Abstract: Stammering is also known as stuttering. Stuttering is a speech disorder where an individual repeats or prolongs word syllables or phrases, a person with stammering may also stop during speech and make no sound for certain syllables. Stammering is common when children are learning to speak and is an estimated 5 times more common in boys than girls, the speech disorder affects less than 1% of all adults. In the beginning of childhood stammering is normal or it becomes normal with age.
Keywords: Stammering, Homeopathy, Stuttering, Management
- Introduction
Stuttering is a speech disorder where an individual repeats or prolongs word syllable or phrases, a person with stammering may also stop during speech and make no sound for certain syllable. In this article we facts on stammering:
1) Stammering affects more boys than girls.
2) In some cases stammering completely blocks individuals from producing a sound.
3) Most of the children with stammering grow out of it but sometimes stammering can be the result of head injury.
What is Stammering?
Stammering is common when children’s are learning to speak and is an estimated 5 times more common in boys than girls, the speech disorder affects less than 1% of all adults.
- Symptoms
1) A person who stammers often repeats words or parts of words and tends to prolong certain speech.
2) They may also find it harder to start some words.
3) Some may become tense when they start speaking they bite their lips, blink eyes rapidly and their lips and jaw may tremble as they try to communicate verbally
According to America speech – language hearing association some individual who stutter appear extremely tense or out of breath when they talk, their speech may be completely blocked when therir mouth are in right position to say the word bur virtually no sound comes out, the desire word is uttered for ex um like I mean well.
Common Symptoms: –
1) Hesitation before a certain sound has to be uttered.
2) Repeating a sound, word, or syllable.
3) Certain speech sounds may be prolonged.
4) Speech may come out in spurt.
5) Words with certain sounds are substituted for others.
6) Foot tapping.
7) Face and upper body tighten.
- Diagnosis
Some aspects of stuttering are obvious to everyone, while others are not. To have a comprehensive and reliable diagnosis the patient should be examined by a speech language pathologist. The SLP will note the type of problem the individual has when speaking, and how often problems occur, how the person copes with the stutter is also assessed.
Causes: Experts are not completely sure what causes stuttering, we do know that somebody with a stammer is much more likely to have close family members. Following factors can also cause stuttering.
Development of Stammering
Neurogenic Stammering
1) As children learn to speak they often stammer especially early on when their speech skills.
2) This is when signals between the brain and speech nerves and muscles are not working properly and are not developed. This also affects adults after a stroke and head injury.
3) The majority of children experience fewer and fewer symptoms.
4) Stroke, head trauma, ischemic attacks, meningitis, degenerative diseases such as perkinson.
Psychological factors:
1) Intense stress.
2) Anxiety
3) Low self esteem
4) Nervousness they may not cause stammering rather they are the result of living with stigmatized speech problems which can sometimes make symptoms worse.
- Rubrics of Stammering in Repertory
CR23 – Mouth; trembling; stammering, with(2) : 2 bell., 2 merc.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; children, in(6) : 2 bell., bov., caust., euphr., merc., 3 sulph.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; anger, vexation, after(1) : 3 caust.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; asthmatic complaints, with(1) : 4 caust.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; convulsions, during(1) : 3 stram.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; dentition agg.(1) : stram.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; excitement, emotional, agg.(13) : 3 agar., aur-m-n., bell., calc., 3 caust., 3 dig., 3 dys-co., lyc., maia-l., med., sel., staph., stram.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; fright, fear agg.(1) : stram.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; first words difficult, then smooth speech(1) : 3 spig.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; first words normal, then collapses(1) : cic.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; last words of sentence(1) : lycopodium.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; last words of sentence(1) : lycopodium.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; loud, every word(1) : hyos.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; quick, and(2) : maia-l., 3 merc.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; repeats first word and whole sentence(1) : Euphr.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; repeats first word and whole sentence(1) : Euphr.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; specific words(2) : bov., nat-sal.
CR23 – Speech & voice; stammering speech; suddenly(1) : 3 mag-c.
Phatak – Phatak repertory; Speech, affected; stammering; typhoid, in(3) : arg-n., lyc., verat.
Knerr – Tongue; Speech; stammering; goitre, in(1) : 2 sulph.
Knerr – Tongue; Speech; stammering; letters, on, s, b, t and w(1) : 3 lach.
Knerr – Pregnancy; Puerperal; convulsions; speech, loss of, or stammering(1) : 3 stram.
- Conclusion
Many times stammering can resolve itself by the time. But sometimes it cannot be resolved by the adolescent age group they need treatment for stammering. Homoeopathic medicines can give medicines to treat the patient with a holistic approach.
- Reference
1.Complete Repertory 2023
2.Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia medica by cb kneer
3.A concise repertory of homoeopathic medicine by SR Phatak
About Author:
Dr. Mayank Patidar
PG scholar
Department of Homoeopathic Repertory and Case Taking
Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, MP