1. Aconite
Natural Order: Ranunculaceae
Physical Character
2-6 feet height, all parts are poisonous.
Active Principles
Aconine and Aconitine
Signs and Symptoms
- Burning, tingling of lips, nausea, salivations and vomiting.
- Formication over body.
- Pupils: Contract and dilate alternately – finally dilate and that is called Hippus Sign.
- Impaired vision.
- Vertigo, restlessness dysarthria and weakness of muscle spasm.
- Respiration: Rapid then slow.
- Blood pressure : Decreased. Fatal Dose : 2 mg of pure aconitine. Fatal Period : 1-5 hours
Medico-legal Importance
- Homicidal
- Suicidal
- Abortificient
- Arrow poisoning
- Cattle poison
- Stomach wash is to be given.
- Maintain body heat.
Post-mortem Findings
- Fragments of root seen in the stomach.
- Frothy mucus in the bronchial tree.
2. Nerium odorum (Pink oleander)
Natural Order: Apopcyanaceae
Physical Character
Lanceolate leaves; pink flowers.
Active Principle
Nerin and Odosin
Signs and Symptoms
- Dysphagia, abdominal pain with profuse frothy salivation.
- Pulse first slow but later rapid weak.
- Respiration hurried.
- Dilated pupil, muscular twitching and tetanic spasms.
- Coma
Fatal Dose : 16.6 gms
Fatal Period : 24-36 hours
Medico-legal Importance
- Suicidal
- Homicidal
- Cattle poison
- Accidental in children
Post-mortem Findings
- Congested patches in stomach
- Subendocardial haemorrhage
- Evacuation of stomach
- Symptomatic treatment
3. Cerebra Thevetia (Yellow oleander)
Natural Order: Apocyanaceae
All parts are poisonous
Active Principle
Thevetin and Cerebenin.
Medico-legal Importance
- Suicidal
- Homicidal
- Abortifacient
- Accidental in children
Fatal Dose : 8-10 seeds (crushed)
Fatal Period : Uncertain – Death may occur in 2 hours.
Signs and Symptoms
- Bitter taste in mouth.
- Tingling and numbness in tongue.
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
- Headache, dizziness and dilated pupils.
- Loss of muscular power.
- Pulse weak, slow- rapid and irregular (later).
- Heart block leading to death.
No specific treatment
Reference: A Handbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Dr Madona Joseph & Dr Harpreet Kaur