1.Really a nice & wonderful book written by both the writers I. e. Prof. Dr. S. K. Tiwari & Prof. Dr. V. Sathish Kumar.
2.Very – 2 useful for UG students, PG and PhD Scholars as well as Homoeopathic Fraternity.
3.It has a nice & detailed comprises of twelve able & great stalwarts of Homeopathy and Repertory, good job.
4.Very interesting, informative, authentic, knowledgeable as well as very easy to read and understand & to work over the various chronic & typical cases.
5.More easier to select the best medicine by the REPERTORY.
6.Very useful to clinical practice and teaching too for students & faculties.
7.Easily readable & understanding of simple and easy words.
8.Very important work done by both the authors for Boenninghausen and Boger.
9.Very helpful & excellent to study for various Repertoires.
10.Any one person especially from Homoeopathic Fraternity, found this helpful in by all means for Repertory and Repertorial work too.
11.This book is also a Diamond/Gem and another feather of REPERTORY.
Source of Data
The BBFGR is comprised of the following treatises –
- Antipsoric Repertory and other contemporary publication of Boenninghausen
- Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book
- A Synoptic Key Repertory-Boger
- Times of the Remedies-Boger
- Moon Phases-Boger
- Additions to Kent’s Repertory-Boger
- Boenninghausen’s Lesser Writings
- Boger’s Card Repertory-General Analysis
- Repertory of the Symptoms of Ovaries-Boger
- Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory-Materia Medica – Boger
- A Synoptic Key – Materia Medica – Boger
- Essentials of Boger’s Principle and Practice of Homoeopathy-Dr S K Tiwar
For the difference in intensity of the medicines including conversion of marks as well as for placing of rubrics, the following rules were applied –
- The medicines mentioned in higher marks will remain in the same intensity when they are combined and merged at appropriate places in BBCR. Capital letters will remain capital.
- The new rubrics from other sources will be placed in the appropriate chapter at the proper place.
- From Synoptic Key, Times of the Remedies, Boger General Analysis, the medicines mentioned in three marks (CAPITAL) will be considered STRUCTURE xviii as 5 marks (CAPITAL), 2 marks (bold) as 4 marks (bold) and 1 mark (ordinary roman) as 2 marks (ordinary roman) while merging with BBCR.
- The new rubrics or medicines from other sources will carry citation number (1,2,3…12) on the head to denote the source.
- Synonyms of the rubrics will be retained.
- From Lesser Writing (Boenninghausen), antique bold is given as 4 marks and it have been changed to CAPITAL with gradation of 5 marks, italics is given in 3 marks and it have been changed to bold with gradation of 4 marks, 2 marks clarendon bold have been changed to italics with gradation of 3 marks, 1 mark roman have been changed to roman with gradation of 2 marks.
- From Moon Phases, observations above 15 numbers have been changed to 5 marks CAPITAL, observations between 10 to 15 numbers have been changed to mark 3 italics and observations less than 10 numbers have been changed to 2 marks roman.
- In the Cough chapter, the sub-section ‘Excited or Aggravated by’ is changed to ‘Aggravation’.
- ‘Conditions’ are separated into Aggravation and Amelioration subsections.
- To bring more clarity, a few medicines’ abbreviations in some of the books, which are not known or doubtful to the profession, are not used in the new book.
Title: Boenninghausen Boger Final General Repertory
Author: SK Tiwari and V. Sathish Kumar
ISBN: 9788131932421
Imprint: B Jain Regular
Language: English
Prof. Dr. Rajeev Saxena, Professor, PG, PhD Guide.
SKHMC & RC, SITAPURA, JAIPUR 302 022 (Rajasthan)