Dictionary and Help for Further Study of Allen's Keynotes - Prof. (Dr.) Subhas Singh

Dictionary and Help for Further Study of Allen’s Keynotes – Prof. (Dr.) Subhas Singh

Prof. (Dr.) Subhas Singh

Allen’s Key Notes is the popular name of the book, it is indisputably the most read, most used and of course the most popular book not only in India but probably in the world. 

The author has tried to provide the word meaning to some of the selected words, terms and nomenclatures used in Allen’s Key Notes. Keeping into consideration the difficulties faced by readers in reading and understanding the vocabulary used in Allen’s Keynotes, the author has come up with this dictionary of Allen’s Keynotes.

What to expect from the Dictionary and Help for Further Study of Allen’s Keynotes

– There is segregation of the symptoms (Keynotes) according to the various chapters and subchapters. All the related symptoms of all the medicines of Allen’s keynote are arranged at one place.

– Clubbing of the unrelated but similar-sounding symptoms is done at one place, which makes an easy comprehension and learning of Allen’s keynote. The purpose of this effort is to make comparative study more interesting

-In the relationship chapter the relations and notes have been added and put in one place which is scattered throughout the book. The arrangement of relationships in different headings will make it more palatable.

The aim behind publishing this book is to make the study of Allen’s Keynote much easier and efficient so that our readers can utilize Allen’s Keynotes to its full potential. We hope this will make memorizing materia medica easier.

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Happy Reading! – Dictionary and Help for Further Study of Allen’s Keynotes

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About the author


Prof. (Dr.) Subhas Singh, M.D. (Hom.), Ph.D. is a wäl-known personality in our homoeopathic world. He has an experience of more than 25 years in Homoeopathic practice and teaching. He is currently the Head of the Department of Organon of Medicine, Homoeopathic Philosophy, Chronic Disease & Psychology, 'National Institute of Homoeopathy at Kolkata'. He is also the Chief Editor of NATIONAL HOMOEO RECORDER, A Peer-Reviewed Free access online Homoeopathic Quarterly Journal. He is the Chairman of the Scientific Standing Committee, Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI).