A Case of Leucorrhoea - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A Case of Leucorrhoea – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment



Date: -10/11/2018

Name: – ABC

Age: – 30 yrs

Sex: – female

Religion:- Hindu

Occupation:- House wife

Marital status:- Married

Chief complaint :

Location Sensation Modality Concomitant
Vagina Burning. Itching   Aggravations:- in the evening,   suppressed menses .
Head From yesterday Headache Amelioration:- open air Heaviness of the head
Respiratory Coryza since 2 days No
A/F: ice cream  

Patient as a Person: normal built

History of present complaint: No specific except cold coryza

Past history:- Not specific

Family history:- M= Joint pain, F = No major illness

Female history:-

Menarche age:- 14 yrs

Menstrual cycle:- 28days

Gravida (G): 2 number of time a women has been pregnant

LMP (Last menstrual period):- 15th of date last 3 month

Frequency of menses:- irregular

Days of menses:-40days

Menstrual any pain:-

Before menstruation:- abdominal pain and headache

During menstruation:- nausea and vomiting

After menstruation:- milky, slimy(thin) white mucous ,burning white discharge

H/o: Inter menstrual spotting:- not else

Quantity of flow:- profuse

Leucorrhoea:- accompanying trouble of during leucorrhoea and thick like cream and color of milk

Character of the discharge:- Acrid, profuse ,thick, bland.

Cause:- not known

 Time:- non specific

 Aggravations:- in the evening, when lying on the painless side, patient is easily weep or laugh, disposition to catarrh or leucorrhoea. And from having eaten fruit.

 Amelioration:- open air, walking gently about.

Concomitant symptoms:- Mania from suppressed menses . Heaviness of the head and headache. Confusion in the head. Vertigo in the morning must lie down again. Vertigo especially when sitting and also when rising from seat. Burning itching all over body on becoming warm in bed at night.

Physical general:-                   

1. Appearance: chilliness and yawning

2. Taste: bad in the morning  

3. Diet: mixed

4. Appetite: reduced  

5. Thirst: thirsty         

6. Desire: sweet

7. Aversion: meat ,ice- cream, warm.

8. Craving : fruit                    

9. Intolerance: heat at night in bed

10. Tongue: white      

11. Sleep: sleeplessness          

12. Dreams: of men, frightful

13. Habit: Tea.           

14. Vaccination: all done       

Natural elimination-               

1. Perspiration: profuse at night

2. Urine: normal

3. Stool: normal                     

Thermals:- Hot

General examination-

1. Height: 4.7’’inch

 2. Weight: 50kg              

3. Pallor: no

4. Icterus: no

5. Cyanosis : no

6. Oedema: no       

7. Nails  : nomal               

8. Gait   : mild      

9. Temperature: 96⁰f

10. Pulse: 78/min

11. Respiratory rate: 22/min

Systemic examination:-


Local examination:- leucorrhoea ,white discharge 1 grade.

Provisional diagnosis:- Vaginal inflammation

Miasmatic analysis:- psora/psoric miasm

Final diagnosis:- Vaginitis

Case processivng :-

Criteria State
Suppressions Menses
Miasm Psora
Diagnosis of diseases The case is leucorrhoea. After a causative factor. This can cause the inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the vagina. This produces complain of discharge. The female does have itching and burning. The conclusion is that of Vaginitis type.

Analysis & Evaluation of symptom:-

symptoms classification of symptoms
Irritable during pain Common mental symptoms
Weeping during complaints Common mental symptoms
Appetite –decrease Common Physical General
Acrid, profuse ,thick, Characteristic Physical Particular
suppressed menses Common  Diagnostic Objective
Accompanying Trouble of during leucorrhoea Characteristic Physical Particular modality
leucorrhoea is thick like cream and color of milk Complete symptoms
Itching Common Diagnostic symptoms

Totality of symptoms:-

henry minton’s approach by henry minton’s Repertory
pathological names Vaginitis
Characteristic  of leucorrhoea Acrid, profuse.
Color leucorrhoea is thick like cream color of milk
After menstruation milky, slimy(thin) white mucous  
Type burning white discharge
during leucorrhoea Accompanying Trouble of
General accompaniment   burning white discharge  

Reportorial Totality :-

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:In general:

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Acrid:

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Milky

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Thick

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Bland

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Accompanying trobles of leucorrhoea

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Burning

[ Therap][Leucorrhoea]Leucorrhoea:Slimy.

Reportorial approach:- Minton’s Repertory.

Minton’s Repertory result :- Puls, Sep, Calc, Con, Kreos, Bor, Nat.mur.

Prescription:- :- Pulsatilla 200 potency 4 pill orally .

Follow up:-

Date   Observational symptom                             Prescription/Treatment
1 10/11/2018 7 days General condition better,frequency of flow decreased discharge Consistency of milky thick mucous low,but some burning and itching still remains. Puls 200 TDS is give1day SL BD
2 25/11/2018 15 days All complaints are come now reduced and only itching and burning is on and off type. Puls 200 TDS is give1day SL BD
3 13/12/2018 15 days Patient got relief in appetite thirst improved. No any other complaints.   SL BD
4 29/12/2018 15 days Better no complaints SL BD for 7 days Then stop medicine

ON CLUSION: In repertorisation remedies such as Puls, Sep, Calc, Con, Kreos, Bor, Nat.mur.but Pulsatilla up in repertorisation and matching to physical generals and other symptoms pulsatilla was most appropriate remedy found.

Score before and after treatment in :-

Sr.no. Parameters Before treatment After treatment
1 Discharge of flow 3 1
2 Pain 2 0
3 Itching 3 0
4 Burning 2 0
5 Total 11 1

Conclusion: Before treatment  score was 11 and After treatment  score was 1 (99%) hence good improved.

Result: Good improved.

About the author

Dr Rajesh S Wadode

Dr. Rajesh S Wadode MD [HOM]

Plot.no.73, Radhaswami colony, Jatwada road,Harsul,Aurangabad.
Maharashtra – 431008.
As a consultant Gastroenterologists in homoeopathy.
(First concept of homoeopathic specialty in at marathwada region.)