The average newcomer thinks that as there is insulin for diabetes or paracetamol for fever in allopathy, so also, there are corresponding remedies in Bach Remedies/Homoeopathy. This is a misconception. The fundamental and basic difference between these two systems and all other systems is this: We give one remedy, say Impatiens, to a person for cancer. To the second person with jaundice also we give the same remedy Impatiens. To a woman at labor (childbirth) the same Impatiens. Now the question comes up. What is this? In all these three patients WE DO NOT SELECT THE REMEDY ON HIS COMPLAINTS. All the three patients are restless. Impatiens is the name of Bach remedy to be given, whatever may be the underlying pathology. All diseases where restless/impatience is found, the Bach remedy would cure them.
3. Again by asking me over phone what remedy is to be given for a certain patient with cancer, no answer can be given. They send scans and other reports as if we are prescribing for his disease—cancer. All other medical systems concentrate on the name of disease and they have corresponding remedies. I tell the person that when doctors in his city have not been able to do anything, even after admitting in the hospital and examining in person, how can I prescribe even without seeing the patient. The newcomer in particular makes this fundamental mistake. During the first few months of learning Homoeopathy/Bach Remedies DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CURE ANY DISEASE, particularly your kith and ken. We do not have ready-made medicine for cancer, cold etc.
In the case of elders who can write English, WE TELL THAT THE PATIENT SHOULD WRITE DOWN IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING, his/her symptoms –symptoms which he feels/experiences (not typing and sending by WhatsApp, I SAY WRITE IN HER OWN HANDWRITING) and send it by speed post to me. Here too some cases can be cured—not all cases. In handwritten letters, apart from their physical symptoms or disease, they do write some or many things (about their outlook of life or their disease etc.) and it is on these we make the prescription.
Let us examine a typed letter from a certain person.
“Hello Doctor
I wanted little guidance
My 5-year-old is getting a frequent cold, running nose. increases more when he is going to bed around
10 pm
I am giving him
white chestnut +walnut + crabapple + elm
since last 4 days
But not getting any relief.
can you help what else can I give to him for cold, running nose.”
[From this letter, what we can do, at the most, is this:Cold, coryza (running nose), chest congestion, CATARRH of respiratory tract or frequent cold catching – ASPEN
IMPATIENS – Running nose is, in most cases, irritating and makes patients restless.
Aspen + Impatiens may be tried. If one or two doses do not give relief, no need to repeat beyond that.]
A child of five years is brought by her mother for cold. When I look at the child it starts crying. When I put stethoscope on its chest, it cries still more. In the homeo remedy Antimonium crudum (Boericke Mat. Medica) underMine, we find the following in italics:
Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at. I gave this remedy one dose and the patient was completely cured. In this case I do not prescribe for colds. WITHOUT SEEING THE PATIENT IN PERSON, we cannot select a remedy. In the case of another child with the same complaint—cold, when I look at it does not cry. However, when I attempt to touch it, it whines. In another remedy Antimonium tart. in the same Boericke Mat. Med. We find the following:
Mind: Child whines on being touched. This remedy Ant-tart cured him.
The purpose of detailing the above two cases is to illustrate that WE DO NOT PRESCRIBE REMEDY FOR COLD OR ANY NAME OF DISEASE. WE PRESCRIBE FOR THE PATIENT. It is the patient and not the disease.
In some rare cases, the report of the attendant may help the practitioner to select the remedy.
An old woman comes and asks for medicine for terminal cancer of his son-in-law’s terminal cancer. She said doctors told that he will live for another six months only. I asked her what to say or do. She replied, “Doctor, he does not even want me or any one to come to his house and see him. My daughter told me over phone that he has been saying that nobody should visit him and he will continue to live in the same quarters where he has been living for more than thirty years and die.”
In some cases (not all cases) the report of the messenger may help us to find the remedy.
“I want no one to come and see him.” This means aversion to company — Willow.
“I shall live till death in this very quarter with my family.” – Homesickness – Chicory
These two remedies were sent to his wife through the mother-in-law of the patient, to be dissolved in his drinking coffee/tea and in a week’s time he got many reliefs; after a month when he went for regular and periodical checkup, doctors could not find even a trace of cancer.
Now, the reader should not note down that Willow+Chicory is good for cancer. These two remedies are good not only for cancer but for any disease if the patient has ‘homesickness’ and ‘aversion to talk’.
Let us see how we select the remedy for this patient in homoeopathy.
Kent’s Repertory – MIND
Homesick – Caps., Carb-an, and ph-ac. each in top-grade, along with other remedies in second/third grade.
COMPANY, aversion to: Anac, Bar-c., Carb-an, Cham., Cic., Gels., Ign., Nat-m., Nux-v., each in top-grade.
Only one remedy Carbo-animalis is found common to both the above lists. This remedy also in one single dose would have cured him when given in water (without his knowledge.)
In the case of another cancer patient, aged 65 years, his son came to me and asked for medicine. I told him to bring the patient. He replied that the patient has no belief in alternative medicines. I therefore asked what the patient does or talks about his suffering. Upon this the messenger showed a scan report, blood test report etc. I TOLD HIM THAT REPORTS ARE USEFUL ONLY FIVE PER CENT FOR ANY DOCTOR and told him that I am asking about the patient (and not what other doctors told) WHAT DOES HE DO OR TALK. He replied, “Doctor when the pain comes, he weeps and starts walking in the veranda in the open air.
On page 116 of the golden reference book Homoeopathic Therapeutics by Dr. Samuel Lilienthal, M.D. of U.S.A. under the remedy Lycopodium, in the chapter ‘Carcinoma’ we find the following:
SWELLING of lower lip, with a large ulcer on its vermilion border; cancer ventriculi, after eating or drinking vomiting of dark, green masses; bloatedness of the stomach and bowels, with rumbling; vomiting of bile, pus and coagulated blood; tension in the hypochondria as from a hoop; great emaciation ( marasmus) and internal debility; scirrhous mammae, with stitching and cramping pain, circumscribed redness of face; during the pain she must WALK about and WEEP, amelioration in open air.
Lycopodium-10M, one dose cured this patient. [The shameful thing is that 99% of homoeopaths all over the world do not have a copy of the above said valuable reference work Lilienthal’s HOMOEPATHIC THERAPEUTICS.; again, this is not taught in the 180 and old govt. recognized homoeopathy colleges all over India. It is a disgrace to alternative medicine. All over the globe persons are practicing by selecting the remedies on their whims and fancies. The problem is that no standard textbook has been written on Homeopathy or Bach remedies.