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Sweet Dreams

Case of Autism of 11 year old boy Stephen seemed quiet. A bit too quiet for an 11 year old boy. Clearly he was uncomfortable being...

Autism and Homeopathy

The world is in the grip of an epidemic. Autism Spectrum Disorders (A.S.D.s), have increased ten-fold or more over the last decade. From the first...

Common E.N.T. Problems in My Practice

Most common problems that I have encountered in my practice are: Allergic vasomotor rhinitisCholesteatoma Deafness Epistaxis Facial Nerve Paralysis Hoarseness Laryngitis and pharyngitis Nasal Obstruction...

Homeopathic Remedies used in Treatment of Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Diseases

EarAconite. In the maddening pain of Otitis, dark redness of parts, stinging, lancinating or throbbing pains and great sensitiveness. It suits earaches from sudden changes...

Metritis – Mastitis – Aglactia Syndrome (MMA Syndrome) in Goats : A Case Report

Introduction Uterine discharges from the uterus after parturition are highly related with the spread of infections and the first target site is the udder. Metritis,...

Homeopathic Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a multifaceted disease. It does not have any known cure in modern medicine yet there are many options available for the...

A Case of Chronic Headache with Idiopathic Allergic Ophthalmic Photosensitivity

Introduction Headache is probably the most common problem encountered in clinical practice. Its incidence is almost equal, both as a complete solitary symptom (acute or...

A case of Hypertension

Chief Complaints Mr. A, aged 32 years came with an acute presentation of anal fissures on September 15, 2009. He complained of pain in anus...

Labile Hypertension: Concept and Approach

Introduction  Hypertension is an important problem in modern society. There is a considerable increase in the number of cases of hypertension particularly of primary (essential)...

My Experience with Rare Remedies in Homeopathy

The best way to describe the Materia Medica of a rare remedy is through cases. Today I will share my experience with rare Indian Homeopathic...