Ministry of AYUSH and Indian Council for Cultural Relations Scholarship Schemes for courses under Ayush Scholarship Scheme is ( UG / PG / Ph.D in Ayuerveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) for academic session 2022-2023
Guidelines for AYUSH Scholarship Scheme:
a) Applicant should be necessarily of 18 years age at the time of admission in Indian Universities / Institutes. There is no upper age limit.
b) Applicant has to apply on A2A portal for AYUSH Scholarship Scheme
C) No application will be accepted after last date of application.
d) The application will be processed only for the course applied for. No request for the change of course will be entertained later.
e) The candidate has to fill 03 choices of Universities / Institutes in the application in order of preference.
f) The allocation of University will be on first come first serve basis subject to the availability of seat.
g) If no seats are available in the choice of University given by the candidate, the allocation of University will be done by the Ministry of AYUSH in other University as per the availability of seats.
The last date for submission of application: 31-10-2022
Student Registration link for ICCR Scholarship Programme (2022 – 2023)