Abstract- Alopecia areata is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by patchy hair loss. Homoeopathy offers a holistic approach to treat this condition, focusing on the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. This article reviews the homoeopathic treatment of alopecia areata, highlighting the following:
– Key homoeopathic remedies: Arsenicum album, Graphites, Lycopodium, Phosphorus and Thuja occidentalis
– Individualization: tailoring treatment to the individual’s unique constitution and characteristics
– Potentization: using highly diluted remedies to address underlying causes
– Repertorization: thorough analysis of symptoms to select the most suitable remedy
Homoeopathic treatment has shown promising results in:
– Promoting hair regrowth
– Reducing hair loss
– Improving overall well-being
– Addressing underlying stress and emotional triggers
This approach offers a safe, gentle, and long-term solution for alopecia areata patients.
Many Homoeopathic remedies have been prescribed according to Totality of symptoms as per case and reports have also been published.
Keywords – Alopecia areata, Auto-immune, Homoeopathy.
Definition– Alopecia areata is a chronic autoimmune skin disease characterized by patchy hair loss on the scalp, face and body.
Etiology – The pathogenesis of Alopecia areata is uncertain and following factors are incriminated
- Immunological factor – Association of AA with other auto- immune diseases autoimmune thyroid diseases, pernicious anemia, vitiligo and atopy). Moreover, it responds to immunosuppressives.
Cytokines produced by dermal papillae in lesions not only attract lymphocytes to perifollicular regions but also stimulate them to multiply.
- Genetic factor: AA may be present in some families, so it may be having a genetic basis.
- Stress and anxiety are the primary causes. This stress and anxiety trigger an autoimmune response in the body which means that the body defense system is wrongly stimulated and it starts attacking its hair follicles leading to damage of hair and hair falling out.
Morphology – Non cicatricial, noninflammatory alopecia. presents as Discoid areas of hair loss with exclamation mark hair at the edge.
Course – Unpredictable, spontaneous recovery with regrowth initially of gray hair. or progress to alopecia totalis (whole scalp) or alopecia universalis (whole body)
Site – Scalp, less frequently beard, eyebrows and the eyelashes. sometimes generalized.
Prevalence: Alopecia areata is a common type of alopecia
Gender: Both males and females are equally affected.
Age: Can start at any age.
Clinical Features
- Alopecia areata typically presents as a discoid patch of alopecia which shows no scaling papules, inflammation or atrophy.
- Presence of exclamation mark hair at the periphery of the lesion is pathognomonic
- Sometimes a lesion of AA may appear shiny and depressed.
Nails – Pitting and thinning of nail plate. These pits are fine unlike the coarse pits of psoriasis.
Generally, none needed. If suspected, rule out other autoimmune diseases.
Differential Diagnosis: Tinea Capitis, Cicatricial Alopecia
Homoeopathic Approach
The homeopathic approach to treating alopecia areata focuses on addressing the underlying causes, we give medicine to reduce the impact of stress on one’s body and strengthen the root of hairs. Homeopathy helps individuals in building their immune system in such a manner that it hastens the recovery of damaged hair follicles and also assure healthy growth of the new hairs. Reduces autoimmune disorder within the system.
Some Homoeopathic Medicine:
Acid Phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Fluoric acid, Acid phos, Selenium, Baryta carb, Silicea, Lycopodium, Vinca minor, Syphilinum.
Case Summary
Identification of Patient
Miss ABC 30-year-old, Registration no 628174 of old Bhopal visit to Govt Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhopal.
Presenting Complaint – A case of a 30 years old female presented in OPD with chief complaints of a discoid patch on the scalp which shows no scaling which led to a single bald spot.
Location- Scalp
Sensation- Not specify
Modalities- worse during sweating
History of Presenting Complaints
Patient was apparently well 5 years back when she gradually developed hair fall along with roots in the discoid patch initially, it was a small patch which gradually increased in size.
Physical Generals
- General modalities– Most of the complaint aggravated by sweating
- Thermal Reaction- Hot
- Appetite – Perverted aversion to smell and the sight of food
- Thirst – 3-4 liter a day
- Bowel – Feeling nauseated in the morning, from the smell and the sight of food
- Tongue – Clean and clammy
- Sleep- Sound
- Dreams – Not specific
- Menstrual History – Menses is irregular scanty and too late
Mental General
- She is nervous, excited and worried about everything.
- Apprehensive and melancholic
- On probing the relationship with her husband the physical intimacy aspect, she said I am not much interested but I give him to his demands. It’s 15 years into the relationship now. I am not interested at all, all my well-wishers say just ignore but staying under the same roof it is getting difficult for me.
- Patient feels everyone would point out to find nooks in her work, husband too doesn’t reciprocate. She is disappointed because no one asked about her not by the husband nor daughter nor mother-in-law still she has been doing for them but nowadays she is not much interested as far as the family member is concerned, she has been telling how much she has been doing for home and profession.
General Examination
- Built – Healthy
- Pulse – 78/min
- Pallor – mild
- Respiratory rate – 17/min
Analysis and Evaluation of Symptoms
Mental General:
- Apprehensive, melancholic 2+
- Worried about everything 2+
- Apathy, Indifference, aversion to company desire to be alone, sadness depression and hopelessness, desire for solitude, quiet, anxiety about health 3+
Physical Generals –
- Aversion – smell and sight of food 2+
- Thermal reaction – Hot 3+
Totality of Symptoms –
- Nervous, excited and apprehensive
- Melancholic and depressed in her life
- Anxiety about health
- Indifference to his family member
- Diminished sexual desire
- Hair falling out in bunches
- Nauseated feeling in the morning from the smell and sight of food
MIND- ANXIETY, Health about
MIND – CONSOLATION – agg sympathy.
HEAD – – HAIR – FALLING OUT (alopecia)
STOMACH- NAUSEA (qualmishness)
Working method – computed method
Software used – synthesis
Repertorisation method – synthesis repertory used
Repertorial Analysis
- Sepia – 11/26
- Natrum mur – 10/23
- Ignatia – 10/ 22
- Lachesis -10 /22
- Lycopodium -10/21

Repertorial Selection
As sepia cover maximum number of rubrics and scored maximum point therefore sepia was repertorial selection
Sepia 200 single dose, AC AM, Rubrum 30/1 dram BD for 15 days
Follow up: placebo
After taking the medicine: hair growth reappears, patient slept well, patient cries as well and felt much better

In this case, the patient who received homeopathic treatment did considerably better than the previous time. Homeopathic treatment was given according to an individualistic approach. Remedy was selected on the basis of symptoms similarity after analyzing the repertorial totality. Homoeopathic treatment is more cost effective having no further associated symptoms. There are limitations for homoeopathy like unavailability of proper potency of well selected remedy in some cases. Here in this case 200 potency were selected according to the patient’s susceptibility. Few doses of selected potency were required here which worked beneficially. We the homoeopathy physician should always consider the potential of a single remedy in a case.
Alopecia areata is a complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach. Homoeopathy offers a safe, effective and holistic solution by addressing the underlying causes and promoting overall well being.
Conflict of Interest Not available
Financial Support Not available
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- Dr. Shashank Jaithva
(Md Scholar) Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Govt. Hom. Medical College, Bhopal.
- Dr. Chetna Pandey
(M.D.Hom.) H.O.D. (Dept. of Homoeopathic pharmacy) Govt. Hom. Medical College, Bhopal.