How Do Family Dynamics and Parenting Affects Chlid’s Behaviour - homeopathy360

How Do Family Dynamics and Parenting Affects Chlid’s Behaviour


This article explores the role of parenting techniques and family dynamics on the behavioural development of children. This article also discusses about Early relationships, four parenting styles, attachment theory, recommendations for positive dynamics, and common behavioural problems of children. 


The development of every individual on earth is based on the “genetic and environmental” factors. Both together shape the personality of the person. The idea originated from the “theory of NATURE v/s NURTURE”. A vast part of personality as an adult has their roots in a person’s childhood. So, the role of parents in shaping their child’s behaviour is significant. Parents are key factors for both genetic and environmental components that a child will face.


Family dynamics refer to the patterns of communication, roles, and behaviours that shape the functioning of a family unit. These dynamics are influenced by a variety of factors including family structure, cultural background, and individual personalities. The size of the family also plays a vital role in the development of the child. Birth order is also a key factor in understanding the personality factors of the child. The way family members communicate, resolve conflicts, and express emotions significantly impacts the emotional well-being and development of children.


“Parenting style” refers to a cluster of parental practices that produce relatively stable and identifiable patterns in child adjustment outcomes. (1)

There are 4 commonly identified parenting styles: (2)

Table 1 commonly identified parenting styles

Authoritarian parentsHave strict rules and expect their children to obey without question. This style of parenting can lead to children who are well-behaved but also anxious, shy, and have low self-esteem.
Authoritative parentsSet clear expectations but also explain their reasoning and are open to negotiation. This style of parenting is generally considered the healthiest, as it leads to children who are confident, responsible, and self-regulated.
Permissive parentsHave few rules and allow their children to make their own choices. This style of parenting can lead to impulsive children, demanding, and difficulty with self-control.
Uninvolved parentsAre uninvolved in their children’s lives and provide little guidance or support. This style of parenting can lead to children who have emotional and behavioural problems.


Attachment is a special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care, and pleasure. The roots of research on attachment began with Freud’s theories about love, but another researcher named John Bowlby is usually credited as the father of attachment theory.

John Bowlby devoted extensive research to attachment, describing it as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings.” (3)

Table 2 attachment patterns in children

Secure attachmentChildren who are securely attached are comfortable being separated from their caregivers and are happy when they return. They seek comfort from their caregiver when they are scared and readily accept contact from them.They show a preference for their caregivers over strangers.As adults, securely attached individuals tend to have trusting and lasting relationships, good self-esteem, and the ability to share their feelings with others.
Anxious attachmentChildren with an anxious attachment style are wary of strangers and become very distressed when separated from their caregivers. They may not be comforted by their caregiver’s return and may even push them away. As adults, people with an anxious attachment style are often preoccupied with romantic relationships and worry that their partner does not love them.They may be reluctant to get close to others and may experience frequent breakups.
Avoidant attachmentChildren with an avoidant attachment style tend to avoid their caregivers and do not seek much comfort or contact from them. They show little to no preference for their caregivers over strangers. As adults, people with an avoidant attachment style tend to avoid intimacy and emotional closeness in relationships. They may have difficulty trusting others and sharing their feelings.
Disorganized attachmentChildren with a disorganized attachment style display a mix of avoidant and resistant behaviours towards their caregivers. They may appear dazed, confused, or apprehensive around their caregiver. As adults, people with a disorganized attachment style have difficulty forming close relationships and often exhibit confusing or contradictory behaviours. They may crave intimacy but then push their partner away, or they may sabotage their relationships altogether.


Understanding Family Stress (4): 

Family stress can arise from various sources, including financial difficulties, divorce, illness, parental conflicts, moving to a new home, and external pressures like work-related stress. It can manifest in different forms, such as parental arguments, economic strain, or emotional tension within the family unit. When not appropriately managed, this stress can significantly affect children.

Table 3 impact of family stressors on children.

Emotional and Behavioural ChallengesChildren exposed to ongoing family stress may experience emotional and behavioural challenges. They may become more irritable, anxious, or fearful. These emotions can manifest in various ways, such as temper tantrums, withdrawal, or mood swings. In some cases, they may also exhibit regressive behaviours, like bedwetting or thumb-sucking.
Impact on Academic PerformanceFamily stress can interfere with a child’s ability to focus and excel in school. It may lead to difficulties in concentration, lower grades, and an overall decline in academic performance. Chronic stress can also affect a child’s motivation to engage in learning and extracurricular activities.
Physical Health IssuesStress within the family can contribute to physical health problems in children. These may include headaches, stomach aches, sleep disturbances, and even weakened immune systems, making children more susceptible to illnesses. Chronic stress can also have long-term effects on cardiovascular health.
Social DevelopmentChildren experiencing family stress may struggle in their social interactions. They might find it challenging to build and maintain friendships or exhibit aggressive behaviours when trying to cope with their emotions. This can impact their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Coping MechanismsIn response to family stress, children may develop unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as comfort eating, substance abuse, or self-harming behaviours. These coping strategies can have long-lasting negative effects on their physical and emotional well-being.
Parent-Child Relationships:Family stress can strain parent-child relationships. Parents dealing with their own stressors may find it challenging to provide the emotional support and attention their children need. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and communication within the family.


Table 4 recommendations:

Open CommunicationCreate an environment where family members can express their feelings and concerns. Encourage children to talk about their emotions and provide reassurance and validation.
Maintain RoutinesStability and predictability can be comforting for children. Try to maintain regular routines and schedules to provide a sense of security.
Limit Exposure to StressorsProtect children from unnecessary exposure to family stressors. This may include limiting their exposure to arguments or discussing sensitive topics when children are not present.
Seek SupportDon’t hesitate to seek support from professionals when needed. Family therapy or counselling can help family members learn effective coping strategies and improve communication.
Promote Self-CareSelf-care is not only for adults. Encourage children to engage in self-care practices like exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends to help reduce stress.
Problem-Solving SkillsTeach children problem-solving skills to help them navigate difficult situations. Encourage them to brainstorm solutions and consider the consequences of their actions.
Model Healthy Coping Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms for children by positively managing your stress. This sets an example for how they can cope with their stress.
Emphasize ResilienceTeach children the importance of resilience and the ability to bounce back from difficult situations. Remind them that setbacks are a part of life, and they can learn from them.


Having some degree of problem behaviour is normal for most children and adolescents. It can be a normal part of growing. Only children and adolescents with a moderate to severe degree of psychological, social, educational or occupational impairment in multiple settings should be identified as having behavioural disorders. In the context of children, common behavioural disorders include conduct disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, the hyperactivity type of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), disruptive behaviour disorders: conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. (5)


The role of caregivers plays a vital role in the development of a child. We can change the parenting or attachment style of the parent-child relationship only if we know and understand those things properly. Accurately given advice also plays a therapeutic in many cases. That’s why it is important to understand the attachment theory that a child possesses. Individual Homoeopathic remedies can also be selected based on attachment theory and parenting style. These points will guide to many extents in understanding the child as a whole.


1.Give M. Oxford Bibliographies. [Online]. Available from:
2.Oxford Bibliographies. [Online]. [cited 2024 February 03. Available from:,how%20parents%20raise%20their%20children.
3.Kendra Cherry M. Verywell Mind. [Online].; 2023 [cited 2024 February 03. Available from:
4.Counseling C. CARE Counseling: Minneapolis Therapists. [Online].; 2024 [cited 2024 February 03. Available from:,%2C%20withdrawal%2C%20or%20mood%20swings.
5.Association AP. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Fifth Edition ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

About the author

Dr. Archit Mehta

Dr. Archit Mehta - M.D. (hom.) Psychiatry (scholar)