Increasing Psychological Health Hazard & Its Scope in Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Increasing Psychological Health Hazard & Its Scope in Homoeopathy

Psychological Health Hazard


Mental health is vital for the growth and productivity of every society and for a healthy and happy life.

Homoeopathy gives great  importance to  mental health both  in the  treatment of physical and  mental

illness. The Homoeopathic understanding of health is intimately connected to its understanding of the

mind in general. They generally assume that body and mind  are dynamically interconnected and that

both directly influence each other. Homoeopaths base virtually every Homoeopathic prescription of the

physical and psychological symptoms of the sick person. Psychological symptoms often play a primary

role in the selection of the correct Medicine.


Homoeopathy, psychological disorders, miasm, selection of medicine, individualization


Homoeopathy based on the philosophy of treating the whole person based on mind, body and lifeforce  relationship. In this  concept, health is  considered a  perfect state  of harmony of functions  in  mind-body-life  force  and  illness  is  often  the  result  of  disharmony.  The disharmony can  come from  a dysfunction in  any one. Holistic health care  believes that a dysfunction in one effects the whole person and not just that one part of the body. Holism promotes that a human being must be treated together to achieve healing rather than simply treating a person  for a specific illness. Holistic health looks  into the  need of  the sick and provides  customized  care. Understanding  the patient  is  the  cornerstone in  Homoeopathic health care.[1,2]


Nearly 150 million  Indians needs  mental health  care services but less  than 30  million are

seeking care, according to national mental health survey.

The prevalence of mental health disorders in India is estimated to be 10%.

For every 1000 people, prevalence of mental disorders is

1. Neurotic and other disorders-70%.

2. Substance abuse-7%.

3. Bipolar affective disorder-12%.

4. Schizophrenia-2% . [2]

A  study  from the  Pune  centre  of the  World  Mental  Health Survey  mentions  an  overall prevalence  rate  of  mental  disorders  to  be  5%,  with  rates  being  higher  among  men  as compared to  women . [2]  Depression was  found to  be the  most common  disorder whether lifetime (3.14%) or during the previous 12-month period (1.7%). The study also mentioned that among those afflicted with one or the other mental disorder, treatment was sought by only about 5% and 2.6 million young people die each year.  The prevalence of childhood mental disorder is more in Bihar compared to other states in the country.  A recent  report published  in  Lancet Psychiatry  stated that  Bihar  & other  states falling in  low Socio  Demographic Index (SDI)  reported more number  of mental  disorder cases related to children. On other hand adult mental disorder high in high SDI states. IDID (Idiopathic Developmental Intellectual Disability) or Mental retardation in Bihar-252 highest in country and Uttar Pradesh is 215, due to poor health infrastructure. But Anxiety disorder in Bihar is 299 which is less than several southern states, in Tamil Nadu-836, Andrapradesh-793 [3]. A  survey of  200 UK  Homoeopaths (Chatfield & Duxbury, 2010) suggested  that a substantial number of people with mental health concerns choosing Homoeopathy. The most common disorder is-Anxiety and Mood disorder.[4]

Psychological Health Hazard


                                                 Fig-1 Pathophysiology of Mental health. [2]


Homoeopathy can be  used to treats all  modern psychiatric conditions including 1-3 (DSM-4

conditions) below-

1. Mood Disorder (Such as-Depression and Anxiety).

2. Thought  Disorder  (Such  as-OCD,  Paranoia, Schizophrenia).

3. Personality  Disorder. Additionally,  Homoeopathic remedy  can  be  offered  to  treat  large  variety  of “Emotional/Mental” states  that  are  NOT  considered  to be  diseases  including-stubbornness,  fear,  phobia, emotional numbness, anger, jealousy,  being extremely reserved  and  shy,  rudeness,  rigidity,  clinginess, workaholic tendencies etc.

 Homoeopath  don’t  separate  mind  &  body.  Homoeopaths seeks  to  find a  medicine  that  matches  the totality  of  the person’s physical & psychological symptom, irrespective of “Which comes first”. Even the “Which comes first” issue is much more  complex &  deceptive than  one might  initially presume. From Homoeopathic point of view, the prevalence of mental illness in our society is not simply the result of living in a fast-paced, stressful  society, but  also because  our medical care  system  has  effectively  suppressed  various  physical illness.  Homoeopaths assert  that  by treating  symptoms as “cause”  rather  than  as  “effects”, conventional  medicine masks the symptoms without curing the underlying disease process.  Homoeopathic  medicine  should  be  individually prescribed  based  on  totality  of  symptoms.  The  correct Homoeopathicmedicine will catalyze a healing process that will raise the person’s overall level of health. [7]


Any  pattern  of  behaviour  that  causes people significantdistress,causes them to harm others or harm in performing their daily activities.


Dr.  Hahnemann  has  paid  a  lot  of  attention  towards  the understanding of  mental illness.  Infect he was one of  first physicians  to  see  the  mentally  ill  patients  as  “Sick Individuals”  requiring  empathy  and  proper  medical  care (Haehl, 1995). According to him, the mind and body are not two absolutely separate entities but they form an indivisible whole  inseparable  in fact  but distinguishable  by mind  for easy understanding. In natural disease physical disturbances are  often found  associated with  their mental  counterparts. Illness is the result of biological as well as physiological and psychological events. [5]

Fig-2 Modern concept & Hahnemann’s concept of Psychological Disorder.


In Mental and  emotional diseases  resulting from corporeal maladies which can only by cured Homoeopathic antipsoric medicine conjoined with carefully regulated mode of life, an appropriate  psychical behaviour  towards  the patient  (Sec-228). The  physician  must  be  maintained  the  auxiliary  mental regimen, which includes-

1. In  case  of  Furious  mania  we  must  oppose  calm

intrepidity and cool.

2. Firm resolution.

3. A mute display of commiseration in looks and gestures.

4. To senseless chattering.

5. A silence but not fully inattentive.

6. Prevent destruction and injury of surrounding.

7. Avoid corporeal punishments. (p. 116) He/she  must be  free  from  all  over-exertion  of  mind  &  exciting emotions. (Sec-263)

8.The treatment of the violent insane maniac and melancholic can take place only  in an  institution specially arranged for their treatment but not within the family circle of the patient (Sec-229FN). [5]


There are some common terminology which have been used different  psychological  condition  and  i  also  given  few medicine with rubrics from Kent’s repertory (Only first Grade Medicine)

1. ABSENT-MINDED→  Apis.,  Cann-i.,  Caust.,  Cham., Hell., Lach.,  Mez., Nat-m., Nux-m.,  Plat., Puls.,  Sep., Verat. (7 p. 1)

2. ABSORBED→ Hell., Mez., Nux-m., Sulph. (7 p. 1)

3. ANGER→  Acon.,  Anac.,  Ars.,  Aur.,  Bry.,  Cham., Hep., Ign., Kali-c., Kali-s., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Petr., Sep., Staph., Sulph. (7 p. 2)

4. ANXIETY→  Acon.,  Arg-n.,  Ars.,  Ars-i.,  Aur., Bell., Bism.,  Bry.,  Cact.,  Calc.,  Calc-p.,  Calc-s.,  Camph., Cann-i.,  Carb-s.,  Carb-v.,  Caust.,  Chin.,  Con.,  Dig., Iod., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Kali-p., Kali-s., Lyc., Mez., Nat-a.,  Nat-c.,  Nit-ac.,  Phos.,  Psor.,  Puls.,  Rhus-t.,  Sec., Sulph., Verat. (7 p. 4)

5. DELUSIONS→  Arg-n.,  Bell.,  Cann-i.,  Cocc.,  Hyos., Ign., Lach.,  Petr., Ph-ac.,  Sabad., Stram., Sulph.  (7 p. 20)

6. FEAR→  Acon.,  Arg-n.,  Aur., Bell.,  Bor., Calc.,  Calc-p.,  Carb-s.,  Cic.,  Dig.,  Graph.,  Ign.,  Kali-ar.,  Lyc., Lyss., Nat-c., Phos., Plat., Psor., Sep., Stram. (7 p. 42)

7. GRIEF→ Aur., Caust., Ign., Nat-m., Puls. (7 p. 50)

8. HOME-SICKNESS→ Caps., Carb-an. Ph-ac. (7 p. 51)

9. JEALOUSY→ Hyos., Lach. (7 p. 60)

10. LASCIVIOUSNESS→  Hyos.,  Lach.,  Lil-t.,  Orig.,

Phos., Pic-ac., Plat., Staph. (7 p. 61)

11. LAUGHING→ Cann-i., Ign., Stram. (7 p. 61)

12. SUICIDAL,  disposition→  Aur.,  Aur-m.,  Nat-s.  (7  p. 85)


1. Dc Nhp Cc. Homoeopathy and mental health, 2015.

2. Mental  health  landscape  in  India.  National  mental health survey.

3. Nezami  Sheezan.  Childhood  mental  disorder  high  in bihar-study. Patna: Times Of India,02/01/2020.

4. Chatfield  J,  Duxbury  K.  Practical  &  ethical implications of homoeopathy in mental health care. Uk: S.N, 2010.

5. Hahnemann  Samuel,  organon of  medicine, 5th  &6th edition.  Organ  on  of  medicine,  5th  &  6th  edition. Kolkata: Paul medico, 2013-2014.

6. Kent  JT.  Repertory  of  the  homoeopathic  materia medica. Repertory of the homoeopathic materia medica. Kolkata: Rup publication, 2013-14.

7.Ullman Dana. The homoeopathic approach to treatment of anxiety  & depression:  A review of  the history and present  status.  Camelia:  Homoeopathic  Educational

Services. 2008; 14:119-22.


Dr.Tamara Afroza*[A], Dr.Biswajit Bera[B], Dr.Umesh Kumar [C],Dr.Ashis Biswas[D]

[A]* MD, Hom. (Part-II pursuing) in Practice of Medicine from The Calcutta Homoeopathic

Medical College & Hospital. B.H.M.S (Honours) from D.N.DE Homoeopathic Medical College

and Hospital. Kolkata, WB.

[B] Lecturer- Dept. of Practice of Medicine,P.C.M Homoeopathic Hospital and college.MD (Hom) in Practice of Medicine from The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.Kolkata, WB.

[C] HMO,SHD:Tulsipur Shrawasti,Govt of Uttar Pradesh, MD(Hom) Part-II in organon of

medicine from National Institute Of Homoeopathy(NIH), B.H.M.S from NIH, Kolkata, WB.

[D] MD (Hom) in Practice of Medicine from The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College &

Hospital. B.H.M.S from The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. Kolkata, WB.

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