The 3 Best Ways To Treat Your PTSD Symptoms At Home

The 3 Best Ways To Treat Your PTSD Symptoms At Home

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a condition that can happen after someone experiences a very stressful or frightening event. It can severely affect the quality of your life. While there is no substitute for professional help when you have PTSD, you can make sure that your treatments are successful by treating yourself at home in addition.

During treatments you can still expect to have some of the side effects of PTSD that can be reduced by home treatments. You could be dealing with flashbacks, anxiety, or nightmares that need to be dealt with while you search for professional options. In this article, we will go over several home remedies to treat your PTSD.

1 – Medical marijuana

Medical marijuana has become legal in many states. This makes it an ideal candidate as a home therapy option to treat the symptoms of your PTSD. Doctors can prescribe certain strains of marijuana to be picked up in dispensaries such as NYC BUD Queens, NY.

There are a number of ways it can help people dealing with PTSD. Probably the most important feature is how it can reduce feelings of anxiety. Since that is a predominant symptom of PTSD, it can help most patients. This also helps improve sleep which also helps reduce anxiety.

Marijuana can also affect how the brain deals with memories. If you are suffering from flashbacks then marijuana can help keep them at bay and allow you to live your life normally.

2 – Meditation and mindfulness

Mindfulness practices are a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common in people with PTSD. Mindfulness is a way to live in the present moment without judgment.

Simple mindfulness exercises include meditation sessions that focus on your breathing. Deep breathing is one of the simplest yet most effective methods. It involves slowing down your breathing and focusing on taking deep, full breaths.

Another useful technique is progressive muscle relaxation. In this practice, you tense and then relax each muscle group in your body. Starting with your toes, you work your way up to your head. This eases muscle tension which can help relax the brain as well.

Meditation can also help you maintain your attention. If you have trouble focusing, then meditation can give you better concentration.

3 – Exercise

Regular exercise is a powerful tool for improving mental health and managing PTSD symptoms. The endorphins and serotonin that pumps through your body when you workout or play sports can have a medial affect on your symptoms. These chemicals in the brain act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

Look for exercises that not only get you moving, but are relaxing and meditative so you can put yourself in a different mental place. Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling can give you this effect.

Yoga is another great option, combining exercise with mindfulness and breathing exercises. The stretches will increase your blood flow and bring you a rush of endorphins.

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