In honor of World Homeopathy Awareness Week
three streams/three time zones/three continents
Followed by real-time Q&A
Now is your chance to watch JUST ONE DROP from the comfort of your own home!
Make some popcorn and gather your friends, significant others, family — all those who you can’t yet drag into a theatre.
All streams followed by Q&A’s with different panel members. Pick any one that fits your schedule. Join the conversation!
PLEASE READ THIS! We want to make these streams accessible to everyone which is why we set up the options: “Pay as you wish, or watch for free.” However, all donations – of any amount – are greatly appreciated and go toward covering the cost of this stream event and supporting the distribution of the film!
Monday, April 9th
7pm UK (BST)
2pm EDT
Moderator: Laurel Chiten (filmmaker)
Panelists: Rachel Roberts (CEO Homeopathy Research Institute)
Dr. Peter Fisher (MD/Homeopath to the Royal Family)
Dr. Alex Tournier (Exec. Director Homeopathy Research Institute)
North America
Tuesday, April 10th
8pm EDT
5pm PDT
Moderator: Laurel Chiten (filmmaker)
Panelists: Rachel Roberts (CEO Homeopathy Research Institute)
Dr. Bernardo Merizalde (MD/Homeopath)
Mark Land (President of the American Assoc. of Homeopathic Pharmacists)
Dr. Alex Tournier (Exec. Director Homeopathy Research Institute)
Thursday, April 12th
7pm -Sydney, Australia (AEST)
5am- EDT
2am- PDT
Moderator: Laurel Chiten (filmmaker)
Panelists: Rachel Roberts (CEO Homeopathy Research Institute)
Gerry Dendrinos (President of the Australian Homeopathic Association)
Dr. Teresa Nicoletti (Medical Lawyer)
Dr. Alex Tournier (Exec. Director Homeopathy Research Institute)