Let there be one organization, Homeopathy, let there be one option; Homeopathy, let there be one voice; Homeopathy!
When one person stands up to face adversity, the spines of others stiffen!
We have been called “Alternate System of Medicine” worldwide for ages now and so in a pandemic when all possible theories and therapies stand defeated let us show how good this Alternate Plan B is!
Since inception up till today, Homoeopathy has had to over and over again appeal for its own practitioners to come together and always, especially in a critical situation, this war cry has been resonated in the lakhs of Homeopathic physicians. Homeopaths this is our time to relive AUDE SAPERE—“Dare to be WISE”.
There are lakhs of us who in isolation are brave, but to be WISE needs a momentum, a common platform that will need these lakhs to unite and say the same thing in unison. It is time for us to shed our demographic boundaries, cast our egos aside, throw our political differences behind and forge a community that is not just a selected few but each and everyone who holds Homeopathy dear to his or her heart. Your nation, its poor people, it’s millions of people who are mere death statistics on the news, they need your skill NOW. With folded hands, I beckon all of you my friends, colleagues, seniors, and all the others from the Homeopathic fraternity to come under one unified platform so that our collective voices are heard over the noises of statistics and despondence!!
Though our past experiences have shown us that it was too hard to form a common platform, we can rise above our individual thoughts and address our future is my belief and though till date we are divided into different organizations whole wide and on our own soil with very many organizations – state wise, district wise, service wise, demographic wise, political wise and idiopathic wise etc., now I ask all the leaders of these factions to unite. Many organizations have been created with different intentions and ideologies, but they are primarily for the benefit of homoeopathic profession and that gives us hope, a hope that Homeopathy still is a passion that burns in our hearts!
As an ordinary homeopath and not from the space according to me, I request you all; my professionals’ colleagues including my teachers, seniors and students to reconsider once now and to think from a different angle.
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”-Carl Sagan, Astrophysicist and Philosopher.
Is that US, do think about it?
Prof.( Dr) Rajat Chattopadhyay,
PhD(WBUHS); MD (Hom) (Cal) (NIH)
Principal & Administrator
The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of West Bengal
( The oldest Homoeopathic college of Asia, established in 1881)