Mammogram: What Is It and What Does It Do? - homeopathy360

Mammogram: What Is It and What Does It Do?

A mammogram is an essential breast cancer diagnostic and screening tool. It includes using low-dose X-rays, which can show abnormal areas (such as benign and noncancerous) and tissue in the breast and can assist in detecting before you have any symptoms. 

Different signs indicate the need to get a mammogram, and they include:

  • Inversion.
  • Discharge.
  • Dislocation.

At times, there are symptoms of swelling on your breast, accompanied by a warm and inflamed feeling. Thus, before it is too late and you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, do not delay getting a mammogram screening. 

In this article, we will specify what a mammogram is and other significant information aligned with it.

What Is A Mammogram?

A mammogram is an X-ray picture of your breast tissues. Healthcare professionals suggest and conduct a mammogram screening when they see a sign of breast cancer early. 

Healthcare providers use mammograms to look for any kind of abnormalities if you develop any signs, such as a lump, nipple discharge, pain, or changes in the breast skin. This is known to be a diagnostic mammogram. 

It is recommended that most women start getting an annual mammogram at age 40. Therefore, diagnosing is important in an early stage, which will lead to a better outcome. 

What Is Mammogram Used For?

A mammogram might be ordered as a screening test to look for any evidence of breast cancer in individuals who may or might not have any symptoms.

Thus, a mammogram is also conducted as a diagnostic test for those who have the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, such as:

  • Dimpling of breast skin.
  • A change in shape and size of the breast.
  • A sense of heaviness in the breast.
  • Nipple discharge.
  • Nipple retraction (pulling in of a nipple).
  • Breast pain.
  • Itchy feeling.
  • Scaling, redness, a rash, and irritation of the breast.
  • Thickening and swelling of a breast or just a part of the breast. 

How Is A Mammogram Done?

A mammogram uses an X-ray machine designed to detect the breast tissue. The machine takes X-rays at a lower dose than X-rays used to screen the bones. 

During a mammogram, you place the beast on a supported plate attached to the x-ray machine. Then, the plate will firmly press and flatten the breast from above, holding it still while the x-ray is being taken. 

These steps are repeated to examine a side view of the breast. The other breast will be X-rayed to make sure the pictures do not need to be redone. Hence, remember that the technologist will not be able to recondition. 

However, if you suspect any symptoms of breast cancer, then you can also book a consultation or get examined by Thomson breast specialist.

How Accurate Is A Mammogram?

A mammogram is 85% to 90% accurate. Recent technological changes have improved the ability to detect breast abnormalities before one suffers. 

Thus, a mammogram is an excellent tool for finding breast cancer, particularly in women between the ages of 40 and above. It is usually considered a strong tool because ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves on the breast and converts them into images. 

Therefore, sometimes you might not feel a lump, but it can be examined on a mammogram. If you find any abnormalities, then go for an examination, and the test reports need to be examined by a healthcare professional. 

Results And Follow-Up

You are likely to get the mammogram result within a few days, although it might vary at times. Usually, a radiologist looks at a mammogram and then sends the results to the healthcare provider and to you. 

You can contact the provider where you received your mammogram if you have yet to receive the results within a month. 

While some breast cancer risks cannot be controlled, like your age or you might have a history of breast cancer. Here are some of the things you can do to reduce your risk:

  • Make exercising a part of your routine.
  • Avoid tobacco.
  • Maintain a healthy weight, especially when you get older.
  • Limit the alcohol consumption. 
  • Consume fresh vegetables, fruits, and olive oil. 

You must discuss with doctors about breast cancer screenings. 

Through breast screening, it is not completely possible to prevent cancer, but you can find help and alternative methods of treatment.

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