The state of the mother during the pregnancy is one of the most important factors that help in understanding a child. All the physical and emotional changes experienced by a woman during the pregnancy cast a big influence on the child. During this period, the child himself has not seen the world, but he/she is feeling, perceiving or sensing it through the mother. Hence, it is essential to understand how the mother thinks, feels, perceives and senses herself in the pregnancy period and the world around her. This can be recognized by the smallest of change in the nature, behaviour, unusual dreams, fears, thoughts, emotions of mother, any alteration in the desire or aversion for food substances, any particular illness during this period etc.
I have observed this in families with both abusive backgrounds and nurturing backgrounds where education and financial factors played a significant role. Chaotic, abusive behaviour can affect the outcome of children born with autism.
Constitutional Homeopathy plays an important role in mitigating the stress experienced by the mother as well as the child in intra uterine life and after birth help him or her to handle the stress in a positive manner and not develop pathologies that are irreversible or not amenable to treatment.
Dr Samir chaukkar presented a case of adult autism treated with hura based on his deep seated feelings of being neglected and forsaken by his father and the same feeling was also elicitated in his mother during pregnancy thus proving the vital role of how feellings and emotions are transferred from the mother to the child in the womb.
Note: Dr Samir Chaukkar is also the key speaker at the upcoming International AYUSH Conference & Exhibition Dubai ON 14TH January 2023