Dr. Alexander Tournier

Dr. Alexander Tournier

Nationality: French – English
Languages: French, English, German
Born: 2 July 1974

2017–Faculty member at the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM), University of Bern
• Conducting research and writing scientific papers with Prof Stephan Baumgartner
• Amongst other projects, a three-part review of all physico-chemical investigations of homeopathy
2017-2019Executive director and Principal Investigator, Water Research Lab, Heidelberg
• Creation of the WRL lab as a German non-profit structure (Stiftung für Wasserforschung) dedicated to investigating the physico-chemical mode of action of homeopathic preparations
• Recruitment of dedicated team (Dr Everine van de Kraats and Msc students from Heidelberg University)
• Ran a number of experiments (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Conductivity in particular), one publication in progress
• Due to lack of funding, the project had to be discontinued at 31st Dec 2019
2007–Founding Director and Chairman of the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI)
• Creation of HRI – a foundation dedicated to homeopathy research (www.hri-research.org).
• Chairman of the Board: Oversight of legal aspects, finances, strategy, communications and research program, negotiations with other organisation, relations with main donors.
• Executive Director: Team management, recruitment, control of daily operations, implementation of strategic and communications strategies.
• Editing and publishing lay scientific articles about homeopathy research (~30 articles ‘New Scientist’ level) written by leaders in the field.
• Organisation of bi-annual ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy’ international conferences, dedicated to homeopathy research (4 to date: Barcelona, Rome, Malta, and London with 350 participants).
2010-2013                Head of Mathematical Modelling unit – Cancer Research UK, London
• Consultant in Mathematics and Biophysics for the 600 researchers of the Cancer Research Institute in London, ranked 5th institute worldwide for molecular biology.
• Collaboration with leading researchers in molecular biology.
• Co-supervision of a doctoral student dealing with modelling of cellular structures.
• Co-supervision of 2 post-docs within the framework of collaborations dealing with the modelling of biochemical processes.
• Large number of interactions within the institute – interdisciplinarity.
• Organiser of a series of seminars (~20) for the institute on topics at the boundary between biology, physics and mathematics with leading external  presenters.
• Organiser of a series of seminars (~10) fostering in-house knowledge of image analysis of biological images.
• Initiator and promoter of a new solution of long-term storage (OMERO) for large quantities of data produced by the latest generation of microscopes.  
2004-2010            Post-doctoral researcher – Cancer Research UK
• Collaborations with leading research groups in molecular biology.
• Multidisciplinary projects in biophysics.
• Image analysis for automatic extraction of quantitative data from biological images.
• Development of the theory and implementation of models of reaction/diffusion of proteins.  
2003-2007Diploma from the Centre for Homeopathic Education, London, 4 years part-time training
Bachelor level training in homeopathy clinical theory and practice  
1999–2003Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction between water and proteins.

Research in Quantum Biophysics, Bristol, UK.
Theoretical investigation of the Quantum Mechanics of living systems.

Diploma of Advanced Studies in Mathematics in Theoretical Physics (Part III), Cambridge, UK
Specialisation in quantum field theory and general relativity.
Thesis on ‘hidden variable’ theories in Quantum Mechanics.
1992–1995B.Sc. in Physics (First Class Honours), Imperial College, UK.
1992Baccalauréat, section S,  ‘Mention Bien’, Paris, France.

2004: EMBO long-term post-doctoral research fellowship (2 years)
2004: CRUK post-doctoral research fellowship (3 years)
2007: CRUK post-doctoral research fellowship (1 year)
2008: CRUK post-doctoral research fellowship (1 year)  

• Tournier, A. L., Smith, J. C. 2002. Time-resolved computational protein biochemistry: solvent effects on interactions, conformational transitions and equilibrium fluctuations. Faraday Dis, 122, 243-51.
• Tournier, A. L., Xu, J., Smith, J. C. 2003. Solvent Caging of internal motions in myoglobin at low temperatures. PhysChemComm, 6(2), 6-8.
• Tournier, A. L., Xu, J., Smith, J. C. 2003. Translational Hydration Water Dynamics Drives the Protein Glass Transition. Biophys J, 85, 1871-5.
• Tournier, A. L., Smith, J. C. 2003. Principal Components of the Protein Dynamical Transition. Phys Rev Lett91, 208106.
• Becker, T., Fischer, S., Noe, F., Tournier, A. L., Ullmann, M. G., and Smith, J. C. 2003. Protein Dynamics: Glass transition and mechanical function. Adv Sol State Phys43, 677-94.
• Smith, J. C., Cournia, Z., Taly, A., Tournier, A. L., Mihailescu, D., and Ullmann, M. G. 2003. Conformational transitions in proteins and membranes. In NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry: Volume 133, ’Novel Approaches to the Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and Simulations’, 485-502.
• Smith, J. C., Merzel, M., Bondar, A-B., Tournier, A. L., and Fischer, S. 2004. Structure, Dynamics and Reactions of Protein Hydration Water. Phil Trans Roy Soc B359(1448),1181-9.
• Tournier, A. L., Réat, V., Dunn, R., Daniel, R., Smith, J. C., and Finney, J. 2005. Temperature and timescale dependence of protein dynamics in methanol : water mixtures. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 7, 1388-93.
• Tournier, A. L., Fitzjohn P. W., Bates, P. A. 2006. Probability-based model of protein-protein interactions on biological timescales. Algorithms for Molecular Biology1:25.
• Król, M., Tournier, A. L., Bates, P. A., 2007  Flexible relaxation of rigid-body docking solutions, Proteins  68:1:159-69.
• Król, M., Chaleil, R., Tournier, A., Bates, P. 2007 Implicit flexibility in protein docking: Cross-docking and local refinement Proteins 69(4): 750-757
• Schmierer, B., Tournier, A. L., Bates, P. A., Hill, C. S., 2008 Mathematical Modelling Identifies Smad Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling as a dynamics sign-sensing system. Proc Nat Acad Sci 105(18): 6608-13.
• Offman M.N, Tournier A.L, Bates P.A. 2008 Alternating evolutionary pressure in a genetic algorithm facilitates protein model selection. BMC Struct Biol. Aug 1;8:34.
• Król, M., Tournier, A. L., Bates, P. A., 2009 In-silico docking :predicting protein-protein interactions, in Structure-Function Relation in Proteins, pp:1-43
• Mao Y, Tournier AL, Bates PA, Gale JE, Tapon N, Thompson BJ. Planar polarization of the atypical myosin Dachs orients cell divisions in Drosophila. Genes Dev. 2011 Jan 15;25(2):131-6.
• Mao Y, Tournier AL, HoppeA, KesterL, Thompson BJ, Tapon N. Differential proliferation rates generate patterns of mechanical tension that orient tissue growth, EMBO J. 2013 Oct 30; 32(21):2790-803.
• Tozluoğlu M., Tournier AL, Jenkins R, Hooper S, Bates PA Sahai E.Matrix geometry determines optimal cancer migration strategy and modulates response to interventions. Nat Cell Biol. 2013 Jul; 15(7):751-62
• Quirk T, Schneider R, Tournier AL, Sherr J. Do pathogenetic trials produce consistent and recognisable symptom pictures? Results from a Pilot Pathogenetic Trial Study, Homeopathy. 2014 Apr; 103(2):108-12
• Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Lüdtke R, Albrecht H. CORE-Hom: a powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy. Homeopathy. 2014 Oct; 103(4):219-23
• Heller D, Hoppe A, Restrepo S, Gatti L, Tournier AL, Tapon N, Basler K, Mao Y. EpiTools: An Open-Source Image Analysis Toolkit for Quantifying Epithelial Growth Dynamics. Dev Cell. 2016 Jan 11; 36(1):103-16
• Tournier A, Roberts E R, Viksveen P, Adverse effects of homeopathy: a systematic review of published case reports and case series – comment by Tournier et al, Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Apr; 67(4): 388–389.
• Sherr J, Quirk T, Tournier AL. Do Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trials generate recognisable and reproducible symptom pictures?: Results from a pilot pathogenetic trial of Ozone 30c. Homeopathy. 2014 Apr;103(2):108-12
• Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Lüdtke R, Albrecht H. CORE-Hom: a powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy. Homeopathy. 2014 Oct;103(4):219-23
• De Beukelaer E, Renoux H, Nicolai T, Tournier A. Veterinary homeopathy: a defence. Vet Rec. 2017 Oct 28;181(17):456-457
• Klein SD, Würtenberger S, Wolf U, Baumgartner S, Tournier A. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 1. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 May; 24(5):409-421
• Tournier, A., Klein S., Würtenberger S, Wolf U and Baumgartner S. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 2.  J Altern Complement Med 2019, 25(9): 890-901.
• Tournier, A. Is Homeopathy Really that Implausible. 2019 in “Transdisciplinarity and Translationality in High Dilution Research.” Leoni Bonamin, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Tournier, A., Würtenberger S, Klein S and Baumgartner S. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 3. J Altern Complement Med 2021 27(1): 45–57.
• Tournier, A. L. & Fok, Y. Y. Y. Preliminary analysis of the Clificol COVID-19 support project. International Journal of High Dilution Research 20, 6-7 (2021).
• Tournier, A. L., Fok, Y. Y. Y. & van Haselen, R. A fresh look at the concept of Genus Epidemicus: findings from the Clificol Project. International Journal of High Dilution Research 21, 02-02 (2022).
• Tournier, A. L., Fok, Y. Y. Y. & van Haselen, R. Update from the Clificol Project: Omicron in Hong-Kong and worldwide overview of the pandemic. International Journal of High Dilution Research 21, 27-27 (2022).
• Weiermayer, P. et al. How is evidence-based medicine defined? Homeopathy—a therapeutic option in medical practice! HNO 70, 72-74 (2022).
• Nagai, M. Y. D. D. O. et al. Highly Diluted Glyphosate Mitigates Its Effects on Artemia salina: Physicochemical Implications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023).
• Roberts, E. R., Eizayaga, J. E., Van Der Werf, E. T. & Tournier, A. L. HRI Online 2022: Leading International Experts Illustrate the Positive Impact of Increased Collaboration in Homeopathy Research. Homeopathy 112, 65-69 (2023).
• Schulz, V. M. et al. Systematic review of conceptual criticisms of homeopathy. Heliyon 9 (2023).
• Tournier, A., Fok, Y., Van Haselen, R. & To, A. Searching for the Genus Epidemicus in Chinese Patients: Findings from the Clificol COVID-19 Clinical Case Registry. Homeopathy 112, 30-39 (2023).
• Roberts, E. R., Mosley, A. J. & Tournier, A. L. Insights from a Decade of ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy. Homeopathy 113, 1-3 (2024).  

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