Epilepsy Treated Homeopathically - Dr Joachim F Gratz

Epilepsy Treated Homeopathically

Since epilepsy is primarily a chronic event, its homeopathic treatment must be primarily chronic and anti-miasmatic, taking into account all ascertainable causes and correlations. Nevertheless, in the meantime, it will be impossible to avoid using acute homeopathic remedies that have a strong connection to seizures. Such acute remedies come into play particularly when longer seizures or entire series of seizures occur repeatedly. The acute seizure is basically an acute exacerbation of chronic stress, so that, on the one hand, the acute event is treated to acutely eliminate peaks, for example, in cases of status epilepticus, thus making it possible to avoid heavy conventional medication, and, on the other hand, to reduce and eliminate the miasmatic background of seizures over time. As always, when considered solely from an acute perspective, only the current symptoms of the acute event play a role in determining the homeopathic remedies, while, for chronic treatment, vaccine correlations, anti-D immunoglobulin injections, suppressions, anxiety, other diseases that have previously occurred, as well as the ups and downs in the life of the patient, and their pathologies and modalities are all relevant. Just like when examining other chronic diseases, a complete medical history including the family history of blood relatives must be taken.

BNS Epilepsy in a Child – West Syndrome

Little eight-month-old Ines has been suffering from epileptic seizures for at least four months (Blitz-Nick-Salaam spasms, BNS). It all started after the second polyvalent vaccination (DTaP plus Hib), when the parents really noticed it. Since then, there have been “fright attacks”, as the parents originally thought. They noticed an increased “nervousness” after the first vaccination, which they didn’t worry about at first, as it did not appear to be a spasm.

Full-blown seizures were later observed after sleep. There was also twitching when falling asleep; sometimes only once a day, then several times, mostly before, during, or after sleep. For about six weeks, her health had been “going downhill fast”. Ines looked apathetic and only briefly followed an object with her eyes; eye contact became increasingly less. No more laughing, no “singing”. She didn’t respond anymore when spoken to. Her gaze was fixed. Her liveliness decreased. Instead, she became more fidgety. There was also no coordinated gripping anymore. She turned over less frequently. If it was hot in the car, she would become restless, scream, and experience spasms. The conditions sometimes occurred in a series, as many as 6-7 times in succession. On the other hand, there were sometimes no seizures for days. The spasms varied as follows: legs and arms stretched out, eyes fixed; legs crossed, arms crossed, eyes fixed; nodding; trembling of the whole body; hands clenched into fists with thumbs inside; for the past week also twitching of the mouth with snorting, screaming and laughing before and after the attack or the mouth pressed together. The spasms then expanded to the extent that high-frequency generalized clonus followed the conditions described above for 2-3 seconds, followed by whimpering for a few seconds. A pediatric hospital stopped the spams with the anti-convulsant Sabril and Ines was discharged with a “good EEG” (the previous EEG showed symptoms corresponding to hypsarrhythmia, which is a sign of a central cerebral disorder). Just a week later, the Sabril dosage had to be doubled because the seizures increased again.

Further history revealed the following connections: immediately after the treatment with Sabril at the hospital, Ines reacted with diarrhea, which has persisted since then. According to the parents, “she felt better afterwards”. (The diarrhea seems to be a natural discharge of toxins from the organism and should not be stopped by force under any circumstances!) At the moment the infant is crying a lot, possibly because of teething problems. She is quite agitated and always wants to be carried. – We tried to alleviate these acute conditions with Chamomilla 12X, as necessary, pushing 1 globule into the cheek pocket, which in most cases works quite well, but does nothing to eliminate the basic chronic occurrence. – The preferred sleeping position is the prone position; in the process, Ines inclines her face upwards and literally presses it into the pillow. Under Sabril, the mother was able to lay her one time in a so-called knee-elbow position.

When we sent out the children’s questionnaire to prepare for our conversation, we agreed to stop Sabril (and the D fluorettes), as Ines’s general condition had not improved with this drug and the opposite was the case. Since taking her off the medicine, she’s been laughing more and paying more attention.

Ines had a natural birth, but with the umbilical cord around her neck. She was in the breech position up to about two months before the birth. At the beginning of the pregnancy, the mother had an amniocentesis performed, whereby the fetus “was hit on the arm once and wriggled a lot”; the father – himself a doctor – was able to see this clearly on the monitor. Furthermore, the mother had anxiety dreams during pregnancy that involved corpses. Also, there was a fear of giving birth to a disabled child. Shortly before the pregnancy, the mother had chlamydia and increased fluor vaginalis (vaginal discharge). In the last trimester, she suffered from swelling of the ankles, lower legs and feet (edema). Nocturnal leg cramps and pregnancy anemia “had” to be treated.

Ines was not breastfed very much (about three weeks) and, at first, she screamed a lot. “Probably because she wasn’t really full”, said the mother. She received a BCG vaccination in the first few days of life, to which she reacted violently. The puncture site was ulcerated for a long time, and the entire area was reddened. In addition, there was a short-term fever, which can be seen as a subtle sign of subliminal encephalopathy. – Vaccinations are always brain-active, whether we are aware of it or not! – This ulcerated area persisted for almost exactly two months; a red mark can still be seen there today.

Furthermore, Ines often suffers from a congested nose. Thick, solid dried nasal mucus (“boogers”) fasten and clog the nose. There is no question of flowing secretion. If it is a little warmer outside, she will sweat noticeably in the neck area. The fontanel is quite small. The hair sometimes smells musty. According to the doctor’s report, she was hypotonic.

According to the mother, Ines hardly feels any pain; she no longer registers a pinch at all. Hands and feet are cold and sometimes damp. Ines is always tired; often only in the semi-conscious state with monotonous whimpering. Refusal to drink milk. She used to scream loudly when hungry; she hasn’t done that for two weeks either. Pronounced bloated stomach, but no umbilical colic. The prone position is preferred, which she did not like at all for the first three months of life; while lying on her side, she extends her head sharply backwards.

Family history: So, that was the history for little Ines. The family history brought further clear indications of the underlying hereditary miasms, the so-called primary stage miasma, because without this the second “vaccination series” would not have been able to cause such devastating effects. According to Dr. Eichelberger: “A healthy person does not get sick”, whereby health, in the homeopathic sense, makes a much higher claim and is to be equated with free from miasms, i.e. (almost) total health.

In the clinical report, the family history was mentioned to have “no abnormalities”, which is mostly the case with conventional medical history, since miasmatic connections outside of homeopathy are neither known nor can they be implemented therapeutically. Viewed from the homeopathic perspective, however, it looks very different:

Mother: often had bronchitis as a small child, later allergic asthma, hay fever, dysmenorrhea, wound healing disorders, pneumonia, childhood otitis, a tendency for cystitis, chronic venous insufficiency, chlamydia.

Father: food allergies, pollen allergy, asthma, seborrheic eczema, back problems since childhood, polio vaccination not carried out due to severe febrile reaction to other vaccinations, infectious mononucleosis (Pfeiffer’s glandular fever), tonsillectomy due to a tendency for tonsillitis.

There are also family histories of: varices (varicose veins), ulcus cruris (lower leg ulcers), venous thrombosis, struma (goiter) resections, pyelonephritis (renal pelvic inflammation), tendency for sinusitis (frontal sinus cavity or sinus infections), kidney stones, diabetes mellitus, meningitis and encephalitis to name only the most significant.

All in all, a very pronounced mixed miasmatic burden!

Choice of remedy: To evaluate the remedy choice, 20 symptoms were initially used. The main symptoms are shown in bold. Special mention should be made of symptom number 14: suppurating tubercles. I used this as a synonym for the BCG vaccination reaction, which in my opinion reflects the facts of the stubborn pus corpuscle quite well, since it was a tuberculosis vaccination (causal reaction). Symptom no. 11, abscesses, on the other hand, only functions as a synonymous supplement. – So, Ines received Silicea LM18, 1 drop in a glass of water (to be succusses 10 times beforehand), to be stirred vigorously with a plastic spoon and to take only one spoonful of this; repeating every 3 days. The suggestion of Silicea is also confirmed by the rubric convulsions after vaccination (generalities) in Kent’s repertory. Silicic acid is listed here as the only medicinal product, namely trivalent; so it’s kind of a nugget! – Of course, one cannot rely on this symptom alone and ignore all others. The overall context must be correct, as shown by the many other cases in my practice in which Silicea was not the method of choice for epileptic seizures after vaccinations. Strictly speaking, it is not just a matter of solitary BNS spasms, but a pronounced developmental delay across the board with hyperactive and autistic features (West Syndrome)!

Course: The first interim report came after almost three weeks of treatment. It began with the question: “Is it possible that Silicea could make Ines deaf?” The mother had repeatedly observed that the infant was not startled when a heavy object fell down. Even if you banged on a saucepan, there would be no reaction. Ines did not respond to being approached even days before. But she heard the creaking floorboard, and she woke up. Currently, the infant girl is going through quite a few changes of mood; sometimes right after ingestion. She also has a full body rash – and – she no longer has spasms! About a week ago, there was another slight head tremor and at the beginning the spasms would also have intensified significantly. (At that time we had indicated in the history that it would probably happen that way.) She slept very well and her cerumen (earwax) decreased. We agreed that instead of taking a whole spoonful, she would just suck off the wetted spoon every three days (i.e. after stirring, just pull it out without filling it) and let the specialist clarify the matter with her ears.

The result of the ENT medical examination showed: “Normal results.” Vibrations were present in the ear, the eyelids closed when noises were made, and there was no evidence of catarrh in the eustachian tubes.

Another three weeks later: The seizures came back for days in between, but a small development boost was observed after each attack. The infant girl was a little more scared again. The diarrhea is now finally over. Ines eats very little and has lost weight. However, she is now “at normal weight” in contrast to before, when she tended to be overweight. Tongue coordination is currently functioning very poorly. The tongue is often outside (Silicea single-value here!). Ines is more fretful from the erupting second tooth. Chamomilla is doing a good job. On other days, the infant laughed a lot again and was very attentive; the second tooth was in! And – “the autism is receding! She is consciously looking at me again!” Ines is now even starting to make her first attempts at crawling! – A clear sign that the development towards postural maturity has started again on the normal course and that the coordination disorders are clearly on the decline. – The EEG also shows no abnormalities! In addition, Ines can hear better again, but has increasing flatulence at the moment. Later there was once again a swollen left eye. When sleeping, the infant girl now prefers to lie on her stomach; often the so-called knee-elbow position can also be observed (lying on her stomach with her legs drawn up, her buttocks up). Ines’ hands were sometimes clenched into fists while drinking and eating, and her legs made uncontrolled movements. Then, there were phases again when she didn’t like being touched by others. – We increased the Silicea dose again to a full spoonful.

A week later, the spasms were a thing of the past. Ines is doing very well. She eats well, she opens her mouth voluntarily, her tongue coordination is “great”. She’s been crawling for a few days! She laughs a lot and has become a bright little girl. After another seven weeks, there was nothing but good news. She was recently a little shy, but now even approaches people, something that has never happened before. The nervousness has disappeared again and the muscle tone was tighter. At times, sleep was easier and the knee-elbow position no longer occurred. The balance is “perfect” (sitting, crawling, playing). – We decided to move to Silicea in the potency LM24, 1 drop in a glass of water, only every 6 days. (The LM24 is much more profound than an LM18; otherwise there could possibly be more unwanted overreactions!)

The highly exponentiated silicic acid was the healing agent here. The development standstill and the accompanying West Syndrome were successfully eliminated with the help of Silicea.

Last message after another three months: “Took her first steps holding dad’s hand!”

In spite of this, the chronic treatment can by no means be regarded as complete, because the overall hereditary miasmatic burdens are far too pronounced, diverse and deeply rooted to be able to speak of health in the homeopathic sense. The next remedies were Medorrhinum LM18 and Sulfur LM18, which will no longer be justified here, as it would go beyond the scope of these considerations, which, however, brought little Ines forward significantly in her development.

Last status at almost 6 years of age – listen and be amazed: Early enrollment! And to a completely normal school! She really wanted to stay with her friends from pre-school. She is now in fifth grade and is a popular and excellent student; in her last report card alone she had five A’s!

  If one had assumed the so-called “type” when choosing a remedy, as is unfortunately still often practiced worldwide, then little Ines would correspond more to a Calcium type: fat, chubby cheeks, wrinkles in the thighs, etc. Silicea, on the other hand, is rather delicate and thin, so to speak “a line in the landscape”. In this case, we can see very convincingly that one does not get very far with the “type” categorizing in chronic homeopathy!

A few years later: Ines is currently graduating from high school! – Isn’t it fantastic to have such a beneficial healing method with homeopathy? So targeted, so gentle, so permanent and without any side effects…

A few years later again: Ines is studying at a university abroad (!) with very good grades without exception!

Thank you, Samuel Hahnemann.

Excerpt from my book GENTLE MEDICINE – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA




  • Allen, J. H., The Chronic Miasms, 1921, Reprint Edition 2006, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Dehli
  • Grätz, Joachim-F., GENTLE MEDICINE – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA
  • Grätz, Joachim-F., Plattner, Inge, Questionnaire for the Homoeopathic Treatment of Your Child, 2011, 16 pages, Tisani Verlag, Oberhausen i. Obb., Germany
  • N. N., Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth, 2022, GF Books, Inc., Hawthorne, CA, USA

About the author

Dr Joachim F Gratz

Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz, Germany, has been working very successfully as a classical homeopath for over 30 years, taking into account the so-called miasms (chronic basic diseases, disease behind the diseases) and is known far beyond the borders of Germany. The uniqueness of his form of therapy consists in his holistic worldview whereby he also integrates insights from dealing with other natural laws into his homeopathic thinking. This enables him to recognize the causal relationships of every
illness and to treat them accordingly. – An extraordinarily successful practitioner, even with the most severe diseases.
Dr. Grätz studied homeopathy with the well-known German homeopath Dr. Otto Eichelberger in Munich, who was one of the first to take the miasms into account in therapy and who made the LM-potencies (Q-potencies) public in the German-speaking countries.
For a time Dr. Grätz was also a lecturer in classical homeopathy at various academies of naturopathy and homeopathy in Munich, Zurich, Köthen, Gauting, Salzburg, and Vienna, and also at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich for interested medical students. He wrote six books on cassical homeopathy and the miasms with a variety of impressive case studies, on the nature of potencies in acute and chronic homeopathy, and on vaccinations, and published a double DVD. His last book is in English: “Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health”, published in the USA.