Animal Magnetism or Positive and Negative Mesmerism

Non-Medicinal Therapeutic Measures

Different Non- Medicinal Therapeutic Measures as mentioned by Hahnemann in Organon of Medicine are as follows:



Positive Mesmerism ( Aph 293 in Fifth edition and Aph 289 in Sixth edition).

Positive Mesmerism:
Definition: It is one of the methods of practicing mesmerism characterized by influx of more or less vital force into the patient by positive pass. Positive pass consists of a single pass made, without much exertion of will, with the palms of the hands not too slowly from the top of the head downwards over the body to the tips of the toes.


In case of Uterine Haemorrhage, even in the last stage when death seems approaching.

In rush of blood to the head and sleepless, anxious restlessness of weakly persons.

Negative Mesmerism:
Definition: Another method of Mesmerism characterized by the discharge of the Vital force which is excessively accumulated in individual parts of the system of undebilitated persons by negative pass.

It is just opposite of Positive Mesmerism as it produces contrary effect.

Negative passes consists of making a very rapid motion of the extended flat hand from the top of tthehead to the tips of the toes, placing the hand parallel to and about an inch away from the body of the patient.

The more the rapid the pass, the more injurious to a delicate person affected with a chronic ailment and deficient in Vital force.


To rouse from a somnabulic sleep.

Sudden suppression of menstruation in a previously healthy woman by a violent mental shock.In such case, the vital force which probably accumulated in the precordial region will by such negative pass, be discharged and its equilibrium throughout the whole organism be  restored so that resuscitation generally follows immediately.

To antidote the bad effects of Positive Mesmerism.In like manner, a gentle, less rapid, negative pass diminishes the excessive restlessness and sleeplessness accompanied with anxiety sometimes produced in very irritable persons by a too powerful positive pass, etc.

Footnote of Aph 294: Cautions

It is a well known rule that a person who is either to be positively or negatively mesmerised, should not wear silk on any part of the body.

 Hence a negative pass, especially if it be very rapid, is extremely injurious to a delicate person affected with a chronic ailment and deficient in vital force


Described under “Materia medica pura”.

Dose of Magnets can be modified by the length of time of contact with one or the other pole , according to the symptoms of either north or south pole indicated.


Diseases can be cured by above means:

Diseases of Sensibility and Irritability.

Diseases of Abnormal Sensations.

Involuntary Muscular Movements.

MASSAGE (Aph 290)

Indications:Treated cases of chronic diseases, still sufferers from

Loss of flesh.

Weakness of digestion.


To reach and restore the tone of the muscles and blood and lymph vessels.


BATH (Aph 291)

Luke warm Bath:

Temperature: 25-270 Rѐ


Hysterical Spasms

Cold Bath:

Temperature: 10-60 Rѐ


In persons cured medically of chronic diseases and with deficiency of vital heat, act as a Homoeopathic Aid.



Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital

Searching Tags: Diseases of Sensibility and Irritability, Diseases of Abnormal Sensations, Involuntary Muscular Movements, Animal Magnetism, Positive Mesmerism, Negative Mesmerism

About the author

Dr Disha