KNRUHS Issues Notice On 1st Year Exams Of MD Homeopathy - homeopathy360

KNRUHS Issues Notice On 1st Year Exams Of MD Homeopathy

Kalo Narayan Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) has issued a notification for the registration of candidates for appearing in MD Homeopathy Part-I (First Year) Examination which starts from 14.11.2019.

Candidates appearing for the examination can see the details of the said notice as uploaded on the official website of KNRUHS given below:

A) Eligibility to be selected for the part of MD Homo – I (First Year) Examination Results:

  1. Students of MD Homeo Part-I (First Year) who have taken admission in Telangana State Colleges and whose admissions are approved by KNRUHS during the academic year 2018-19 and who will complete one (01) year duration of the course 14.11. MD will be appearing for Homeo Part – I (First Year) Examination to be held from 2019 onwards.
  2. Further, the students who failed in the MD Homeo Part – I (First Year) Examination, detained and not registered, were admitted by KNRUHS for the academic years 2016-17 and 2017-18, they sit for the examination. Are eligible for.
  3. A candidate must have a minimum of 80% attendance (regardless of the type of absence) in separate theory and practicals to sit for the examination.
  4. The cutoff date for calculating the percentage of attendance is 15.10.2019.

B) Three digital modes of publication of data of candidates:

The list of candidates appearing for the university examination should be submitted through digital mode only. The contact phone number for any technical support .: 09490823776

C) Upload Of Attendance:

  1. Uploading of Attendance Percentage from candidates cutoff date i.e. 15.10.2019 to 23.10.2019 to 27.10.2019 positively.
  2. Your college attendance will be reconfirmed on 28.10.2019.

D) Digital valuation and provisioning only without online angular booklet / without advance book:

The university is a digital campus and is implementing digital assessment for all courses. A single answer book with 64 writable pages with specific barcodes on each page for the MD Homeo course will be issued to the candidates appearing for the single answer book examination and no additional answer book will be issued to the candidates. Candidates should answer all the questions in a single answer book of only 6 writable pages.

The following amount should be paid by the candidates for appearing in the MD Homeo Part – I (First Year) Examinations.

  • Payment of examination fee – Rs. 5000 / – (Total)
    1. Per Subject – Rs.1000/- (For Supplementary Students)
    2. Marks Memo – Rs.300 /-
    3. Processing fee – Rs.350/-

Note: Processing fee for first-time students only (no processing fee for supplementary students)

  • Without fine from 29-10-2019 to 02-11-2019
  • With a fine of Rs.200-00: From 03-11-2019 to 05-11-2019
  • With a fine of Rs.100/- per day in addition to Rs.200/- 06-11-2019 & 07-11-2019

Examination fee should be paid through online mode TCSiON link. (There is no other mode of payment of examination fee except online mode)

Practical/clinical and viva examinations start from 30.11.2019 and detailed time table of practical examinations will be sent to the appropriate syllabus.

Further, you are requested to submit a necessary letter for approval of the advance amount (prescribed proforma) for conducting the examination as per the norms of the university. Without obtaining the requirement, the advance amount will not be sanctioned for conducting the examinations. This amount will be spent as per the instructions issued regarding payment of remuneration.

The above instructions should be followed sincerely.

To go to the official website click here

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