Benefits and side effects of papaya fruit, seeds, for skin

Benefits and Side Effects of Papaya Fruit, Seeds, For Skin

Papaya plant is now cultivated in most tropical countries .Papayas are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients , minerals and fiber. in addition papaya contains papain an enzyme that helps digest proteins . this enzyme which is used to treat sports injuries is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe . papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme , dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums


Papayas are also a very good source of fiber . which has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels . the folic acid found in papayas is needed for the conversion of a substance called homocysteine can directly damage blood vessel walls and is considered a significant risk factor for a heart attack or stroke


Papayas may be helpful for the prevention of atheroclerosis and diabetic heart disease . papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C , as well as a very good source of vitamin E and betacarotene . it is very powerful antioxidant . these nutrients help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol , only when cholesterol becomes oxidized is it able to stick to and build up in blood vessel walls , forming dangerous plaques that can eventually cause heart attacks or strokes .


Papayas fiber is able to bind to cancer causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells .in addition papayas folate  vitamin C , betacarotene and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer . these nutrients provide synergistic protection for colon cells from free radical damage to their DNA . Increasing your intake of these nutrients by enjoying papaya is an especially good idea for individuals at risk of colon cancer


The enzymes contained in papaya have been shown to help lower inflammation and to improve healing from burns , in addition the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya are also very good at reducing inflammation . This may explain why people with diseases that are worsened by inflammation , such as asthma , osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis find that the severity of their condition is reduced when they get more of these nutrients . A  July  2004 study indicates that vitamin C rich foods such as papaya provide humans with protection against inflammatory polyarthritis a form of rheumatoid arthritis involving a form of rheumatoid arthritis involving two or more joints , the findings presented in the Annal’s of the rheumatic diseases were srawn from a study of more than 20,000 subjects who kept diet diaries and were arthritis free when the study began , subjects who consumed the highest amounts .


The fiber found in papayas may also help with the symptoms of those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome

In addition vitamin C and vitamin A which is made in the body from the beta carotene in papaya are both needed for the proper function of a healthy immune system , papaya may there fore be a healthy fruit choice for preventing such illnesses as recurrent ear infections , colds and flu.

Papay in Bengali, popai in Marathi , papaya kappalan in Malayalam and bappagai in Telugu . The humble papaya by any other name is just as sweet and miraculously valuable for our health too . priyapathiyan reveals the treasures contained in this ten rupees wonder . the papaya is the fruit of the carica papaya tree .

Originally from southern Mexico and neighboring countries . Christopher Columbus reportedly called it the   “fruit of the angels “and not with out reason ! papayas are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients , minerals and fibers ,in addition papaya contains papain an enzyme that helps digest proteins , this enzyme which is used to treat sports injuries , other causes of trauma and allergies is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe , papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements .

                                         Nutritive value for 100gms

                                        Ripe papaya                         green papaya

Energy (kcal)                      32                                            27

Calcium (mg)                      17                                            28

Iron (mg)                             0.5                                           0.9

Carotene (mg)                    666                                           0

VitaminC                           57                                              12

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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