The book ‘Accuracy of 10 Ws in Homeopathic Case Taking’ seeks intended audience of general practitioners of homeopathy, homeopathic students/ Interns as well as patients or individuals in quest of healing.
- Dedication
- Acknowledgment
- Prologue: This section explains the concept of the book
- Preface: This section includes the journey form health to dis-ease its emotional expressions, doctor and humanities indicating the need for empathy at the clinic
- About the author
- Publishers note
- 9 Chapters
There are nine chapters in this book:
- Introduction: The very first chapter of the book where the author explains how the presenting complain and the location can be ab entry point in the initial stage of the interview. The problems that the patient perceive in different ways are termed as delusions and the ways in which the patient experiences such perception is suggestive of the kingdom; the author have explained this with the help of various examples.
- This chapter is divided as:
- Objective and subjective symptom: in this section the author talks about totality of symptoms, aphorism related to objective and subjective symptom and through illustrative cases explains how an objective observation can be an entry point that leads to further reliable subjective symptoms.
- Objective and subjective symptom: in this section with the help of 5 cases the author explains the importance of objective symptoms.
- This chapter is divided as:
- OPD cases: in this section with the help of acute cases and a case with diagnostic label the author points out that for any given case finding what is most peculiar and characteristic (mental/physical) in the case is important
- Acute exacerbation of chronic case and introduction to 10 Ws case of a nine month old boy: in this section with the help of a case the author have introduced the 3 additional Ws to the Boenninghausen’s existing 7 Ws.
- This chapter is divided into 4 parts where with the help of cases the author highlights the concept of 10 Ws as an extension of the Boenninghausen’s method. The 3 Ws added are, Watch out for, Which kingdom and What intensity.
- This chapter is divided into 2 parts, in the first part the author highlights the concept of 10 Ws and homeopathy in deep pathology and metabolic disorder. In the 2nd part the author highlights the concept of 10 Ws in case of 3.5 years old girl with cystitis and otitis media with transference of state from the mother to daughter.
- This chapter is divided into 3 parts, in the first part the author shares his learnings from the cases viz. use of LM potency, importance of observation and Mother’s history during pregnancy. In the next two parts he highlights the concept of 10 Ws with illustrative cases.
- Drug remedies: As the author was working on a challenging case of a young adult who struggled with addictive and dangerous behavior patterns, in this chapter the author have highlighted the basic components of drugs their homeopathic remedies and derived cases from practice. However this section could have been a separate topic for discussion as it does not blend with the topic of Accuracy of 10 Ws in Homeopathic Case.
- Drug proving: in this section the author have given the drug proving of Benzinum petroleum and with the help of two cases highlights the concept of 10 Ws.
- Role of mentors: To convey the importance of mentoring the author have shared the role that his mentors have played in his life.
Overall the author have successfully highlighted the Accuracy of 10 Ws in Homeopathic Case Taking in a stepwise manner through illustrative cases and by sharing the analysis of each case, making it very easy for the readers to understand the extension of the Boenninghausen’s method.
About Reviewer
Dr Parizad F Damania Principal and Superintendent of Smt Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic Medical College Mumbai. She is Professor of Homeopathic Pharmacy Dept.teaching for last 35 years and has been awarded Certificate of Merit
Award in the field of teaching by Dr D.V. Nikam in 2005. In May 2022 awarded Good governance Excellence Award from R.K.HIV AIDS Research Care an NGO organizing medical camps all over India. Has authored Practical Manual For Homeopathic Pharmacy; published CD Rom Cure 2;
Cure 3; Cure 4; on pharmacological action of Homeopathic drugs and has many articles to her credit. A caring, enthusiastic dedicated teacher leading by example to create an inspirational learning environment.
About Book

Book Title: Accuracy of 10ws in Homeopathic Case Taking
ISBN: 9788131926062
Imprint: B. Jain Regular
Language: English
Pages: 326