A). Presently working as an Professor in Dept.of Pathology and Microbiology in Sriganganagar Homoeopathic Medical college,hospital & Research Institute ,Tantia University,Sri Ganganagar(Rajasthan)
B) Guide /Supervisor PhD (Homoeopathy) at Tantia university
- Consultating Homoeopathic Physician for 18 Yrs.
- Wrote & Make First ever Homoeopathy Anthem in History of Homoeopathy. Also sang & upload in youtube channel & it is so popular .This Homoeopathy Anthem is listed & entered in World Records Of India 2019”& also Entered in Marvellous Records Book Of India 2019 published in Dec.2019.
- Won More than 100 Awards In Medical, health & Academic Field.
- President of HALPS Association(Homoeopathic association of Public Service) Rajasthan &
Homoeopathic Manav Kalyan Samiti ,Sriganganagar Hanumangarh branch.
*Free treatment & medicines given to Poor patients,widow ladies ,physically challenged persons & soldiers at own clinics.
* Every year approx. 25-30 Free Homoeopathic medical camps arranged & organized by Me & my team in different peripheral areas/School/colleges for awareness of Homoeopathy & Benefit of patients.
* Every year Distributes Preventive & curative Medicines for seasonal Diseases like Dengue, chickenguinea, malaria, swine Flu etc. Door to door & by arranging camps in Different areas/Schools.
*During COVID19 outbreak distributed Free Homoeopathic immunity booster medicines in public, school, office’s, Banks, health worker’s, corona warriors etc. An Active” Corona warrior “
*Worked In COVID & Quarantine center’s during Covid pandemic.
*Free distribution of Masks, sanitizers & Food during COVID19 pandemic & Lock down.
*Social worker & Social Activist
*An active Blood Donor (in every 3 months ).arranged my blood donation camp’s from needed persons & patients.
*Also arranged many Clothes & stationary donation Camp’s for poor people’s & children.
*Did many Health survey, public heath awareness campaign during Covid pandemic.
*Working continue in this field.
More than 200 Journals & Articles in Scpus, Pubmed, UGC care indexed journals e.g. Renal Calculi, HT, D.M.,Asthma,Haemorroid,Suicidal tendency,Suicidal tendency, Obesity,Dengue etc. Published in various Internation & National Journals,Magazines,Newspapers etc.
Soon 2 Books Going to publish….
1) Magic of Mother tinctures & Homoeopathic therapeutics(medical)
- Har dil me kavi hai (Hindi poetry)