‘The Hidden Grief of Phosphoric Acid: A Journey from Vitality to Debility’

‘The Hidden Grief of Phosphoric Acid: A Journey from Vitality to Debility’

‘The Hidden Grief of Phosphoric Acid: A Journey from Vitality to Debility’


Phosphoric acid (Phos-ac) is a homeopathic remedy commonly associated with profound exhaustion, particularly affecting communication and social interactions. Individuals who align with this remedy often seek meaningful connections with friends and acquaintances. Initially, there is an openness to these interactions, but over time, this evolves into a state of significant emotional exhaustion and debility. As this state progresses, the person may become withdrawn, preferring solitude, and may experience a notable level of apathy. This remedy encapsulates the journey from active engagement with the world to a profound emotional stillness and debility.

Keywords: Debility, Indifference, Apathy, Silent grief, Emotional numbness


The term “Glacial Phosphoric acid” is synonymous with phosphoric acid, reflecting a state where the emotional level becomes completely “frozen”; there is no emotional movement when the patient experiences deeper grief.

Phosphoric acid, in a diluted form, is an ingredient in Coca-Cola and various other soft drinks. Interestingly, patients who require the homeopathic remedy derived from phosphoric acid often have a strong craving for refreshing beverages, particularly Coke.

Common name: Phosphoric acid, Glacial phosphoric acid

Chemical formula: H3PO4

Kingdom: Mineral kingdom

Prover: Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the ninth dilution of the drug

Duration of action: 40 days

Thermals: Chilly patient

Miasm: Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis

Preparation: Dilutions are prepared from crystals of phosphoric acid

Uses of phosphoric acid: used in food industry as an acidulant, preservative, in agriculture as fertilizer,  industrial cleaning as rust removal, dental and medical applications , water treatment and textile industry.


Persons originally of strong constitution who have become debilitated by loss of vital fluids, sexual excesses, violent acute disease, chagrin or long succession of moral emotions and having mild disposition. Children and young who have grown rapidly tall, slender and slim with pains in back and limbs as if beaten; growing pains. Grows too fast and too tall- young persons with growing pains in bones and so on.

Kent says the Phosphoric acid patient pines and emaciated grows weaker and weaker, withered in face with cold sweat in back, arms and hands feeble heart circulation and pallor with increased weakness and emaciation.

Physical Appearance:

Relatively like phosphorous appearance the phosphoric acid patient is skinny, angular and open facial features. Phosphoric acid patient has dark complexion, eyes bulging like a goldfish whereas Phosphorous patient is fair and has large attractive eyes.

Healthy Phosphoric Acid:

In the healthy state the phosphoric acid patient is cheerful and very sociable; it is important for them to develop friendship and nurture them. It is through these connections and the ensuing exchange of ideas, emotions and experiences that they gain positive energy and a zest for life.

If such relationships are broken off because of the death of a friend, broken relationship, moving to a new house, long journey or other disruptions of the connections which for these people are most vital and this may place so much stain on them that they grow weak.

‘Ones who were fun-loving suddenly loses interest in life.’

Ailments from:

Silent surfers of grief, worries, reproaches

Loss of business, relationship

Grief and disappointment- love, death, embarrassment, deceived friendship, homesickness.

Unhealthy Phosphoric Acid

The pathology goes from emotional to intellectual and then to the  physical level.

The main keyword in Phos acid is ‘ DEBILITY’ which is seen in both in mental and physical plane.

Mental debility: debility in the form of apathy, difficult comprehension, listless, indifference, prostration  and stupefied with grief.

The difference in debility in Phos acid and muriatic acid is that  in Phos acid the mental debility occurs first and then the physical and vice versa in Muriatic acid.

Silent Grief Leading To Indifferent State:

Grief can manifest in different ways: it may be a minor, prolonged experience or a sudden, intense sorrow. Characteristically, the phosphoric acid patient suffers the grief in silence. Their initial reaction often involves a softening or a lowering of emotional tone.

This then leads to emotional indifference – The patient becomes isolated, wants to be left alone, much like sepia. The isolationism is even typified by the phosphoric acid tendency to sleep facing the wall in bed.

As the patient’s grief deepens, their emotional state becomes entirely “Frozen,” showing no movement or reaction. They become listless, apathetic, and indifferent to life, overwhelmed by profound exhaustion and a stupor of grief. Such a profound stillness occurs on the emotional plane that the patient is incapable of response, it is as if stimuli are not received by the organism at all.

The phosphoric acid patient is aware of their lack of emotional responsiveness, even if those around them have not yet noticed. Just as there is stillness and coldness physically, there is also a complete lack of emotional movement.

In Aurum, there is a deep inner stillness, a deadening, but this is due to profound depression. Aurum patient has given up, but still has emotions which are not true apathy.

In Sepia the apathy occurs primarily because of a neutralisation of opposing forces rather than from debility following grief. Sepia patients may feel no emotion in their daily existences, but they can be quickly roused if approached in specific ways. Wherein Phosphoric acid patients are unrousable, indifferent to any kind of stimulation.

This results in a profound state of indifference to everything: not marked by drowsiness, delirium, or irritability, but rather a complete detachment from all things. The individual exhibits no desire for anything, including speaking, and shows no interest in the external world. 

The Delirium in phosphoric acid the patient is unintelligible and mutters lies in stupor or a stupid sleep, Unconscious of all that this is going on around him. When aroused is fully conscious, answers slowly and correctly and goes back into stupor. 

 An example of silent grief which leads to physical complaints: Situation wherein the patient has silently suffered a prolonged grief:

A woman may complain that her husband pays too much attention to his mother. Or perhaps she has long suspected her husband of adultery, but she tells no-one of her suspicions. During the stage of PHYSICAL BREAKDOWN, there may be wide variety of symptoms: sudden and rapid hair fall, decline in vision, boiling sensation of headaches especially in temples, chills followed by flushes with perspiration, Often there is a history of unexplained low-grade fever which is similar to Ignatia there is a frequent desire to breathe deeply. Often there is milkiness in the urine, like small curds, particularly at the end of urination. There may also be indifference to sex, impotency, and premature ejaculation.

The Reaction of Phos Acid To A Sudden Shock 

Patients who experience a profound shock, such as the sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one, may undergo a significant personality change. In such cases, the usual physical responses may be bypassed, and instead, a defence mechanism leads to emotional paralysis or stillness. An individual who was once lively and engaged may become withdrawn and introspective. This shift is not due to clinical depression but rather an emotional and cognitive inefficiency. The person shows no desire to either live or die. The home environment may fall into disarray, with dirt accumulating, yet there is no motivation to address it. While thoughts of suicide might arise, the person lacks the energy or drive to act on them. This state is characterized by complete apathy and stupor, where the individual may “Lie Like A Log.”


After a prolonged period of emotional standstill, there is a further enfeeblement of the entire sphere of mental functioning. Mental activity of any kind becomes profoundly difficult. Usually the phosphoric acid patient is able to continue working.

This is in contrast to the Picric acid patient in whom the first stages of weakness begin on the mental plane, resulting in complete inability to do even simple mental work.

Emotional Numbness

After a period of emotional numbness, a Phosphoric Acid patient may begin to experience memory lapses or episodes of freezing, mirroring the emotional stagnation (just as how the emotional process freeze). The patient states that her mind becomes blank in the middle of the train of thoughts. She may stop at the midst of the conversation – as the mind gets filled up with more & more blank space. When asked, phosphoric acid takes a longer time to answer.

RUBRIC- KENT : MIND – ANSWERS, slowly: Ph-ac  1st grade;

KENT: MIND – ANSWERS, reflects long:   Ph-ac  2nd grade

Weakness of Memory: 

The patient exhibits forgetfulness and memory weakness, especially concerning words. When asked a question, the Phosphoric Acid patient often has a vacant expression and may take one or two minutes to respond. Although the question is understood, the patient struggles to find the appropriate words to provide an answer.

This is different from the process seen in MERCURIUS, which is also slow in answering- the Mercurius slowness occurs both because the mind does not easily comprehend the question and because it takes a long time to find the right answer.

Phosphorus is another remedy which answers slowly, but this is because of an irritability, an unwillingness to answer. As it takes longer time first to comprehend the question, and then to respond to it accordingly which is not due to lack of intelligence, but due to random freezing of thought process.

Eventually the effort to think becomes so great that he ultimately answers “I DON’T KNOW” (where in the pathology is profound).

Due to which he is unable to perform well in work and socially. The patient withdraws himself from society and isolates himself thereby declining any invitation and sits quietly at work (this projects the emotional numbness).

RUBRIC – [ Kent]: MIND-INCLINATION TO SIT: Ph-ac 2nd grade.

Practical performance deteriorates; won’t be able to read or do any simple tasks. Eventually will get support from relatives or loved ones or will end up in an institution diagnosed with dementia or passive schizophrenia.


Second scenario:

Most Phosphoric Acid patients report a noticeable slowing of their mental processes, with thoughts either fading away or becoming rushed. This is a common response to a mental breakdown. 

As patients recognize their inability to perform tasks they once could, panic sets in, leading to a further inability to think clearly. This often results in hurried behaviour as they attempt to compensate for their perceived cognitive decline.

Stage of physical breakdown: Few emotional or mental symptoms are evident. There may only be silent grief, and perhaps some fear of heights or vertigo from high places. The patient prefers to be left alone, and there may be some degree of apathy


Phosphoric Acid (Phos-ac) is a homeopathic remedy primarily associated with emotional and mental exhaustion, manifesting in profound states of indifference, apathy, and debility. Patients who resonate with this remedy often begin their journey with a strong desire for social connections and meaningful interactions. However, following a significant emotional trauma or prolonged grief, they may gradually withdraw, displaying signs of emotional numbness and mental debility. Unlike other remedies, Phos-ac patients experience a unique pattern where mental exhaustion precedes physical symptoms, leading to a cascading effect of cognitive impairments, memory lapses, and an eventual inability to perform everyday tasks. The remedy captures the essence of a slow descent from emotional vitality to profound debility, marked by a deep-seated grief that remains largely unexpressed. Understanding the personality of Phos-ac is crucial for recognizing and addressing the silent suffering of those whose emotional burdens manifest in both psychological and physical ailments. Through this awareness, physicians can better support patients in their journey towards recovery, helping them reclaim their lost vitality and reconnect with the world around them.


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Dr Ninoshka Estella Fernandes 

PG Scholar, Department Of Materia Medica
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College
Deralakatte, Mangalore -575018.

Under The Guidance Of Dr Mini I V

Associate Professor, Department Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College.

About the author

Dr Ninoshka Estella Fernandes

Dr Ninoshka Estella Fernandes , PG Scholar, Department Of Materia Medica Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College Deralakatte, Mangalore