Apis Mellifica - homeopathy360

Apis Mellifica

Apis mellifica
helps in the cure of inflammations and infections of serous membrane, dropsy, inflammations of mucous membrane and intermittent fevers.
Apis mellifica also known as Apis mellifera, is a western or European honey bee is the most common honey bee in the world among 7-12 species. The genus name Apis is Latin for “bee”, and mellifica is the Latin for “honey-bearing”, referring to the species production of honey. Apitoxin, or honey bee venom, is a cytotoxic and hemotoxic bitter colourless liquid containing proteins, which may produce local inflammation. It may have similarities to sea nettle toxin. Preparation, Tincture of the working bees (made by putting them alive into alcohol), or of the poison sac. The homoeopathic medicine prepared is very powerful when selected on the cardinal principles of homoeopathy, which may be used in intermittent fever, urinary tract infections, inflammations or dropsy. This work is to show the redline symptoms (Symptoms in italics) of Apis mellifica by various stalwarts in the field of homoeopathy. This is a small try in combing the redline symptoms from materia medica books of WILLIAM BOERICKE, E.B. NASH &, C. HERING.

⦁ Swelling or puffing of various parts of the body (oedema), Stinging pains and soreness.
⦁ Intolerance of heat and slightest touch.
Agg: Afternoon.
⦁ Constricted sensation
⦁ Right-sided affections.
⦁ Extreme sensitiveness to touch.
⦁ Thirstlessness in anasarca and ascites.
⦁ Sopor, interrupted by piercing shrieks. Tubercular meningitis.
⦁ Absent-mindedness.
⦁ Manias, especially proceeding from a sexual cause in women.
⦁ Shrill, sudden piercing screams. Hydrocephalus, pneumonia, and many other complaints.
⦁ Congestion to head and face; fullness in head, pressure.
⦁ Hydrocephalus of children; meningitis infantum.
⦁ Bores head into pillow.
⦁ Asthenopic troubles, especially affections from using eyes at night, causing redness of the eyes, with lachrymation and stinging pains.
⦁ Ophthalmia, rheumatic, arthritic, catarrhal, strumous, erysipelatous, or oedematous, no matter what part of the eye may be the seat of the disease.
⦁ Inflammations, with severe shooting pains, heat of the head, red face, cold feet, etc.
⦁ First stage of catarrhal ophthalmia, especially in scrofulous children.
⦁ It is especially applicable to inflammations, with burning biting pains; inflammations following eruptive diseases.

About the author

Dr Tom Alexander