Male Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment with Homeopathic Medicine

Male Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment with Homeopathic Medicine


Impotency  : mother tinctures play an important part in prescribing especially in cases with paucity of symptoms , where the exact psychological cause is difficult to obtain from the life situation of the patient and in uncooperative patients and illiterate persons . many a times it is seen that along with the indicated homoeopathic remedy , a mother tincture is also prescribed , which helps the patient immediately but temporarily

Avina Sativa Q : nervous exhaustion , sexual debility and the morphine habit are the field for the tonic effect of this great remedy . epilepsy , post diphtheritic paralysis , alcoholism , sleeplessness , especially in alcoholics , alcoholism , debility , neurasthenia , opium habit , palpitation , sexual excess , sleeplessness . After excessive indulgence in onanism and masturbation , opium or morphine addiction , it is a great stimulant builder and nutrient to the nervous system , mental nervousness and physical debility due to excessive indulgence in spermatorrhoea and nocturnal emissions marked , may be used alternatively with salix nigra .

Aswagandha Q : after exposure to syphilis and gonorrhoea , it acts very fast in impotency and all kinds of seminal deficiencies , in co-ordination of muscular power with spermatorrhoea and weakness of nerves and muscles . Impotency may be associated with deficient , intellect , where the power of thinking , memory and expression is paralysed .

Bufo : After excessive masturbation patient always seeks a solitary place for masturbation , may be associated with epilepsy due to onanism , when the attacks come on only during the night when asleep .

Camphor ; It is a great stimulant , but constant use of it causes impotency , it is similar in action to that of cantharis .

Dioscorea : Villosa ; relaxation and coldness of organs with offensive sweat from genitals , night emissions with weakness of genital organs

Salix Nigra : After masturbation , excessive sexual desire with erotomania , spermatorrhoea with lascivious dreams , it cures nocturnal emissions .

Erectile Dysfunction : common man that impotency means failure to sustain a  complete erection and /or inability to perform , in fact impotency can manifest in various ways :

  1. loss of desire
  2. inability to obtain or main
  3. premature ejaculation
  4. absence of emission
  5. inability to achieve orgasm .

Hence impotency in simple terms can be defined as “ male sexual dysfunction “ . The complaint in a majority of cases is related to psychogenic factors and only a small percentage of cases would be of specific organic disorders .

Causes of Impotency : loss of desire , failure of erection , endocrine causes , neuralgic causes , vascular causes , penile diseases , drug induced , premature ejaculation , absence of emission , retrograde ejaculation , sympathetic denervation , andrigen deficiency , drugs , absence of orgasm , failure of detumenscnce , erectile dysfunction , affects the lives of many middle aged men and their partners to one degree or another . The term erectile dysfunction covers a range of disorders , but usually refers to the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity .

Although erectile dysfunction is more common in middle aged and elderly men , it can occur at any age , erectile dysfunction can interfere with a man’s self image as well as his and his partners sexual life .

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction :

  1. diseases such as diabetes , kidney disease and neurological disease
  2. heart disease and vascular problems , smoking , chronic alcoholism , obesity , and avoiding exercise
  3. surgery and trauma of prostate or bladder , spinal cord and pelvis
  4. drugs such as antihypertensive , antihistamines , antidepressants and tranquilizers
  5. psychological factors such as stress , anxiety , guilt , depression , low self esteem , and fear of sexual failure .

Homoeopathic Medicines :

Aswagandha Q : Nervous weakness , menstrual disorders , impotence , sexual debility , spermatorrhoea , premature ejaculation , sterility . leucorrhoea , menorrhagia , etc., are the conditions greatly benefited by this drug , it is a great mental tonic , loss of memory , difficult concentration , for students who are not able to concentrate on their subjects and are not able to retain in mind what they have read

Damiana Q :  sexual neurasthenia , impotency , after sexual excess , gonorrhoea , with syphilis or injury to spine , serviceable from physical exertion and mental over work , spermatorrhoea in weak and exhausted subjects , sexual neurasthenia , it is a good remedy to increase the sperm count .

Sabal serrulata : sexual weakness and neurosis , organs feels cold , it is of great importance in the treatment of prostatic enlargement , epididymitis and urinary difficulties due to them , atrophy of breast , dysuria , enuresis , impotence , obesity , prostate enlarged , sterility , urine incontinence of spermatorrhoea marked impotency may be associated , painful micturition with urging especially at night .

Johimbinum : Acts on nervous system , neurasthenic impotency as an aphrodisiac , when used in physiological doses , but contraindicated with all acute and chronic inflammation of the abdominal organs , it produces strong and lasting erections .

Salix Nigra : pinful movement of the testicle , has a positive action on the generative organs of both sexes . Hysteria and nervousness , libidinous thoughts and lascivious dreams , controls genital irritability , moderates sexual passion , in acute gonorrhoea with much erotic trouble , chordee , after masturbation , spermatorrhoea .

Cantharis : after exposure to gonorrhoea , it produces a furious disturbance in the sexual organs and produces a strong desire , also useful for painful erection and priaprism in gonorrhoea .

Panax ginseng : Debility , headache , lumbago , rheumatism , sexual weakness , it is said to be a great sexual stimulant , it is useful in cases of frequent emissions with weakness of genital organs .

Ginseng : rheumatic pains after frequent emissions, weakness of genital organs , voluptuous tickling at end of urethra , sexual excitement , pressure in testicles .

Constitutional and intercurrent  medicines :

  1. constitutional Medicines : acid phos , baryta carb , calc-carb , fluoric acid , graphities , lycopodium , nat-mur , nux-vomica , phosphorous , staphisagria , sepia , are found to be useful according to symptom , similarity of the case .
  2. intercurrent remedies :  medorrhinum , syphilinum , tuberculinum etc., play an important role in eradicating the fundamental cause of the disease which might be an obstacle for cure .
  3. organopathic medicines :  very few peculiar symptoms pertaining to the disorder – agnus castus , eupatorium –perf , baryata-phos , bufo , caladium , conium , ginseng , nuphar-letum , onosmodium , selenium and sarasaparilla come to the rescue in such cases
  4. rare remedies :  erynginum-aquaticum—general debility , seminal emission without erection .  kobalt —has backache following seminal emissions , kalibrom —–after sexual excesses , especially loss of memory , impaired co-ordination , numbness and tingling in limbs , sexual excitement during partial slumber . plumbum phos —–loss of sexual power , may be associated with locomotor ataxia . strychina —–it is perhaps better than nux-vom

. where there is great spinal exhaustion , spermatorrhoea arising from plethora , irresistible desire to masturbate , the higher acts better than the lower .

Ejaculatory disturbance , Impotence and Sexual Problems :

These disorders represent about 10 % of male infertility problems , premature ejaculations , delayed ejaculation and impotence may stem from surgery , medication or physiological disturbances , which respond well to hormone replacement therapy , attering sex techniques and counseling often overcome psychological sexual performance difficulties , patients general medical history , life style and current symptoms provide vital clues that help us pin point potential difficulties : such as travel , work , hobbies , and activities , drugs , alcohol , and cigarettes . Since the 1950’s the use of so called “ street drugs “ has increased .

If one has smoked brown sugar or pot over a long period of time , the semen analysis may show poor motility and higher percentage of abnormal forms both of which are critical for fertility .

Chronic alcohol use can lead to impotence , poor sperm quality and further complications from liver damage .

Stress and excessive exercise  : 

It is known that stress and excessive exercise can interrupt the normal flow of hormones from the woman’s hypothalamus and pituitary , these abnormal levels can interfere with her menstrual cycles and with her fertility .

Abnormal semen analysis :

Oligospermia ( lower than 20 million sperm / ml ) , if the sperm count shows a concentration lower than 20 million sperm / ml , first try to eliminate toxic substances or recent illnesses as possible causes , if the history or life style does not provide any clues , examine the scrotum to determine if the testicular size is normal also look for signs of a varicocoele , ask for a venous Doppler if in doubt as it is a potentially treatable cause of oligospermia .

If the semen analysis shows low count , poor morphology and low motility order blood tests to determine hormone levels , if the patient does not respond to treatment for oligospermia , he is a prime candidate for AIH or IVF .

Severe oligopermia : ( lower than 10 million sperm / ml .) if semen analysis shows lower than 10 million sperm /ml the hormone levels and the size of of testicles are important parameters to check levels of FSH to determine if pituitary is stimulating tests elevated FSH indicates testicular failure and the odds of improving underlying condition are bleak , although IVF may work , if hormones are deficient and testicles are small , hormone replacement therapy may help develop normal testicular function .

Azoospermia : the evaluation of azoospermia , is the same as that of severe oligospermia , checking semen for liquefaction and its fructose content helps in narrowing down the problem .

Sperm concentration :

Now a days sperm concentration is frequently used to improve the quality of semen with out having to diagnose and treat an underlying fertility problem , concentrating the sperm by natural means or in the laboratory may improve the semen quality enough to lead to a pregnancy with out expensive medications and surgeries .

Male infertility ;  infertility (and sterility ) is the inability to conceive after one year of regular , unprotected sexual activity ( i.e., with out any contraception ) . In the male dominated Indian society , the female partner is generally blamed for infertility and faces social wrath for her barrenness , infertility does lead to unhappiness and marital disharmony which may even end in divorce .

Infertility may be :  primary where conception has never occurred and , secondary ( acquired ) where conception has failed to occur after a period of fertility .

Causes : to understand the causes of infertility one must understand necessary prerequisites for conception ; tests must produce healthy motile sperm which should travel through the vas and be successfully ejaculated , sperm has to be deposited at the external  OS through satisfactory intercourse , this has to be transported through cervical mucus , uterine cavity and fallopian tubes , on the other hand the ovary must produce healthy ovum by ovulation , this ovum should be picked up by the fallopian tube , fertilization to occur at the tubal lumen and the fertilized egg to be transported through the tube , to be implanted on the healthy endometrium . The embryo grows to healthy baby in uterine incubator and baby is safely delivered .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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