
– Seminar in Classical Homeopathy, Dr. Massimo Mangialavori, Boston, 1997.
– International League of Homeopathic Physicians (LMHI), Athens, 1976; Washington, D. C., 1987; Berlin, 2005; Los Angeles, 2010.
– Seminar in Classical Homeopathy, Dr. Russell Malcolm, Tarrytown, NY, 2008.
– Seminar in Predictive Homeopathy, Prafull Vijayakar, New Orleans, 2014.
– General and family practice, largely homeopathic, Santa Fe, 1974-82; Boston, 1983-2020.
– And finally, Retired, July 1, 2020.
Dr. Richard have been a member of – American Institute of Homeopathy, Washington, 1978-present.
– AIH Board, 2006-2018, Secretary, 2016-18.
– National Center for Homeopathy, Board Member, 1983-1987; President, 1985-86.
– Interface Institute for Holistic Education, Boston, Board Member, 1994-95.
– American Holistic Medical Association, 1985-2020.
– Physicians for a National Health Program, 2006-2020.
– “Drug Reactions and Biological Individuality,” Homeotherapy 3:1, August 1977.
– “When Not to Give a Remedy,” Journal of the AIH 73:11, March 1980.
– “Homeopathic Remedies vs. the Placebo Effect,” Homeotherapy 6:99, July-August 1980.
– “Homeopathic Reasoning,” Lecture to Symposium, “Homeopathy: the Renaissance of Cure, San Francisco, April 1980; published in Homeotherapy 6:135, September 1980.
– “Two Obstetrical Remedies,” Homeopathy Today, July 1981.
– “Homeopathic Remedies in Pregnancy and Childbirth,” Homeopathy Today, January 1983.
– “Magnesia Phosphorica,” Homeopathy Today, February 1983.
– “The Case Against Immunizations,” Journal of the AIH 76:7, March 1983; reprinted as NCH and UK Society of Homœpaths pamphlets; included in Robert Mendelsohn, ed., Dissent in Medicine, Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1985.
– “Vague, Long-Term Diagnosis: the Nocebo Effect,” Journal of the AIH 76:26, March 1983.
– “Peculiar and Characteristic Symptoms,” Homeopathy Today, April 1983.
– “Postscript on Immunizations,” Journal of the AIH 76:101, September 1983.
– “Unvaccinated Kids: What’s Next for Them (and Us)?” Mothering Magazine, January 1987.
– “AIDS: Chronic Immune Failure,” Resonance, Journal of the American Foundation for Homeopathy, January 1988.
– “Some Thoughts on the Malpractice Crisis,” British Homœopathic Journal 77:17, January 1988; reprinted in Journal of the AIH 81:22, March 1988, and The Homœopath, Journal of the UK Society of Homeopaths, September 1992.
– “What Is Homeopathy?” in Robin Larsen, ed., Emanuel Swedenborg: a Continuing Vision, Swedenborg Foundation, New York, 1988, p. 475.
– “Is There More than One Correct Remedy?” Resonance, January 1989.
– “More on Similia Similibus Curentur,” Journal of the AIH 82:22, March 1989.
– “Hospital Ethics Committees: the Healing Function,” HEC Forum 1:309, January 1990; reprinted in Stuart Spicker, ed., The Hospital Ethics Committee Experience, Kluwer, 1998.
– “Options in Homeopathic Self-Care,” East. West Journal, January 1990.
– “Two Childbirth Remedies,” Journal of the AIH 83:72, September 1990; reprinted in British Homœopathic Journal 79:206, October 1990; German version, Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, 1991.
– “Whose Life Is It, Anyway? Some Thoughts about the Doctor-Patient Relationship,” Chrysalis, Journal of the Swedenborg Foundation 6:103, Summer 1991.
– “Vaccination: a Sacrament of Modern Medicine,” lecture to the UK Society of Homeopaths Annual Conference, 1991; published in Journal of the AIH 84:96, December 1991; reprinted in UK, The Homœopath 12:137, March 1992.
– “Ethics in Homeopathic Practice,” lecture to the AIH Conference, 1993; published in Journal of the AIH 86:238, December 1993.
– “Vaccinations,” in Barbara Katz Rothman, ed., Encyclopedia of Childbearing, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1993.
– “Childhood Ear Infections,” lecture to the AIH Conference, 1994; published in Journal of the AIH 87:137, Autumn 1994; reprinted in The Homœopath, 1994.
– “Homeopathy,” with Jennifer Jacobs, M. D., in Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Marc Micozzi, ed., Churchill Livingstone, London, 1995.
– ” Why I Became a Homeopath,” Journal of the AIH 89:74, Winter 1996.
– “Plain Doctoring,” Resonance 19:30, March-April 1997.
– “Hahnemann’s Achievement and Legacy,” American Homeopath 6:65, Summer 2000.
– “To Have and Have Not: Homeopathy in Cuba,” Journal of the AIH 93:59, Summer 2000; reprinted in Homeopathy Today, July-August 2000, and New England Journal of Homeopathy 9:115, Spring-Summer 2000.
– “Illness as Metaphor (with Apologies to Susan Sontag),” Journal of the AIH 94:176, Autumn 2001.
– “Innovation and Fundamentalism in Homeopathy,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (reborn AIH Journal) 95:91, Summer 2002; reprinted in Simillimum, Journal of Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians 15:17, Fall 2002.
– “Epiphany: the Quantum Mechanics of the Spiritual Life,” published as “Housecalls,” Chrysalis Reader, Swedenborg Foundation, New York, December 2002.
– “The Fundamentalist Controversy: an Issue That Won’t Go Away,” lecture to UK Society of Homeopaths Annual Conference, May, 2003; published in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 97:28, Spring 2004, reprinted in The Homeopath, UK, Winter 2004.
– “Hidden in Plain Sight: the Rôle of Vaccines in Chronic Disease,” lecture to the 60th LIGA Congress, Berlin, 2005; published in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 98:15, Spring 2005.
– “Advisory on Bird Flu,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 99:16, Spring 2006.
– “Diagnosis,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 102:7, Spring 2009, and 102:56, Summer 2009; reprinted in Medical Studies, Netherlands 2:121, 2010.
– “Vaccines, Drugs, and Other Causes: a Homeopath Looks at the Medical System,” lecture to 65th LIGA Congress, Los Angeles, May 2010; published in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 103:214, Winter 2010, and 104:13, Spring 2011.
– ”For Homeopathy: a Practicing Physician’s Perspective,” AJHM 104:125, Autumn 2011.
– “Hidden in Plain Sight: Vaccines as a Major Risk Factor for Chronic Disease,” abridged version of AJHM, 2005, op. cit., American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 106:107, Fall 2013.
– “Some Thoughts on the Beginnings of Life,” Spectrum, Spring 2013; reprinted in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 106:147, Winter 2013.
– ‘Those Measles Outbreaks: Thoughts out of Season,” Children’s Health Defense, childrenshealthdefense.org, March 7, 2019.
– “The Jig Is Up,” Alliance for Human Research Protection, ahrp.org, February, 2020.
– “Homeopathy Was His Mission: Royal Copeland, M. D.,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 113:31, Summer 2020.
– “A Plague on Both Your Houses,” Age of Autism, ageofautism.com, October 23, 2021.
– “A COVID Politics,” Age of Autism, ageofautism.com, October 23, 2021.
– “The Virus Was Made in a Lab,” Age of Autism, ageofautism.com, November 23, 2021.
– “Vaccination and Chronic Disease,” Age of Autism, ageofautism.com, June 22, 2022.
– “Plague and Pregnancy: a Case Report,” with Jonathan Mann, M. D., Journal of the AMA 237:1854, 25 April 1977.
– “A Sampling of Animal Cases,” Homœopathic Links 16:15, Spring 2003.
– “A Wound Heals -¬ after 25 Years,” Homeopathy Today, February 2007.
– “A 42¬Year¬Old Man with Bronchiectasis,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 102:78, Summer 2009.
– “An Autistic Boy,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 102:117, Autumn 2009.
– “A Woman with Lupus, and a Whole Lot More,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 103:22, Spring 2010.
– “Report from the Trenches: Chronic Lyme Disease,”AJHM 112:26, Summer 2019.
– Book Review: Dana Ullman and Stephen Cummings, Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines, Homeopathy Today, March 1985.
– Book Review: Adelaide Suits, Brass Tacks: an Oral Biography, Homeopathy Today, December 1985.
– Book Review: Alain Horvilleur, The Family Guide to Homeopathy, Homeopathy Today, May 1987.
– Conference Review: “The Scientific Sessions,” 42nd LIGA Congress, Washington, May 1987, Homeopathy Today, July-August 1987.
– Book Review: Larry Dossey, Beyond Illness, Chrysalis, Journal of the Swedenborg Foundation, 4:117, Spring 1989.
– Book Review: Catherine Coulter, Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines, Vol. 2, HomeopathyToday, April 1989.
– Book Review: George Vithoulkas, A New Model of Health and Disease, Homeopathy Today, January 1993.
– Book Review: George Vithoulkas, Materia Medica Viva, Volume 1, Journal of the AIH 86:257, December 1993.
– Book Review: Harris Coulter, The Controlled Clinical Trial, Journal of the AIH 86:254, December 1993.
– Book Review: Roger Morrison, Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms, Homeopathy Today, January 1994.
– Video Review: Julian Winston, The Faces of Homeopathy, Journal of the AIH 88:158, Spring 1995.
– Book Review: Nancy Herrick, Animal Mind, Human Voices: Provings of Eight New Animal Remedies, Homeopathy Today, January 1999.
– Book Review: Roger Morrison, Desktop Guide to Physical Pathology, Homeopathy Today, April 1999.
– Book Review: Julian Winston, The Faces of Homeopathy, Homeopathy Today, October 1999.
– Book Review: Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman, Rage-Free Kids, Homeopathy Today, July-August 2000.
– Book Review: A. U. Ramakrishnan and Catherine Coulter, A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer, Homeopathy Today, November 2001; reprinted in Homœopathic Links, Netherlands, 15:60, Spring 2002.
– Book Review: Julian Winston, The Heritage of Homeopathic Literature, Homeopathy Today, April-May 2002.
– Book Review: Isaac Golden, Homeoprophylaxis, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 99:149, Summer 2006.
– Seminar Review: Russell Malcolm, “Introduction to Homeopathy” and “The Bowel Nosodes,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 102:27, Spring 2009.
– Book Review: Dana Ullman, The Homeopathic Revolution, Journal of Alternative andComplementary Therapies 16:517, April 2010.
– Book Review: Massimo Mangialavori, Praxis, Spectrum of Homeopathy, Germany, 2010, p. 134; reprinted in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 104:218, Winter 2011.
– Book Review: Catherine Coulter, “The Power of Vision: a Life of Samuel Hahnemann,” Spectrum, Spring 2012, reprinted in Homeopathy Today, Spring 2012.
– Book Review: Rajan Sankaran, The Synergy in Homeopathy, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 105:138, Autumn 2012.
– Seminar Review: Karl Robinson, et al., “Prafull Vijayakar’s Predictive Homeopathy,”American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 106:56, Summer 2013.
– Seminar Review: Prafull and Ambrish Vijayakar, “Predictive Honeopathy,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 107:77, Summer 2014.
– Book Review: Karl Robinson, Small Doses, Big Results, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 107, Autumn 2014.
– Book Review: “It’s All about Big Pharma,” RFK, Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, Children’s Health Defense, childrenshealthdefense.org, March 1, 2022.
– Book Review: Francis Treuherz, Much Ado about Nothing: My Journey in Homeopathy, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 116, Spring, 2023.
– “Henry Waters, 1899-1986,” Homeopathy Today, July-August 1986.
– “Elinore Peebles, 1897-1992,” Homeopathy Today, October 1992.
– “Maesimund Panos, M. D., 1912-1999: Stateswoman, Friend, Mother of Us All,” Homeopathy Today, October 1999.
– “Julian Winston, 1941-2005, In Loving Memory,” Homeopathy Today, July. August 2005.
– “In Memoriam: Christine Luthra, M. D. (1951-2006),” Homeopathy Today, November. December 2006.
– “Harris Coulter (1932-2009): Devoted Scholar, Keen Intellect, Soldier for the Cause,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 103:7, Spring 2010.
– “David Warkentin (1951- 2010): An Appreciation,” American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 103:179, Winter 2010.
– “Catherine Coulter (1934-2014): A Remembrance,” Homeopathy Today, Summer 2014.
– “On Lay Prescribing,” Homeopathy Today, April 1982.
– President’s Message, Homeopathy Today, June 1985.
– President’s Message, “Lay Practice,” Homeopathy Today, October 1985.
– President’s Message, Homeopathy Today, January 1986.
– “Homeopathy on the Line,” Homeopathy Today, April 1986.
– President’s Report, Homeopathy Today, September 1986.
– Open Letter to President Clinton, Homeopathy Today, February 1993.
– “The Great Malpractice Scandal,” Santa Fe Reporter, 16 April 1981.
– Open Letter to Prof. Harold Morowitz, in reply to his article, “Much Ado about Nothing,” in Hospital Practice, July 1982, Homeopathy Today, October 1982.
– Reply to letter from John Coker, Homeopathy Today, September 1984.
– Letter to the Editor, “Sample Living Will Addendum,” Journal of the AIH 85:10, March 1992.
– Open Letter to Gerald Weissman, M. D., in reply to his article, “Dancing with Fairies, Sucking with Vampires,” in MD Magazine, November 1992, Homeopathy Today, March 1993.
– “Animal Testing in Homeopathy,” Open Letter to Jennifer Jacobs, M. D., and the Homeopathic Research Network, Journal of the AIH 88:8, Spring 1995.
– “More on Vaccinations,” Letter to the Editor, Mothering Magazine, Spring 1997.
– Reply to letter from Domenick Masiello, D. O., Homeopathy Today, December 2000.
– “For Homeopathy: a Practicing Physician’s Perspective,” in rebuttal to Kevin Smith’sarticle, “Against Homeopathy: a Utilitarian Perspective,” in Bioethics, UK, February 2011, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 104:125, Autumn 2011; German version, Homöopathie Zeitschrift, 2012, p. 99.
– “Homeopathic Reasoning,” lecture to Symposium, “Homeopathy: the Renaissance of Cure, San Francisco, April 1980; published in Homeotherapy 6:135, September 1980.
– “Whose Birth Is It, Anyway?” lecture to Cæsarean Prevention Movement Conference, Newark, 1984; CPM videotape.
– “What Homeopathy Can Teach, and What It Has to Learn,” lecture to NCH Annual Conference, 1986, summarized in Homeopathy Today, September 1986.
– “Poverty in the Midst of Plenty: American Homeopathy in 1987,” Lecture to NCH Annual Conference, 1987, summarized in Homeopathy Today, October 1987; NCH audiotape.
– “How Can It All Be Done?” lecture to NCH Annual Conference, 1987, summarized in Homeopathy Today, September 1987; NCH audiotape.
– “Beyond Curing,” Julia Green Memorial Lecture, NCH Summer School, July 1988, NCH audiotape.
– “Vaccination: a Sacrament of Modern Medicine,” lecture to Society of Homeopaths Annual Conference, UK, 1991; published in Journal of the AIH 84:96, December 1991; reprinted in The Homœopath (UK)12:137, March 1992.
– Homeopathic Philosophy Lecture Series, NCH Summer School, 1991, 1992; NCH audiotapes.
– “Childhood Ear Infections,” lecture to AIH Conference, 1994; published in Journal of the AIH 87:137, Autumn 1994; reprinted in The Homœopath, UK, 1994.
– “Illness as Conflict, Health as Resolution,” lecture to Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Annual Conference, Santa Fe, 1997, unpublished.
– “Samuel Hahnemann: the Man and His Impact,” lecture at Centenary of the Hahnemann Monument, Washington, May 2000, AIH audiotape.
– “Hidden in Plain Sight: the Rôle of Vaccines in Chronic Disease,” lecture to 60th LIGA Congress, Berlin, 2005; published in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 98:15, Spring 2005.
– “Vaccines, Drugs, and Other Causes: a Homeopath Looks at the Medical System,” lecture to 65th LIGA Congress, Los Angeles, May 2010; published in American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 103:214, Winter 2010, and 104:13, Spring 2011.
– “Malpractice,” Firing Line, William F. Buckley, moderator, WNET, New York, October 1982, WNET videotape.
– Symposium, “Vaccination: The Issue of Our Time,” Mothering Magazine, Spring 1996.
– “The Vaccination Debate,” with Andrew Weil, M. D., Natural Health, November-December 1997.
– “Report on Bioterrorism,” AIH Bioterrorism Committee, American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 96:94, Summer 2003.
– Interview with Peggy O’Mara, Mothering, April 1988.
– Memoir, “Why I Became a Homeopath,” Journal of the AIH 89:74, Winter 1996; reprinted in The Homœopath, UK,1997, p. 712.
– “What Is Homeopathy?” unpublished patient handout, 1996.
– Interview with Jane Ryan, New England Journal of Homeopathy 9:83, Spring-Summer 2000.
– “Advisory on Anthrax,” unpublished patient handout, 2002.
– “Advisory on Smallpox,” unpublished patient handout, 2002.
– Foreword, Nancy Herrick, Sacred Plants, Human Voices: Provings of Seven New Plant Remedies, Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, San Francisco, 2003.