Homoeopathic Management of Atopic Dermatitis - A Case Report

Homoeopathic Management of Atopic Dermatitis – A Case Report


Atopic dermatitis is a common, often persistent skin disease that affects a large percentage of world’s population. It can occur at any age, most often affects infants and young children. Occasionally it may persist into adulthood or may rarely appear at any time. A 25 years old male was report with the complaint of atopic dermatitis. Based on the totality of symptoms Sulphur 200C was prescribed, which was found to be simillimum after repertorisation. Within days, gradual improvement was observed and her complaint and were completely relieved within days. This provides evidence about effectiveness of homoeopathic medicine.

KEYWORDS: homoeopathy, atopic dermatitis, Sulphur, case report
ABBREVIATIONS: immunoglobulin E (IgE), atopic dermatitis (AD)


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, pruritic inflammatory skin condition that typically affects the face (cheeks), neck, arms, and legs but usually spares the groin and axillary region. And usually starts in early infancy, but also affects a substantial number of adults1,2,3,4. Atopic dermatitis is commonly associated with elevated levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE)1,3. That it is the first disease to present in a series of allergic diseases including food allergy, asthma, and allergicrhinitis, in order—has given rise to the “atopic march” theory, which suggests that Atopic dermatitis is part of a progression that may lead to subsequent allergic disease at other epithelial barrier surfaces1,2. Multiple factors can trigger or worsen
atopic dermatitis including low humidity, seasonal allergies, cold weather. It is very common in worldwide and increasing prevalence. It affects males and females equally and account for 10-20%. The most common symptoms are dry, itchy red skin. Itch is the hallmark of disease. Scratching and itching worsen the skin inflammation. Itching is particular problem during sleep1,3.

A male aged 25 years reported with complaint of itching in the back of neck, burning, blackish eruption since 5days.The complaint get worse at night and after bathing.
His complaint started since 5 days. Itching get worse at night and after bathing, Due to his complaint, sleep is disturbed.
History of atopic dermatitis in childhood treated with allopathy
Father –Osteoarthritis of knee

Desire for sweet
Sleep-disturbed due to itching
Sweat –during slight exertion


Blood pressure-110/70mm Hg, pulse-70/minutes, temperature-98.6°F

No other mode of treatment was adopted. A single suitable remedy was prescribed based on the totality of symptoms and repertorisation.


Repertorisation was done using RADAR 10.0(kent repertory)7, considering symptoms itching in back of neck, eruption, burning aggravated night. After repertorisation, Sulphur covered 5 rubric; itching in back of neck, burning in night, desire sweet, sweat on least exertion with the score 11, followed by Sepia officinalis, Silicea terra, Staphysagria, Rhus toxicodendron, Graphites, etc.

 First prescription: 14.08.2020 at 9.30am Sulphur 200C in pills was given followed by 7 days placebo

Date Change in symptomatology   Prescription
21.08.2020 Itching reduced Redness reduced Burning relieved Placebo


      Selection of Sulphur was based on reportorial analysis and materia medica reference, considering the symptoms which include, itching, burning, worse washing, night. Burning is the one of the most important symptoms of Sulphur. Considering the generals, complete loss of appetite, great desire for sweet. The patient is dirty, filthy prone to skin affection5,6.

Sepia itching not relieved by scratching, worse in bend of elbow and knee. Ringworm like eruption every spring. Sweat from least motion. Feeling of goneness not relieved by eating. Also, the patient as a person does not resemble Silicea terra because the skin was not delicate, pale, waxy, eruption itch only during daytime and evening. Sweat at night, worse towards morning. Also, the patient as a person does not resemble

Staphysagria eczema of head, ear, face and body5,6. Thick scab, dry, itch violently, scratching changes location of itching.

Rhus toxicodendron, skin is red, swollen itching intense, burning eczematous eruption with tendency to scaly formation5,6.


      The article which tries to unearth the evidence of homoeopathy in treating the disease of Skin. In this case, homoeopathic medicine were selected on the basis of individualisation and medicine was successful in treating atopic dermatitis that causes relief of symptoms of patient. A single suitable, Homoeopathic remedy was prescribed based on totality of symptom and repertorisation. Sulphur 200C was prescribed and, his complaint got better within a day. Homoeopathic medicine is beneficial in treating skin disease.


      I express my sincere gratitude to management and principal of Maria Homeopathic Medical college and Hospital, Thiruvattar, India for providing necessary facilities to carry out this work


  1. Medicinenet.com. 2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.medicinenet.com/atopic_dermatitis/article.htm>
  2. Golwalla, A. and Golwalla, S., 2017. 25th ed. jaypee brothers.
  3. Emedicine.medscape.com. 2021. Atopic Dermatitis: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology. [online] Available at: <http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1049085-overview>.
  4. Harrison. and Jameson, L., 2018. Harrison Principle of internal medicine. 20th ed. México D.F.: McGraw-Hill.
  5. Boericke, W. and Boericke, O., 2004. Pocket manual of homœpathicmateriamedica. New Delhi: Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers.
  6. Allen, H., 1999. Keynotes rearranged and classified with leading remedies of the materiamedica& bowel nosodes. 10th ed. B. Jain.
  7. RADAR Version 10.0


Figure 1: Repertorisation sheet



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