A Literary Research Article To Asses Miasmatic Background Before Prescribing

A Literary Research Article To Asses Miasmatic Background Before Prescribing



Dr Skandhan. S. Kumar, BHMS MD Organon of Medicine,
Assistant professor department of organon of medicine and philosophy, Father
Muller Homoeopathic Medical College.

Dr Shreya N Padiyar, BHMS MD Organon of Medicine,
Assistant professor department of organon of medicine and philosophy, Yenepoya
Homoeopathic Medical College


BACKGROUND:  The main aim of this article is to know the Important components to identify miasm and to assess miasm based on important 6 key points before Homoeopathic Prescription so that cure takes place with Homoeopathicity.

KEYWORDS: Homoeopathy, Miasm, Key points, Homoeopathicity,
Homoeopathic Prescription.



Our master felt that, there is something missing in the management of the patients, they are unable to get the exact cure which Homoeopathy can offer, what they are supposed to get that is the divine providence of each and every individual, so he was very much unsatisfied with the system which he himself had created. He was trying to find the reason for failures or unsatisfactory results during his practice, this unquenchable thirst to trace the reason for failure for 12 long years. He started questioning himself, and trying to find out the actual block in, it took many years for him to find out the cause.  which ultimately, he discovered that Miasm is the cause for it. He said miasm is that polluting agent which is the cause for everything. So, the human being has a personality of his own which is more than the arithmetical sum total of the constituent parts of the body i.e. the mental wholes or vital wholes are logically prior to the parts which has a background of miasm in it.

Sir John Weir remarks in his book “Science and Art of Homoeopathy” “by miasm Hahnemann means germ-disease. He called these patterns miasms and declared that unless the underlying miasms was extinguished, a chronic disease could not be permanently cured with Homoeopathy, even with well-chosen remedy. He would most often open with Sulphur since skin eruptions were usually suppressed with Sulphur baths and ointments in his days. He also realized that to eradicate the Psoric root he would need a progression of antipsoric. The result of this new method (treating the root) was that his unsolved cases were resolved and the patients were cured permanently. Many of the greatest homoeopaths of the past, starting with Herring, Stapff, Gross, Kent and Roberts, found the miasmatic theory valuable for their practice.

 “Theory of CHRONIC disease was introduced in 4th edition of organon 1829.States in footnote to aphorism 80 “I Have spent around 12 year 1816-1828. He first revealed his discovery regarding Miasm to his student’s Dr Gross and Dr Stapff. Finally concluded that cause of all chronic disease is Miasma and above all the miasms he discovered such as Psora Sycosis Syphilitic miasms the multi headed monster Psora is the mother of all Miasms According to Hahnemann when man falls sick, he becomes as a whole, and we have to study his symptoms as a whole along with the miasmatic background and remove his disease as a whole.


  • Law of similia may not be the ultimate universal
  • Application of law applied in a faulty way
  • Totality of symptoms not erected in a systematic
  • A smaller number of Homoeopathic medicine &
  • Obstacle to cure which basically prevents long
    lasting cure.
  • Concept of miasm not known properly or unable to
    derive the exact miasmatic background.


  • Tissue affected
  • Nature of pathology
  • Mental generals
  • Physical generals
  • Disease expression at sector level
  • Time



Target tissue which is affected always has vital role in
assessment of the miasm. Each miasm has its own individuality as well as
affinity for a particular type of tissue for example.

  • Psoric miasm: Psora known to affect mucus
    membrane of the body and mainly skin,
  • Sycotic miasm: Sycotic miasm has its affinity
    for muscles, tendons, ligaments,
  • Tubercular miasm: Tubercular miasm towards lung,
    upper respiratory tract, ear,
  • Syphilitic miasm: Syphilis miasm affects bones
    & blood vessels.


When it comes to basic classification miasm there are two types fundamental & dominant miasm and the fundamental miasm is derived by analyzing the family history whereas the Pathological changes reveals the dominant miasm. For example, in a same tissue different type of pathology represents different miasmatic state. If there is an affection of the particular tissue at different levels such as only if there is Inflammation of the tissue then it is Psora, if there is Hypertrophy of the tissue then it is Sycotic and if complete destruction the end stage of disease then it is Syphilitic.

Lets take an example of a disease condition such as Osteoarthritis, there are many stages in Osteoarthritis at the primary stage there will be inflammation of the tissues thus there will be intense pain with redness and increase in temperature which belongs to Psora, if not treated at this level the disease will progress to next level that is hypertrophy of the tissues affected with stiffness which suggests of sycotic miasm, if still not treated then the ultimate of the disease is nothing but complete destruction with difficulty in movements as well as deformities which takes the condition towards incurable phase which suggest of syphilitic miasm. As per Stuart Close, the totality of symptoms can be considered as the basis of a homoeopathic prescription, represents the therapeutic idea. This is applicable in pathology also which indicates the miasm involved.


Sycotic Phase: Slow and gradual onset of conditions,

Worse-rest, first movement, damp weather, bending, natural elimination, Better-
slow movement, dry weather, return of suppressed normal discharges, Sore, lame
feeling, pulsating sensation, Pain and stiffness, Joint swelling with synovial

Syphilitic Phase: Bone pains, joint pains-shooting, lancinating, Better- motion, cold
application, pathological elimination, Worse- night, change of weather, rest,
extremes of cold and heat, natural elimination.


Mental generals are the core of case taking but only when it
is sincerely elicited. Mind is the mirror of the body, if it’s at ease then the
purpose of existence will be served, as well as the individual as a whole will
be at peace, but when there is any turbulence in it the whole economy of the
body will be at stake which results in disease. Each miasm has its own
expression which defines itself as well the character of the person, nothing
but it defines the person. For example, Intense anxiety with total dependency
is one clue for Psora. Extreme Suspiciousness with jealously tell about
Sycotic. Devastating thoughts with rude behaviour and Violent Anger is
indicating Syphilitic miasm.


Physical generals also help in deriving the miasms and plays vital role in prescription, Craving Aversion helps in miasmatic diagnosis. Craves sweets, hot foods, fried seasoned foods, aversion to cold foods belongs to Psora. Aversion to meat, likes cold food and drinks, desire indigestible is Syphilis, Alcoholism extreme craving belongs to Syphilis.


When we are unable to derive the whole constitution of the individual with lack of genuine mentals, it becomes very difficult to go ahead with the case. The best way to proceed is to trace the complete symptom and go ahead with the sector approach.

  • Location
  • Sensation
  • Modalities
  • concomitant

Common symptom of the disease being suffered if unable to
elicit the mental generals, gives excellent idea of present miasmatic state of
an individual for example, Profuse perspiration on neck and head after sleep is Psora, Headaches with mania, vertigo on closing the eyes. No hope, thinks will die is towards Sycosis and Headache and all symptoms, worse at night. Religious mania, suicidal indicates Syphilis.


This is another interesting and important dimension in the assessment of miasmatic expression. It’s about onset of the disease as well as the phase or development of the disease for example, Sycosis has insidious onset and periodic complaints. Syphilitic state has aggressive nature of disease & most of the aggravations are worse at night. In incurable cases, or seemingly incurable cases, we must not put a limitation on the possibilities of the similar remedy, for in many seemingly incurable conditions the similimum will so completely meet the situation as to obliterate the symptomatology of disease and the pathology.


Each miasm always creates weakness to a particular group of diseases. If not removed with a suitable anti- miasmatic remedy, it will be persisting throughout the patient’s lifetime and can be transmitted to generations.

Kent called it a predisposition, a state, a dyscrasia or diathesis. This theory
explains why some people develop chronic illnesses from apparently minor
ailments. In our century we have seen the miasmatic states grow more and more aggressive, partly because the miasmatic states of the parents are combined and tends to concentrate in their children. A more powerful influence comes from all the triggers of miasmatic states in our modern times physical triggers like cortisone, antibiotics, vaccinations, and birth control pills as well as mental / emotional triggers like divorce and child abuse etc., So it becomes very important for us to asses the miasm properly before prescribing the similimum and deal the case tactfully. So, at the end I would like to say that Homoeopathy requires that therapeutic doses which must be capable only of producing a slight temporary aggravation, never of producing new symptoms. By this means the patient’s strength and vitality are always conserved and his or her sufferings are quickly reduced and a true cure brought into exitance only when the totality of symptoms has a miasms also as a part of it.


  1. Sarkar B.K. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine. 6th
    edn. Kolkata: M. Bhattacharya & Co. Private Ltd; 1980. 89-90, 298 p.
  2. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th edn. New
    Delhi, India: B.jain Publishers; reprint 2008. 56 p.
  3. Close S. The Genius of Homoeopathy. New Delhi, India:
    Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers; reprint 2010. 2, 76-86, 153-4,
    183-91 p.
  4. https://satyendrarw.wordpress.com/category/detailed-repertory/detailed-repertory-of-miasmatic-symptoms/ assesd on 12-11-2020
  5. Roberts H.A. The Principles and Art of Cure by
    Homoeopathy. New Delhi, India: Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers;
    reprint 2010 May. 162-8 p.
  6. Dhawale M.L. ICR Symposium Volume of Hahnemann
    Totality. 2nd edn. Mumbai, India: Institute of Clinical Research; 2000. Part II
    Area C; p C31.
  7. Dhawale M.L.Principles and Practice of
    Homoeopathy. 3rd edn. Mumbai, India: Institute of Clinical Research; 2000. 9-11,
    15-29, 271-87 p.

About the author

Dr Skandhan S Kumar