An overview of periodic table in homoeopathy with analysis of the calcium compounds - homeopathy360

An overview of periodic table in homoeopathy with analysis of the calcium compounds


 Abstract – The periodic table represents 118 elements discovered so far of which many elements and their compounds are well proved, some are partially proved, some are only clinically known and others are infrequently or not utilised as medicines. With the advancement of biochemistry the role of these elements on human biology are much better known which will help the analytical physician for better understanding of symptomatology. Calcium is one of the most widely distributed element in nature and has a vital role in living beings. A study of role of calcium in complex human body with a comparison of symptomatology will help the better application of homoeopathy. The article is aimed to bridge the time lapse between the old mineral materia medica and modern-day updates.

Keywords– Periodic table, Homoeopathy, Calcium compounds, Materia Medica.

Abbreviations- HCl – hydrochloric acid, HSS – Hale’s Special symptomatology, MMP – Materia Medica Pura, AE – Allen’s Enclycopaedia, HGS – Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, CD – Hahnemann’s The Chronic Diseases.

Introduction- The reason behind arranging elements in periodic table is to have ease in understanding the properties, comparison and analysis. Since elements shows similarity with few differences belonging to the same group or period in periodic table. This kinship (sharing of chemical properties) between elements of same group seems to be present in medicinal symptoms and actions on human body. Minerals have been used as medicines since antiquity but it was Hahnemann who put the rational use of these minerals in the treatment of chronic disease. He mentioned in his work ‘The Chronic Diseases’ that minerals constitute the most important anti-psoric remedies. Continuing with the same line of thought Dr Hering proved mineral remedies further. This legacy of Hahnemann and Hering was further taken by Otto Lesser (formerly physician-in-chief at Stuttgart Homoeopathic Hospital) and the result was in the form of ‘Textbook of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Inorganic Medicinal Substances’. Although this work needs upgradation both from the point of biochemistry and expansion of number of calcium remedies and its symptomatology. This article excludes the modern way of understanding mineral drugs from periodic table based on hypothetical explanations and thus restricting itself to the scientific domain of biochemistry, proving, clinical symptomatology and its therapeutic application.


The name calcium was derived from Latin word “calx” (lime). Davy was the first to prepare the metal by electrolytic method in 1808. The pure metal was obtained by Moissan in 1898 by reduction of calcium iodide with metabolic sodium1. Present in II A group in Mendeleev’s periodic table. It is silvery white metal, which is malleable and hard. It burns in air forming oxides. It has great affinity towards oxygen.

Calcium is used as a drying agent in preparation of alcohol, for absorbing air from castings. It removes lost traces of air from noble gases and to obtain higher vacuum and for removal of sulphur from petroleum. It is used in the preparation of beryllium, chromium, thorium.

Tissue Normal values
Serum 9 – 11 mg/ 100 ml
Muscle 70 mg / 100 gms
Nerves 15 mg /100 gms
CSF 5 mg / 100 gms

Tab. 1.1 showing normal values of calcium in different human tissues.

Pathophysiology of calcium

Free calcium ions are very important in regulation of neuromuscular irritability and hormonal control. It regulates acetylcholine. Calcium action is parasympathetic more than sympathetic. It stimulates parietal cells of stomach which secrete HCl. Calcium activates number of enzymes including pancreatic lipase, adenosine triphosphatase and myosine kinase.

Action on

Blood – Calcium stimulates activation of clotting factors in the blood. It stimulates lymph gland and thymus gland.

Heart – Calcium increases contractility of cardiac muscle during systolic phase.

Uterus – Calcium increases the activity of gravid uterus whereas it decreases the activity of non-gravid uterus.

Bones – Calcium ion get mobilized from Calcium depots during acidic conditions, which leads to osteoporosis.

Thus, the sphere of actions of calcium is on muscles, tendons ligaments, ducts tubes, bones, blood and blood vessels, nerve cells and its axons, pleura, peritoneum and synovial membrane, connective tissue, endocrine glands, etc3.

Calcium compounds used as remedies

Sl. No. Calcium remedies Formula Proved by Source Materia Medica
  Calcarea acetica Ca(C2H3O2)2 Samuel Hahnemann MMP14, AE15
  Calcarea arsenicosa Ca3(AsO4)2 Constantine Hering HGS16
  Calcarea bromata CaBr2 Not proved HSS17
  Calcarea carbonica Ca CO3 S. Hahnemann CD9, AE15, HGS16
  Calcarea caustica CaH2O2 A.W. Koch AE15
  Calcarea chlorinata CaOCl2 Not proved  
  Calcarea citrica Ca3(C6H5O7)2 Not proved  
  Calcarea fluorica Ca F2 J.B. Bell HGS16
  Calcarea formica Ca(HCO2)2 Not proved  
  Calcarea glycerophosphate C3H7CaO6P Not proved  
  Calcarea glutamica C10H16CaN2O8 Not proved  
  Calcarea gluconica C12H22CaO14 Not proved  
  Calcarea hypophosphorosa Ca2PH2O2 A. R. Barrett  
  Calcarea hydroxidum  Ca(OH)2 Not proved  
  Calcarea hydrosulfide CaH2S2 Not proved  
  Calcarea iodata CaI2 W. James Blakely AE15
  Calcarea lactica Ca6H10O6, 5H2O Not proved  
  Calcarea lactica natronata   Not proved  
  Calcarea lactica phosphorica   Not proved  
  Calcarea muriatica CaCl2 Not proved  
  Calcarea nitrica Ca(NO3)2 Not proved  
  Calcarea ova tosta   Not proved  
  Calcarea oxalica CaC2O4 Not proved  
  Calcarea oxydata CaO Not proved  
  Calcarea phosphorica Ca32PO4 C. Hering AE15, HGS16
  Calcarea picrica 2(C6H2 (NO2)3)OCa Not proved  
  Calcarea renalis   Not proved  
  Calcarea silicata CaSi2O5    
  Calcarea sulph stibata   Not proved  
  Calcarea sulphurica CaSO4 C. Conant AE15, HGS16
  Hepar sulphuris calcareum CaS S. Hahnemann MMP14, AE15, HGS16
  Lapis alba CaF6Si Not proved  
CD – Hahnemann’s Chronic Disease; MMP- Materia Medica Pura; AE – Allen’ Encyclopaedia; HGS – Hering guiding symptoms; HSS – Hale special symptomatology.

Tab. 1.2  Showing calcium compound remedies, formulae, prover and source materia medica

Calcarea carbonica, Hepar sulphuricum and Calcarea phosphorica are well proved and hence are not described below.

Calcarea acetica6, 17

Calcarea cachexia, inflammation of mucous membrane; Membranous exudation. Large flakes of exudation. Dyspnoea> bending shoulder backward. Excruciating pain in open cancer. One sided pain in right eye with headache and lachrymation of right eye. Vertigo < walking in open air. An obstinate case, in which many remedies failed, has been cured by this remedy. Adipositas. Migraine with great coldness in the head and much gastric acidity (Clotar Mueller). Recommended symptomatic by Bahr in chronic catarrh of stomach or intestines in children.

Calcarea arsenicosa6, 9, 15

Complaints of fat women around climacteric; when slightest emotion causes palpitation. Complaints of drunkards after abstaining. In children with enlarged liver and spleen. Physical anxiety. All complaints left sided. Chilly patient. Mucous membrane joining skin (parts) are hot. Desire for soup, cold water. Ailments after abuse of quinine. Aggravation – slight exertion, error in diet, cold air tabes mesenterica and chronic pneumonic phthisis with haemoptysis (H. Nankiwell.) Want of appetite in phthisis pulmon.

Calcarea bromata6,9

Removes inflammatory products from uterus. Fair and fatty children. Fretfulness and sleeplessness. Fearful. Children of lax fibre, nervous and irritable, with gastric and cerebral irritation. Tendency to brain disease. Insomnia and cerebral congestion

Calcarea caustica9

Fuzzy feeling. Tooth feels elongated. Toothache < 2 am. Remedies for all kinds of inflammation. Pain – sticking, tearing, throbbing. Thinking is very difficult. Right sided symptoms. Foreign body in right eye. Tearing pain in articulation of right jaw. Left sided symptoms. Tearing in left tendoachilis. Tearing in left heel

Agg – Washing, Hanging down limbs

Amel – Motion

Calcarea chlorinata12,17,18

Boils and carbuncles. Diphtheria. [Niedhard]. Said to remove the odor of onions and garlic from the breath. [Pulford – Graphic drug pictures]

Calcarea fluorica6,9,10

This tissue salt relaxes the elastic fibres, especially of veins and glands. Glands enlarge and become stony hard. Veins dilated and become varicose, inflamed. It disperses bony frowths, osteo-sarcoma, exostosis, after injury. Deficient enamel of teeth. Removes the tendency to adhesions after operations. Induration of stony hardness, tonsils, tumors neck, after injury, margins of ulcers etc. Fistula. Sluggish temperament. Nails hypertrophied. Nodes in breast.

Aggravation – Beginning of motion, Cold weather, sprains

Amelioration – Continued motion, warm application, heat, rubbing

Calcarea hypophosphorosa9,10,17

In action like Calcarea phosphorica better in many cases where Calcarea carbonicum and Calcarea phosphorica  are indicated, than these.

Diarrhoea of Tabes mesentrica. Habitually cold extremities. Veins prominent like whip cord. Pale, weak person.  Loss of vital fluid. Perspiration profuse. Debility, emaciation. Headache < depression. Recurrent abscess, abscess around knee joint and tibia. Asthma or dyspnoea> open air. Much used Recommended in early stage of phthisis pulmon. Neurasthenia, with profuse night-sweat, pale and emaciated countenance, loss of appetite and virile power. It is preferred as being particularly adapted to the treatment of suppurative inflammation of the middle ear in phthisical subjects.

Amelioration – full of stomach, cup of milk

Calcarea iodatum6,9

Scrofulous affections, especially enlarged glands, tonsils. Breast tumour. Enlarged tonsils filled with crypts. Pneumonia – greenish expectoration. Indolent ulcers accompanying varicose veins. Sensation as if head wasn’t, yet was. Constant evacuation of large quantity of wind downward. Bitter taste > tobacco. Skin – eruption disappearing and reappearing in other parts > much scratching.

Calcarea lactica6,9

Coaguability diminished. Anaemia. Hemophilia. Urticaria. Nervous headache. Headache with oedema of eyelids, lips, hands. A remedy for sprue. Zig zag lines before headache. Vasomotor rhinitis.

Calcarea lactica natronata6,9

Hay fever, asthma, urticaria. Chilblains. Metabolic alkalosis. Haemorrhage from lungs.

Calcarea lactica phosphorica6

Cyclic vomiting and migraine

Calcarea muriatica6,9

Rademacher’s liquor.

Boils, porrigo capitis, eczema of infants. Angioneurotic oedema

Calcarea ova tosta6,9

Leucorrhoea – albuminous like white of egg. Backache – as if broken into two. Warts. Pains of cancer.

Calcarea oxalica9,19

Cancer of left breast with intense agonizing pain. (Guernsey)

Calcarea picrata6,9

Eruption on skin least covered with muscle or nearly of bones, cartilages near to skin, e.g. shin bone, coccyx, auditory canal, etc. Dry, scurfy eruption. Acne in young adolescent. Prostration and fatigue. Prefollicular eruption. Styes. Chronic and recurrent abscess. Removes the extreme prostration of picric acid.

Calcarea renalis6,9

Arthritic nodosities. Rigg’s disease. Accumulation of tartar of teeth. Renal calculi. Stony hardness on extensor tendon of right middle finger.

Calcarea silicata6,9,10

Hydrogenoid constitution. Chilly patient – lack of vital heat. Periodicity. Sensitiveness. Dreams of death, of murderer. Talks with dead people. Desire – Sour things, milk. Aversion – meat, milk. Greenish expectoration. Lack of confidence. Thinks disease is incurable. Nails breaks easily.

Aggravation – Wet weather, evening, cold food, cold drink

Amelioration – Lying on back

Calcarea sulphurica6,9

Affects glands, mucous membrane, bones and skin. Torpid glandular swelling. Cystic tumors. Fibroids. Tendency to suppuration, after pus has found its vent, comes within the range of this remedy. Pus is thick, yellow, lumpy, bloody. Mucus discharges; are yellow, thick and lumpy. Recurrent on running abscess. Ulcers, malignant, corneal, deep. Fistula. Infants with bloody coryza, diarrhoea or eczema. Burns and scalds after suppuration starts in. Malignant growth after ulceration has set in.

Aggravation – Drafts, touch, cold, wet, heat of room

Amelioration – Open air

Calcarea sulph stibata6

Acts as a haemostatic and absorptive in uterine myoma

Lapis Alba6,10

It is silico-fluoride of calcium, a remedy for new growth and glandular affections. Pains are burning, stinging, shooting. Uterine carcinoma, fibroids, tumours, with intense burning pains and profuse haemorrhages. Enlargement of glands especially cervical which are elastic and pliable rather than stony and hard. Sarcoma, Lipoma.


In conventional medicine, role of calcium is primarily as a supplement. But to a homeopath it is one of the indispensable remedies indicated in day-to-day practise. In fact, Calcarea carbonica – the leading medicine amongst calcium compounds, is one of the Hahnemann trios of anti-psoric remedies. With the advancement in technology, biochemistry and pharmacology has undergone several breakthrough which throws light on calcium and its bio mechanics further. Master has already warned of empty speculations and empirical use of drugs several times in his literature and stressed on drug proving with limited scope of clinical additions in materia medica. This article fortifies above doctrine of Hahnemann.


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About the authors

  1. Dr Navin Kumar Singh Lecturer, Department of Repertory, The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical college and Hospital, Kolkata.
  2. Dr Debanjan Chowdhury, PGT, The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical college and Hospital, Kolkata.
  3. Dr Harshit Garg, PGT, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata.
  4. Dr Sheetal Mishra, GDMO, Dr. R.P. District Hospital Mayabunder, North Andaman.

About the Author:

Authors-  Dr Navin Kumar Singh1, Dr Debanjan Chowdhury2, Dr Harshit Garg3, Dr Sheetal Mishra4

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