‘Ailments‘: A Keyword to Find Similimum from Synthesis Repertory

‘Ailments‘: A Keyword To Find Similimum From Synthesis Repertory

Author:- Dr.Supriya Korde ,(MD Homeopathic Repertory) Aurangabad
‘Ailments’ in Oxford dictionary the word ailments means the causa, causation, reason, or antecedent occasion. Ailment is a factor or stimulus that changes to the inertia of the living organisms .In homoeopathy ‘ailments from’ means the cause of disease or illness which can be present at mental as well as Physical level to stimulate disease. There was different approaches explained to find out the similimum after repertorization in disease case. In homoeopathy Dr.Boger has introduced ‘doctrine of causation’ and time modality and gave more importance to causation, time modality and general modality in case analysis. According to him this approach is more practical and proved for finding similimum. In synthesis repertory the rubric ‘ailments from’ and sub rubrics are present in mind section. In only synthesis repertory the rubric ‘ailments from’ is specifically mentioned as individuals rubric.

Keywords: Ailments , Similimum , Synthesis

Different Ailments are explains as follows:

1. Abstinence – the practice of doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyable.
2. Abused – to treat someone cruelly or violently.
3. Accusations – a charge or claims that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
4. Admonition – to warn someone not to do something usually in a kind way, or to tell
Someone to do something, or criticism about someone behaviour
5. Affection – a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
6. Alcoholism – addiction to consumption alcoholic drinks or alcohol dependency
7. Ambition – a strong desire to do or achieve something.
8. Anger – a strong feelings of annoyance, displeasures or hostility.
9. Anticipation – expectation or hope, realization in advance.
10. Appreciated ; From not being – to be grateful or thank full for
11. Asking for Help
12. Bad news
13. Betrayed from being -violation of person’s trust or confidence, of a moral standards.
14. Business failure
15. Cares ; worries
16. Caressing; amorously – someone or something to stork it gently or loving or
Affectionate manner
17. Celibacy – the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations
18. Continence – the ability to control movement of bowel and bladder; self-restraint
19. Contradiction – a combination of statement, ideas or features which are opposed to one
20. Criticized – indicates the faults of (something or someone) in a disapproving way
21. Death ; of loved ones –
22. Debauchery – excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol or drugs

23. Deceived – deliberately cause ( someone) to believe something that is not true,
especially for personal gain
24. Disappointment – sadness or displeasure cause by not fulfilment of one hope or
25. Discords ; between – difference of opinion, disagreement
26. Domination – the exercise of power or influence over someone or something, or state
Being controlled
27. Egotism – the fact of being excessively conceited or absorbed in one
28. Embarrassment – a feeling of self-consciousness , awkwardness or shame
29. Emotionally ; suppressed from being
30. Emotions ; – a strong feeling of deriving from one’s circumstances , mood or relationship
31. Excitement ; a feeling of great enthusiasm or eagerness
32. Excitement ; emotional
33. Expectations ; of parents too high
34. Failure – lack of success
35. Father ; absence
36. Fear – an unpleasant emotions caused by threat of danger, pain or harm
37. Financial loss
38. Forced from being
39. Fortune; from reverse of – chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting Human affairs
40. Freedom loss of – losing the power or right to act , speak or think as one wants
41. Friendship ; deceived –
42. Fright – a sudden intense feeling of fear
43. Grief – intense , sorrow especially caused by someone’s death
44. Homesickness – A feeling of longing from one’s home during period of absence from it
45. Honour ; wounded- hurt or injure feeling for the prestige or respect
46. Humiliation – act of shame or embarrassed feeling when someone showed you stupid,
Or when you make mistake in public
47. Hurry – move or act with great hast
48. Indigestion – pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digestion of
49. Injuries, accident; mental symptoms from
50. Injustice – lack of fairness or justice
51. Insult – speak or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse –
52. Intolerance- unwilling to accept views ,belief or behaviour that alone differ from one
Another of own

53. Irritability – the quality or state of being irritable
54. Jealousy – feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements ,
possessions , or perceived advantages
55. Job ; having lost his
56. Joy – a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

57. Laughing – make the spontaneous sound and movements of face and body that are the
instinctive expression of lively amusement and sometimes also derision
58. Love -an intense feeling of deep affection
59. Love disappointed – fail to fulfil the expectations or wishes of love
60. Magnetized being –always wants to be with someone or something
61. Masturbation -stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual pleasure.
62. Meditation – mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or
activity to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and
emotionally calm and stable state
63. Mental exertion – is a psychophysiological state caused by sustained and prolonged
cognitive activity.
64. Mental shock -a sudden or violent mental or emotional disturbance
65. Mentally suppressed; from being
66. Mondo; from losing –a fast and spontaneous questioning an answering technique
67. Moral excitement – excitement for relating to the standard of good or bad behaviour ,
fairness ,honesty
68. Mortification –great embarrassment or shame
69. Music –
70. Neglected; being –to pay no attention or too little attention to ;disregard or slight for
71. Nervous shock – metal illness or injury inflicted upon a person by intentional or negligent
Actions omission of another.
72. News ; bad
73. Noise – a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbances.
74. Nursing ; the other- to care for a person or animal while they are ill
75. Obliged to do things against his will ; being – the things which are legally or morally
bound to do something are against his will
76. Offended; being – resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult.
77. Opportunities to realise his ability; lack of – there is lack of confidence to do possible
things or losing a chance
78. Overwork –
79. Pecuniary ; loss –loss of interest relating to or consisting of money
80. Place ; loss of
81. Position; loss of
82. Pregnancy –
83. Pride of other- the quality of being respect for other
84. Prostration of mind – extreme mental or emotional depression or dejection
85. Protection/ parental protection –
86. Punishment- the act of inflicting a consequences or penalty on someone as a result of
their wrong doing.
87. Quarrelling – have heated argument or disagreement
88. Rage, fury- state of anger
89. Rejected; from being- refuse to agree or dismiss as inadequate
90. Remorse – deep regret or guilt for wrong committed
91. Reprimand – a formal expression of disapproval
92. Reproach – express to (someone) one’s disapproval of or disappointment in their action
93. Reputation ; loss of- the belief or opinion that are generally held about someone or
something is absent or lost
94. Responsibility – the state of fact of having a duty to deal with something of having
control over someone.
95. Rudeness of others- lack of manner ; discourteousness
96. Scolded – call loudly and persistently
97. Scorned being-feel express contempt or disdain for.
98. Self confidence; from want of – a feeling of trust in one’s abilities ,qualities and
99. Sexual abstinence – for people not having any kind of sex
100. Sexual abused –unwanted or forced full sexual activity
101. Sexual excess – repeated harassment is repeated and unwelcome sexual comments ,
On looks or physical contact at work usually a men’s action that offend a
102. Sexual excitement – desire in preparation for sexual behaviour
103. Sexual humiliation – see sexual abuse
104. Shame – a painful feeling of distress caused by the consciousness of wring or foolish
105. Shock mental – see mental shock
106. Striving for perfection – aiming at something that is good that it cannot get better and
the risk is that you will never get
107. Suppression – action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication
108. Surprises – unexpected or astonishing event , fact
109. Unhappiness – a feeling of not being happy , sadness
110. Unusual anything – anything that is not common ,or ordinary exceptional ex. Unusual
sound ,Unusual hobby, unusual response
111. Vexation – a state of being annoyed or frustrated or worried
112. Violence – behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt , damage or kill someone
Or something.
113. Weeping – shedding tears
114. Weather – a state of atmosphere at a particular place
115. Work, manual fine
116. Writing –
117. Writing left handed suppression of –

‘Ailments ‘ is the basic factor to produce a illness in living organism.Thus after taking the case proceed for the repertorization where ailment factor should be consider as the route cause of the disease, so that practitioner can find the peculiarity of the case. This is easy way to find out the exact similimum to the disease case by the synthesis repertory.

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3. Shashikant Tiwari , Essential Of Repertorisation , fifth edition , Narayana verlag , Germany.2012
4. RADAR Opus 10 Homoeopathic software.
5. ZOMEO Software 2020

About the author

Dr.Supriya Ganpatrao korde

I am MD (Hom Rep) Part I student