Understanding Inimical relationship in homoeopathy - Dr Rajiv Rui Viegas Peres

Understanding Inimical relationship in homoeopathy

Although this subject of drug relationship has been thoroughly discussed by some authors, I must say that it is a much disputed subject. Many of the modern homoeopaths even do consider it of any importance. They find the mention of complementary, follow-up remedies, inimicals or antidotes as irrelevant. I personally think it is a shame to ignore the century old experience of innumerable renowned and dedicated homoeopaths who witnessed these effects in their busy clinics. To select the right remedy alone is not enough; it is its comprehensive use and follow ups of the case which is challenging. In my experience, in order to accomplish a cure, it is imperative to take into account the drug relationships because they are like a compass to the treating homoeopath.

If you look into inimical relationship in remedy relationship chart in end of Boericke last part, you will observe three relationships are very much marked, remedies that follow well, complementary and antidote. These three are very much filled with relationships. But if you look into inimical column, you shall not find as many remedies. Dr Kent who taught us to understand the homoeopathic remedies as personalities warned us not to prescribe Phosphorus before Causticum and vice versa. Let us get to know why?

Case of Lumbago

A 48 years old male teacher presented with complaints of Lumbago on & off since last one year. He was in a state of discomfort and his thumb was automatically going towards the center of his lower back and face was expressing pain. His pain would get worse after sitting for long time. His legs felt heavy to walk during this backache. He desired gentle rubbing of the lower back. He needed somebody to be with him during this suffering. His right shoulder felt stiff since last 4 months. He realized this accidentally when he had to throw a fruit towards some animal and he was unable to accomplish it. Finally he did it effortlessly with his left hand. He took physiotherapy which helped him get back his movement and confidence of using that hand. He was a chilly patient and cold air from an Air conditioner or cooler resulted into swelling of his fingers. His knees felt very aching after descending stairs. His office was on the fourth floor. He desired Spicy things and had aversion to sweets. Patient was thirsty for cold water. He was a very well dressed sympathetic man. He made it a point to feed hungry monkeys on his way back. He never used silk cloth because it was made after killing and boiling several silkworms. He couldn’t not bear the news of any sad news like somebody being burnt somewhere or some religious riots. He was a very sweet talker and helpful to all but reserved as well. He was never able to eat dinner as it would cause uneasiness. He survived by eating just one meal a day. He was extremely diligent in performing his duties both at home as well as work place. He was a very light sleeper. He needed dark environment to rest. His hobby was to listen to news. His wife was pressuring him to build a home away from his family members based on inputs of his mother in law. He concluded that “They don’t allow me to live also nor to die also”. On examination of back, I observed two red colour thumb impressions that he had created by pressure of his thumb. Initially I thought of selecting Causticum for him due to strong musculoskeletal affection. But when I got together his disposition, cravings and modality of desiring rubbing as well as his sensitivity towards life and beings, I prescribed him Phosphorus 200, 1 single dose prescribed on 5th February 2022.

Follow up after 1 month– On the First day he overate and came up with gripping pain at umbilicus accompanied by 2 episodes of diarrhea and by the third day of starting the medicine his appetite improved and he is able to enjoy dinner on a regular basis. His lumbago resolved within 1 day. He opened up in terms of speaking more, enjoying his meals and with renewed interest of life. His shoulder is good and finds joy in going shopping. No complaints of knees feeling tired, but rather he is going for regular evening walks despite the daily chores. The patient needed no more medicine.

The point that I am making here is; often we tend to make hurried prescriptions, For example, we give Causticum for cough and cold without detailed and careful evaluation of a case. Further as soon as we realise our blunder and then try to give the indicated remedy, that is Phosphorus, but at this point in time although the drug is right, the time has already gone by and so you will not be blessed with the clear response. This I have witnessed also while treating chronic diseases like another case of Parkinson’s disease that needed Causticum, but I accidentally prescribed Phosphorus and then positive result never came my way, even after rectification being done. Reason for this was the inimical relationship of these remedies that I am able to retrospectively understand today. 

Further to understand the relationship between two remedies, try to understand the predominant miasms of these two drugs; Causticum and Phosphorus. Causticum for example is sycotic and Phosphorus is tubercular. When you see the desire and aversion of Causticum it craves smoked meat, salt, cold drinks, ice-cream, sweetened cold milk and has aversion to sweets. Phosphorus craves for salt, acid and spicy things, and for cold food and drink. Causticum asks for beer and Phosphorus has aversion to beer. Here we see some opposition. In Causticum menses is only during day and often delayed, late. Bleeding is dark. Phosphorus weeps before menses because menses too early & scanty, but lasts too long. Bleeding is bright red. Causticum is worse by rubbing whereas Phosphorus is better by rubbing. Causticum is worse after sleep and Phosphorus is better after a sufficient sleep. Causticum has weak libido and Phosphorus has increased libido. Causticum is found to be worse during thunderstorm and Phosphorus is worse before a thunderstorm. At the particular level you will find both these drugs have paralysis of the vocal cords due to overworking leading to entire loss of voice but in Causticum the paralysis is painful however in phosphorus the paralysis is painless. Itching in Causticum is worse by scratching but in Phosphorus itching is better by scratching. So to explain in simple terms when two drugs opposite in miasm and are also opposite in modalities then they become inimical. This is precisely the reason why Causticum is said to be inimical to Phosphorus. Let us take us Apis and Rhus tox as another example to understand inimical relationship. Both these drugs have paralytic weakness. Both have increased libido. Both have stinging & burning pains but intensity differs. Both have the same predominant miasm namely psoro-sycotic. Ailments from Rhus tox are dampness and ailments from for Apis is Heat of sun. Onset wise Rhus tox is gradual, insidious and continuous progress whereas Rhus tox is sudden, rapid and violent in its onset. Mental disposition of Rhus tox has marked anxiety, apprehension at night, fear he will die of being poisoned, disgust of life, thoughts of suicide by drowning without sadness. Mental disposition of Apis is irritable, nervous, fidgety, hard to please, weeping disposition causeless, very jealous, fear of apoplexy. Generally Rhus tox is averse to open air but Apis likes open air. Sleeplessness predominates in Rhus tox whereas Apis has excess sleepiness. Rhus tox is worse by uncovering but Apis is better by uncovering. Menses of Rhus tox is usually early, abundant and long lasting, light red bleeding, blood coagulates easily. However in Apis blood is incoagulable, menses suppressed in young girls, dysmenorrhoea with ovarian pains, profuse menorrhagia with faintness, heavy abdomen and tension. Rhus tox is better by rubbing, holding the part whereas Apis is worse by touch. Rhus tox is chilly and thirsty but Apis is hot and thirst less. Pains in Rhus tox come after midnight which is relieved by warmth however pains of Apis are seen in the evening which are relieved by cold applications.  Diarrhea of Rhus tox is frequently painful however diarrhea of Apis is painless. In Rhus tox pus formation is marked whereas Apis has lesser tendency for pus. Urticaria of Rhus tox begins after getting wet with no itching however Apis’ urticaria will present as intolerable itching at night. So, this is a classic example where two remedies have same miasm but where modalities are opposite, thereby making them inimical to one another. Apis is inimical to Rhus tox because at the local level, at the general level in terms of local applications as well as modalities of Rhus tox are opposite to that of Apis. Hence they become inimical to each other.

About the Author:

Dr Rajiv Rui Viegas Peres

MD (Hom)

Presently – Asst Prof in Dept. of Organon at Aarihant Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Institute, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Awarded Best Teacher Award in 2010-11 by Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda, Goa

Received Hahnemann Award in 2018 from The Homoeopathic Medical Association Of India- Goa Branch.

Received Award for Excellence in homoeopathy from Hpathy in April 2022.

Having twelve years of experience at Shanti Homoeopathic Clinic, Curtorim, Goa

Active Member of HERI, Mumbai

About the Author:

Dr Rajiv Rui Viegas Peres
MD (Hom)
Presently – Asst Prof in Dept. of Organon at Aarihant Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Institute, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Awarded Best Teacher Award in 2010-11 by Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda, Goa
Received Hahnemann Award in 2018 from The Homoeopathic Medical Association Of India- Goa Branch.
Received Award for Excellence in homoeopathy from Hpathy in April 2022.
Having twelve years of experience at Shanti Homoeopathic Clinic, Curtorim, Goa
Active Member of HERI, Mumbai

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