• Candidates must apply online through the website https://dsssbonline.nic.in . The closing date for submission of online application is up to 20/12/2023 (till 11:59 PM) after which the link will be disabled. The applicants are advised to visit DSSSB’s website https://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/current-vacancies/Delhi-subordinate-services-selection-board to check the detailed advertisement and confirm their eligibility for the above vacancies based on the Recruitment Rules of the indenting departments Applications received through any other mode shall stand rejected automatically.
  • Before submitting online applications, candidate must ensure that he/she is registered on DSSSB’s portal i.e.https://dsssbonline.nic.in. The instructions for Registration are available on the Board’s website.Registration with DSSSB is a onetime exercise. The user ID and password generated after registrationshould be used to login whenever a candidate is applying for examinations of the posts notified by DSSSB.No separate registration is required for each of examination conducted by DSSSB. If, an applicant submitsmultiple registrations and appears in the examination (at any stage) more than once, his/her candidature willbe cancelled and he/she will be debarred from the examinations of the Board.

Eligible candidates can download the DSSSB notification through the official site of DSSSB at dsssb.delhi.gov.in.